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This is absolutely savage. just walking in and ruining peoples day.
Sure it is.

So, Jeo is a victim, Remi is a savior and Dizzy is actually sick because of Khalei overdose. I liked those explanations. It reminds me of Mass Effect, where the Element Zero affects on many people’s health in a negative way and still it’s the only source of biotics powers.
There are as least two problems I found in the game. First, the saving system doesn’t work properly (sometimes it doesn’t save a game process and the 2 last slots don’t work at all). And the second, the skip button skips even unread text.
As for sex, I think that it definitely won’t make the game somehow worse. Though, I’m not sure, who, except Luma and Remi, would like to do it with the main character. Moreover, there’s a rule that forbids any sexual intercourse within the Academy territory. Maybe a rule-breaking then? Or watching for someone who breake this rule?
And probably, that’s all. I really liked the game. It was certainly good, especially for the first finished VN. Looking forward to playing the next one you’ll create.
Thanks for the feedback.
idk about saving. probably bug with the tool.
the second issue is a setting I can change.
at the end you can leave the academy. decided to work on a titfuck for Luma.
No plans for Lynn or Riley?
Not at the moment.
Congratulations on your new game release!
I like the quick but insightful story, filling some gaps about stuff on past games. It feels like ARIA 2.5-UMCH 0.5.
The branching paths are really nice and as always I like how each girl interacts with the MC.
Keep up the good work!
Many thanks!
What software was used for this?
Btw I want to point out in case people miss it.
There there is a way to get Lynn with getting kicked out.
I was able to pass and be part of the team, it was tricky, but do to me knowing Luma, Riley and Lynn personality I was able to pass on my second try of the demo.
Like this, it’s like YOU are in this universe in the academy. You might want to carefully look at the front and back layout of your characters. Some have where Remi is bigger than Cain and is suppose to be in front of gain but is behind Cain. Yai suppose to be behind Cain but is upfront Cain looking way bigger than her. Maybe is a good idea to look at those layout of the front and back carefully before adding anything more to the VN. I think this VN we might finally hear Lynn saying Cain nickname Ms. ??? I forgot the nickname. LOL
By the way there is also Renpy, a VN that is advance enough to run on Android, Linux, Mac, Windows and iOS. Renpy runs on Python scripting language. So you can add in shit and do some advance script. If Python script is your thing.
Thanks for the feedback glad you liked it. yeah it can use some tweaks here and there. I am familiar with renpy but decided to use this instead.
Be careful how you write the story, you don’t want to contradict UMCC and UMCH. I’ll explain in private with you not to spoil for readers.
not seeing where anything conflicts. yeah can message me about it
I played and I liked, VN is a good choice of game to introduce the history or explain various thing like this one. But is not finished right?
And one more question, every suite have a color of light, this mean something ? like red for nurse or fast ppl(like phia), green for scientist or defense (TT)….
If you play the Sentinel Battle in the UMCC, you’ll get an idea what each color can do as a effect.
Might add more to the story later. the colors of the suits don’t mean anything. Lynn is pink. and If you remember from Arielle story her suit is brown. is just preference.
can you make one with Yui out of everyone i like her the most just saying 😀
not sure what you mean by make one. make what ? a game? a hentai scene perhaps?
Yeah adding a few scenes would be great, especially for Remi and Yui.
P.S. Great job, love the game~!
Thanks~ art for Luma is done, working on stuff for Remi atm.
Sounds great 🙂
Are you planning to make some sort of CG gallery?
This game as VN has a lot of potential!
CG gallery implies to have big amounts of artwork in it and I don’t think Vortex’d like to stay on this game for too long. There will probably be two or three scenes and this is just too few to consider making a CG gallery, as for me.
didn’t plan to but can probably make a gallery yeah
ya a game with hentai of course XD
Tbh, I tried everything i thought of to see Lynn’s interaction with the player but so far I only got Remi, Luma & Riley :/ Is there actually a way to have Lynn doing something lewd?
Also, do you think that either in ARIA the Rookie would be a cutscene or something where Lynn might do something with Cain (or other way around)? I think it would be quite hot. (If not, added in UMCH with Lynn/Cain or Maiko/Cain).
And lastly, will there be a way to have Yui do something “nice” to the player (like Player/Yui or even Player/Yui/Kyle)?
Anyways, thank you for your work, it’s looking already good and it’s cool to know certain things like Dizzy’s condition and etc.
Yeah Lynn does lewd stuff in this also.
Lynn is not sexually attracted to Cain. Nor is the reverse true. Cain and Yui have a thing going.
Yui refers to the rookie and kyle as kids so she is not sexually attracted to them. She actually finds Kyle pretty annoying. But something could be added later, just needs to make sense.
I got to a point where you find phia, but is there actually something to do with her? I don´t know, more than a simple dialog.
It is nice VN. I liked it, it rally peaked my curiosity. Being able to play as yourself and involve in Umichan universe was a nice touch.
Just curious in what timeline it takes place?
UMCH playing perspective of Maiko is interesting and unique, but as for hentai games it can be awkward some time (for example a BJ scene, having a D shoved in your face in 1st person view) so i personally prefer male perspective or female in 3rd person view (I like to be the devil on her shoulder and manipulate her actions into some spicy situations)…
Interactions between characters were good and enriching the universe of Umichan…
It seems that Lynn lost some weight compared to the old pics… i guess Cain was strict to keep her from those hamburgers 🙂
Some gimmicks of game that could be improved (but not really important)
Text speed – could be faster or instant
Skip option – could be an icon next to settings icon for easy access with toggle option so that you could stop skipping text after choosing response
Only thing i didn’t really liked was getting Riley scene. Even if shes not super fond of Luma due to Maiko/Luma rivalry, insulting her teammate is probably not the best way to get her naked and saying huge tits are gross you kinda insult Maiko as well. But it could be just my misconception of Riley character and she likes than someone insults Lumas huge tits…
So if you intrested I leave a suggestion how it could be improved (won’t be mad if you reject it) 🙂
Riley: Makes sense. Well you must have “stimulated yourself” since you are walking around right?
You: Actually not yet…
Riley: Well you might want to do that before you faint again…
You: Yeah about that…
Riley: Wait, that’s not why you are here is it? You need a partner? You know the rules here right?
You: 1. Yeah I was just hoping for a nice view to help boost my stimulation
Riley: Sorry but it’s kinda creepy to ask me if you can mastrubate in front of me. It’s worse than this annoying guy I know back at Nanako.
2. Yeah, Remi mentioned that but she still suggested to go ask help from one of you.
Riley: So you came to me… why not Luma? She’s a lot more… stimulating… right?
You: I’m truly not sure, before knowing I was already standing in front of you. But i guest it is unreasonable. I should just tough… (gets slightly dizzy)
Riley: You’re Ok?
You: Yeah, I’ll be Ok.
Riley: Don’t act tough. Here… (takes of clothes) you just need some stimulation right? I’ll help.
You: You sure about this?
Riley: We are a team, right! It’s obvious to help one another and I would never forgive myself if I left you like this, but you owe me big time! Now hurry up, it is embarrassing being like this…
You: Thanks, I’ll start right away. (fap fap fap)
Riley: I hope I’ll be enough…
You: You really are cute so no need to worry. (fap fap fap)
Riley: Thanks… (geez I wonder what Maiko would say if she saw me like this… I guess it’s for a good medical reason though…)
thanks I can’t manipulate the buttons here like in flash where I am making everything from scratch.
test speed is a setting I can change I think.
this story begins roughly at same time as the start of UMCH. more or less
Yeah making a game from male pov that is a not someone they already don’t like, such as Kyle, helps to understand the characters better. The Riley scene is accurate. I will explain below.
Riley is not crazy about Maiko’s big boobs either because Riley has slight boob envy. Luma is always boasting about how big her boobs are which annoys Riley. Maiko on the other hand doesn’t brag about her boobs. saying something general about not liking big boob would not be seen as offending Maiko. it would just make her feel better since she has small ones.
Riley is not overly fond of Luma in general, teammate or not, because of her attitude how she looks down on others, especially the “nerds”. Has nothing to do with Maiko really. One reference I can make is in UMCC when first enter the shower in the girls lockerroom. it is not possible to beat UMCC without going in there if you don’t manipulate the settings so you can assume it is canon. Also take note of the opening hallway scene at the start of the game also. Look at the dynamic between Luma and Riley. They are not chummy pals. So that plus boob envy makes the rookie saying ew Luma big boobs gross, is something she likes.
Players at some point can realize why Luma picks on Maiko and others, it is her way to motivate them. But Riley doesn’t see it nor would agree with it even if she understood it. They just have to get along since they are on a team so she keep the peace for the sake of the team, for Lynn especially, by not bringing it up.
Also your suggestion of Riley doesn’t fit her character romantically. I was actually just talking to @jccq89 about something similar to this earlier today. Character’s like Riley would need to be talked into sexual stuff. they would not imitate or offer it as you have it written here.
also that point Riley and rookie are not really teammates yet because the rookie is still in tryouts.
thanks for clearing that out 🙂
np. also forgot to mention, look at how Riley describes Luma to the rookie when Riley first appears. she asks him if he saw a big breasted loud mouth around here or something like that heh.
actually that one is what confused me… it’s like love and hate relationship, you say bad things but deep down you understand that person. Riley being smart and serious person (+ class prez and student council) i though she could see through her shell, but i guess even Riley has her quirks and stubbornness in some regards…
well there still are many gaps to fill to fully understand their personalities.
yeah it is why I felt the need to make this game so it can be better understood.
she doesn’t like Luma’s methods but she doesn’t have to like them to get along with Luma.
Actually the clues are there for the Luma /Riley dynamic.
You also might be putting the blame too much on Riley. Or rather holding her to a high standard even if she has to deal with Luma’s bullshit. Yes she is class president and smart, etc but Riley is not perfect, or above getting frustrated with someone she sees as obnoxious. She has plenty of reason not to be fond of Luma that can be seen in currently released stuff. Look at the umcc opening hallway scene. Joriy and Luma causing a scene with Maiko and name calling and making threats. Look at UMCC shower scene. no extra showers and Luma instantly pissed when Maiko and Riley step in to the shower. Luma also talks about her tits and her looks often. If you notice in The Rookie Riley is not fond of talking about looks, calling her cute, etc. Also in the rookie during the first mission the rookie was supposed to go on, Riley is very concerned about being late for the mission, and Luma clearly gives no fucks and would rather ask the rookie about her looks. This is frustrating for Riley. At Nakao, Riley is in charge, but at the Academy Luma is in charge. So it makes a interesting dynamic because Riley likes to get things done orderly and on time, etc. it is why she is class prez. so Luma in charge at the academy is frustrating for her. Also idk if you are on the patreon but if not you will see it eventually, on the Bri dream scene in ARIA 2.6 before they talk to Bri, Luma and Riley are going back and forth about what to do about a distress signal Lynn got.
idk about saying Riley is stubborn. imo she is doing fairly well considering the situation, she just needs to vent a little heh. saying things “like have you seen a big tit loud mouth” when talking about Luma gives her that very small pleasure she needs to keep smiling and deal with the situation. It maybe a little immature, and that may be be the quirk you talking about, but yeah it is Riley giving herself a small amount of pleasure that maker her feel a little better. It is unfortunate but saying a few bad things about Luma is the fast track way to be friends with Riley heh. it her guilty pleasure but it helps her cope.
hopefully all of this explain why the Riley scene in the rookie is what way it is.
as a side note Luma gets into with Phia a lot also I just haven’t really put a focus on it yet. If I expanded the game I would add Phia to show this. However unlike Riley Phia can go toe to toe with Luma because Phia is also a sexy hot popular chick (as seen by other characters in the game). Phia is also Riley’s trainer coincidentally heh.
yeah there is a lot there when you really dig into their personalities.
Is there a way to join the team in the end?
yes, but I don’t think it is possible if you get remi to help you fap.
I didn’t know there was a way to get Lynn or Riley naked… and covered in cum…

When I found out… Well, it was awesome.
also as I mentioned there is a way to get Lynn scene without getting kicked out in case you missed it heh.
without kicked out??? I get caught by Cain with my pants down, and you know how protective he is of Lynn
yeah it’s that forbidden fruit so you pay the price heh. but yeah there is a way to see Lynn stuff without getting kicked off the team.
damn it!!! now i will have to go back and find it…
I nearly given up looking only to realize that I simple reload to soon 🙂
But damn… didn’t expected for Lynn to be that assertive, I only thought of her as easily susceptible…
you are leaning about characters heh. Lynn is assertive when she feels she needs to make up for something. You have to look at the situation and also compare it to other games, it is the only way you will really understand their personalities fully. in The Rookie Lynn is trying to make up for something that is really no fault of her own. It can be seen in ARIA also. At the end of the game you learn that Natan attacked Lynn to steal her cream and framed Jeo. It is not Lynn’s fault Natan wanted to steal her cream and blame Jeo for it, but there she is in ARIA way off in space somewhere trying to make up for something she is not really at fault for heh. Even ditched Cain and Yui to go do this.
Well I didn’t look that much in Lynn’s personality, just was surprised that she herself offered that without MC dropping at least hints for her or making her feel guilty somehow to do that… I imagined her being bit more naive on sexual front and needed to coerce or trick her into it (like – oh you did something wrong and want to apologise ha? well in that case …xxx…!!! or – it is for his sake, you need to do it to save his life…! well something like this, might be not the best examples but whatevs)
By the way – why faping to Remi red flags Lynn? Didn’t catch that at all
I didn’t make the team, but at least I was a regular agent. I dislike Luma and Yui anyways…
always very interesting for me to read how a person likes a character then scroll down a bit more and a person hates that very same character lol.
how exactly do you get all the girls to let you join the team first? I keep getting stuck on that part
Finally got the Lynn sexy scene without getting kicked out. Took a while to figure out. x___x any tips on how to get that leaving the academy Luma scene you were talking about?
That is not added yet heh. I will add that scene and one with Remi.
Still haven’t found a way to get this illusive “Sexy Lynn Scene without Team Kicking” scene that you have mentioned. And still have not ascertained any clues from the present comments on how to get this scene. So I’m giving up until further hints are given. Or until the game is updated with new shit.
The game is good, if terribly short and VERY repetitive. The fapping motion bits are kind of annoying since you can’t skip them. I have also encountered the Remi glitch where she does not return to a normal size after applying the cure (and remains as such in subsequent playthroughs). This could probably be remedied very easily in the code, but I’m not an expert.
HINT: After joining the team
Very good game, I hope you put more work into this. I still can’t get the Lynn scene though. I’ve gotten Remi and Luma, and I haven’t been able to get Riley after trying for her 5 times. Still I can’t wait to see day 2 and 3. Keep up the good work!
Pretty fun game, embarrassed to say it took me 3 tries to figure it out. The girls more or less behave the way they do in other games so I really should have figured it out sooner.
Is there a way to stop the game from skipping once it starts? After the 2nd time playing it I just wanted to skip stuff I already read but then it kept skipping through new stuff.
simply clicking on screen seems to work…
Damn hahaah I have tried all the choices, but I am missing somthing… I can’t seem to get the Lynn covered in cum scene. Maybe am missing something vital?
Great game really, love it. An awesome addition to the ARIA series
just agree with Lynn in the hallway. you also need to know you are meeting Cain.
Sweet game! I’m definitely hoping for a Yui scene one day though, I’ll keep checking in for any additional content
Many thanks~
Love Remi so much. Are there any games beside ARIA which include scenes with her?
Just aria and the rookie for now, but a sex scene will be added soon to the rookie for Remi.
okay, thanks for the quick response. P.S. Love your games, keep up the good work <3
many thanks~
Hi Vortex, I’ve been lurking around for quite some time now and I noticed that the academy background is similar to another visual-novel-like game Re:Maid by marblesyrup on Newgrounds. No idea if know about this, but I just wanted to make sure that you avoid any problems later.
Probably a pre-made background for a free usage.
The background is originally from a royalty-free background pack sold on dlsite.
That site provides developers art resources such as backgrounds, character art, music, and various other art assets that they can use to put into their games and legally sell commercially.
dlsite is the easiest thing to use because they probably already have a nice looking set of BGs, or consistent high quality images there that illustrates the ideas you had in mind for how a particular place looks. I actually see more I need to get XD
All my backgrounds for UMCC and UMCH are bought from that site also. Though some I had to edit a bit to make new rooms, and in some cases I combined parts from different images to make a new one.
Nice, it’s good to see that there’s an opportunity for developers to make their games without an expensive group of background artists. And they all look great too!
Well, back to lurking.
Good luck, Vortex, can’t wait to see more of UMCH ^_^
Hey very nice as usual but I’m very sad since I really tried many different ways but never got to be part of the team. IDK why but I can’t get Riley’s approval even if I tell her how cute she is (and indeed, how cute she is 😉 ), if I tell everyone to hurry up and do the mission and if I tell how Luma’s boobs are cow-ish. Sad, since I really like your universe. Keep it up, you are doing a great job.
many thanks, Riley does not like being called cute heh
Sweet game. Still haven’t gotten on the team with Lynn scene though. I do have a small idea. When the girls get naked maybe you can add a button that asks them to turn around so you can get a view of their asses instead of their tits. It could work for Remi and Luma easily and for Lynn and Riley you can say maybe turning around will make it easier. I’m more of a butt guy so any opportunities for more butts in your games gets me excited. I know you will have to make the new dialogue and have to draw whole new art of them turned around so you might no do it but at least maybe consider??
Also being able to fap to Yui would be cool. You could put it in the scene where you meet her after Yui leaves. Also if you do it with her maybe she will do something with you in the forest :^) Although i don’t really know Yui’s character and if she will do that sort of thing and also I’m not sure if the forest is still school grounds, but again, just an idea to consider. Looking forward to more updates!! 🙂
Yeah I will keep it in mind for now. Currently we are in the middle of art needed for other stuff. All the art for day 2 of The Rookie is done also so we would have to back track quite a bit. However you might be glad to know I’m about to start working on a game centered around butts heh.
Oh boy… Can’t wait for that game! 🙂
Just one question. I made it to the team but game ends there? Is that it?
Yes atm that is where the game ends. I planned for 3 days total. so far it is just one day. I’m in the process of working on day 2 among other stuff for other game projects.
Are there plans for a gallery mode after completing the game? Will there be any animation or just still pictures?
I plan to add a gallery will be added after all 3 days are complete. animation will be in day 2 and 3. I might retrofit day 1 to have jiggling tits.
working on day 2 currently
If you’ve made a post about this, I’m sorry, I’ve been off my PC for a month. But what is the state of this project? I know you have lots of shit on your plate right now, so keep it up, but I’m just curious about the state of this.
I’m in the middle of writing the script and branching paths of how the game will work. I’ll finish after the ARIA update.I plan have the rookie updated this month.
any walkthrough ? :/
not yet. what are having trouble with ?
Problem with joing the team , I tried everything
day 2 adds several animated sex gifs to the game that I was working on here:
it is possible to have sex scenes with riley, luma, lynn, (not on the same playthough and you need to be on the team at the end of day 1)
in the game on day 2 are also sex scenes with remi, TT and the character a see Rinoga boobs.
everything is tested and working, joining team, unlocking the sex scenes etc.
Anyone Know how to get the Riley and Lynn scenes?
Anyone can feel free to post the correct dialogue choices. I wanted to let people figure it out first before posting a guide.
I think you can have the scene with Riley when you don’t have sex with Rinoga, TT or Remi on Day 2 and you choose her to seek the sentinel. But I don’t know how to do for Lynn or Luma on day 2
Lynn is always bit different from riley or luma
any future plans to maybe be able to chose the main characters gender like female or herm or even shemale?
It hadn’t ever crossed my mind to be honest.
I figured out Riley with help from the comments, but Lynn is damn hard. Any advice to stay on the team anyone?
Ok got Lynn on the 1st day while staying on the team, you just got to not ask and she will do it on the end of the day, but I’m stuck on getting her sex scene on day 2.
A few tips (no spoilers, bad english)
For Luma. Day one – do the right choices to make her like you (if there is the boobs close-up while you fap, you did it right). Day 2 – tell Phia it’s tempting, don’t masturbate/get sucked/fuck and go find the probe with Luma. Tell her you’re still sick. Boom, titfuck
For Riley. Day one – do the right choices to allow you to fap in front of her. Day 2 – stay insensitive to Phia. Don’t masturbate/get sucked/fuck and go find the probe with Riley. Tell her you’re sick. Boom, handjob
Didn’t do it for Lynn yet, but i assume it’s the same patern (you have to fap in front of her without being kicked by Cain)
BTW, Vortex00, you’re damn good at what you’re doing 😉
many thanks
im trying to get Luma scene and i get the close up tits for day one but day two ive never met Phia and i dont get fucked or sucked/masterbate then when i go find the probe she ends up leaving after the mission then i go arrest albert and its over. what am i doing wrong???
idk i’m sure it is working. you would need to post what choices you are making. you might be missing a Luma option somewhere earlier.
guide walk-through being acepted on the team on day one plus lynn h-scene
*Some guy named cain
*Holy Shit those are huge
*Yes I am, nice to meet you
*Yeah, they are pretty distracting to be honest
– its perfect (for luma jiggly animation on day one h-scene)
– we should probably get going (for Riley jiggly animation on day one h-scene)
*can you have sex with me
*I’ll go ask one of them
– do you mind stripping nude (Remi for day one H-scene)
*Lynn is beautiful and kind
*Nah, ….
*(stay out of it)
*(let him pass)
*just following orders
*I was wondering if you could help me masturbate
*wow, it is very beatiful
*do you mind getting naked?
congrats, day one passed plus lynn jiggly animation for day one h-scene obtained
glad people are figuring it out
Finally! day 2! downloading now 🙂 thanks
np hope you like it
Is there actually a way not to fall asleep during TT’s lecture?
nah he will always fall asleep. maybe later I will make a way for him to not fall asleep.
I got Day 1 for Lynn down myself but can’t figure out Day 2. Help?
don’t have sex with anyone on day 2 and don’t lie to her
I love this game so much. Keep up the amazing work, Vortex. 😀
Thanks glad you like it
I figured all the scenes of Day 2 (I don’t think Ari is possible).
Loving the way the stories are starting to get closer and closer.
Thanks a lot for it
PD: I found a typo when you’re asking Luma to “pose”. It says “Yeah, I know about that condition. You actually have it *thoguh*?”
correct Ari not possible here. Glad you like it. Thanks for pointing out typo
Can i say that i enjoyed but when you meet phia (I that is her name when you chooses luma) her personality seams different then in UMCH or am i just looking into it too much?
how so?
I don’t know maybe i am looking into it to much but in UMCH she seams not as openly look to suck a dick then when you meet her here.
We talking about Luma right? Luma and Phia cat-fight a lot. and Luma needs to take the rookie to Remi.
no phia i said.
Phia is not in UMCH thoguh. or at least I don’t recall her being in there. Phia is in ARA, and the personality should match.
it be cool like once the game core is finish maybe you can run a mini play through with phia like for extra content maybe?
Phia will be in the third day. I can make a game later about Phia thoguh. I wanted to explain a bit her story a bit more anyway.
One thing that is bothering me. On day two Jeo and Ari attend TT’s lecture with the rookie but on ARIA’s she introduced herself to jeo as if it were their first time meeting. I know he had his hair dyed but Ari was calling him Jeo on the hallway. was it a little slip or was he also supposed to be undercover on TT’s lecture?
In ARIA it is the first time TT has formally met Jeo. TT doesn’t know any of the students in this class. You can see Ari before the class telling Jeo about TT. That because he doesn’t know who she is either. The class is assumed to be big since it is mandatory for all agents. Also it is a refresher class that happens every so often. With lots of students and not happening often TT doesn’t know the students in the class to be able to identify them by name.
ok, got it. I assumed it was a little classroom because of the background image, but if it was in an auditorium and aimed to all agents it makes perfect sense. thanks for clarifying it
I think the game is in a great state right now. Besides a few spelling errors, there seems like there should be more opportunities for sexual activity like with Phia, you run into her later in the day or with Yui, even though she and Cain have a thing. Maybe something with Ari as well but is Bri ever going to show up? A scene with Rinoga would also be wonderful.
Anyways, continue with the good work and have a nice day! 🙂
Thanks, I was thinking to have a scene with phia in day 3.
How do you get luma H-scene?
thanks some people have already posted some guides in the comments. check the post from JJAdams
Great game so far, was kinda hoping that you would get to have Phia join you when you look for the sentinel so you could get a scene with her as well. Any possibility of seeing Yui nude in future? Also a full nude of Rinoga would be awesome.
Thanks, I was thinking to have a scene with phia in day 3. I didn’t have plans for Yui and Rinoga at the moment.
Oh, yes ! A scene with phia ! If you do this, i’d jizz my pants in no time
can i ask what are the endings going to be?
at minimum one with each of the three girls on the team. one for never having any sex and not being on the team, and one for not being on the team and having sex with remi.
happy endings?
sure, I made a way for sex scenes to be displayed in the editor.
Very well made Vortex00, really interested in next days to come. I know you probably have other games in the working/priority on other games but if this game’s development is pushed a bit harder that would be awesome. 🙂 Really loving the interaction between the rookie and Lynn/Riley, interested in what he’ll “teach” them.
Many thanks, I will get back to this game as soon as I am able.
I really like all your work Vortex00, for Luma, Lynn and Riley there are total of 3 scenes in this game right? (Besides masturbation scenes)
Many thanks, if you mean one for each of those three girls so far then yes.
Just a heads up norton antivirus takes the .exe out of the windows download every time you try and play :/
seems more like a issue with tyranobuilder. I’ll have a look into it thanks.
When is the next update coming up? Can’t wait for day 3. Also is your ARIA remake finished? If so, when are you planning on releasing it?
I have the outline for day 3 but need to write it. I also need to add stuff to day 1 and 2. I’ll might have some kind of estimate of a release after the script is done and day 1 and 2 are redone.
Okay, I’m able to get with Lynn Day one but what about day 2? I’m so confused, what am I supposed to do to get that day two scene with Lynn?
Is there a way to not fall asleep in the classroom where TT is teaching?
in wich game can i find yui scenes
i was listening to suicide silence while playing, every time the screen started to bounce it was bouncing to the beat, also Lynn is by far my favourite girl in any of your games and i’m glad too be able to “interact” with her good work as always
Many thanks glad you like it. More stuff with all the girls will be in later updates.
Any updates on the third day? Loving this so far
Thanks still writing the script for it. but I plan to update it at least a little this month.
Damn i’ve managed to get Luma’s and Riley’s day 2 scenes but i cant for the life of me figure out how to get Lynn’s scene for the second day, Is it in day 2 or is it a day 3 option?, I thought i had cracked the code to getting thier scenes but alas Vortex you have defeated me, gg my man 🙂
Note: (If anyone is strugging with getting the day 2 scenes for Luma and Riley just tell Remi your condition is fine , dont lie to Rinoga or TT butsay ur still ill to them and they will begin their scene)
Lynn’s scene is in the game already and on day two. And I know it works, but at this point I’ve forgotten exactly how. She is always a bit different from the other two. But always the trick with Lynn is you need to not be trying to get sex from her.
Found a typo during the meeting in Rinoga’s office. the line “What the hell “are” kind of of operation are u idiots running here” hope this helps.
lol i cumming to Rinoga (in the game) XD ahahaha
I think that Yui needs the Rookie to make her feel young in day three, her eyes are so piercing and sexy!
glad you like it
for 2nd day lynn scene you need to stay insensitive to Phia, don’t masturbate, fuck or get sucked and do the sentinel thing alone. at the end of day you meet her in the hall waiting for cain. tell her you are fine then tell her you could teach her and you get a handjob.
You don’t have to be alone for the Sentinel mission, I take Riley and the Lynn scene still works.
i have two small VNs I want to finish them i will start back working on this. One of them I plan to finish today
saves from jailbreak transfer into becoming the rookie saves. don’t know if you can fix this but anything helps
yeah i need to figure out why it does that.
Is the update for this game coming in the next few weeks? Thanks
it is not high priority at the moment. But finishing this game is on my list of things to do.
Is the update for the rookie coming in the next few weeks? Thanks
I hope so.
When will a sex scene for lynn be added?
The only old art I have left to add is the remi and Ari sex scenes. Anything else did get created. I can try to whip something together from the old art but idk how it will look.
Walkthough/guide to get all the h-scenes for the ones who are just looking for an easy fap (if you don’t, this contais major spoilers), I recommend reading the whole thing, because some options you choose on Day 1 will prevent you from some scenes in Day 2.
+Day 1:
-start the game
-pick a name (doesn’t matter which one)
-After that pick the option “Some guy named Cain”
-Then pick “Holy shit those are huge!”
-Pick “Yes I am, nice yo meet you!”
So this the “universal” guide for you to be able to get to the H-scenes, from this point onwards, your decitions will affect which scenes you get (you cannot get all of them in 2 playthough)
-Here you have 3 options (I recomment saving here, so you avoid the previous steps) this will decide which route you’ll follow, aka which girl’s you’ll get:
>”It’s perfect!” for the Luma route (the blonde)
>”Yeah they are pretty distracting honesly.” for the Lynn route (the pink haired one)
>”We probably should just get going.” for the Riley route (the brunette)
-Now choose “Can you have sex with me?” and then “I’ll go ask one of them” (this is the same for all routes)
>If you’re second answer is “Can you strip nude?” You’ll get a futa scene and you’ll be able to see the corresponding Day 1 scenes, but you’ll be instantly unable to get to Day 2, I recommend also saving here, if you like futas.
-Now you have three options, each will lead you to the corresponding girl, note that your decision here has correspond to the girl you picked from the previous options, otherwise you won’t be able to get the scene. Also, Luma will help you no matter what, but you won’t the full scene.
>If you picked the Riley route, then pick the option “Luma’s cow tits are too big and gross.”, otherwise you won’t get the scene
>If you picked the Luma route, pick “Before you leave…”, if during the scene you get a zoom-in, then you’re good, if you didn’t, you picked the wrong option.
>If you picked the Lynn route, pick the “Nah…” option, this will prevent you from watching the scene there. If you pick the “I was wondering if you can help” option, you will get the scene, but you’ll then get caught and kicked out, preventing you from the Day 2 scenes. I strongly recommend you pass on the scene now, because you’ll get it right at the end of Day 1, and you’ll still pass to Day 2.
-After all that jazz, you’ll go on some kind of mission:
-Pick “(stay out of it)”
-Then “Let him pass.”
-And then “Just following orders…?”
-You must pick those options in order to get to Day 2.
-Now you’ll encounter Lynn:
>Pick “Honestly, I was hoping you’d help me masturbate.
>Pick “wow, it’s very beautiful”
>Pick “Do you mind getting naked?”. If you followed the Lynn route, now you’ll get your scene. If not, she’ll just refuse, so you’ll not get the full scene.
+Congratilations! You’ve succesfully passed Day 1, now on to Day 2, this is a little bit trickier, so I’ll try my best to explain:
-You’ll meet Phia (The redhead) at the entrance, along with the girl of the route you picked.
-She’ll ask you if you’d have sex with her, but this is a bait, there’s no scene with her.
>If you’re in the Luma route, pick the option “Sounds tempting”
>If in the Riley route, pick “We should stay focused”
>In Lynn’s route, pick “Uhhh…”
(Picking the wrong option in any case will lock you fron the final scene with the girl of your route)
-Now comes the tricky part, you’ll encounter 3 potential scenes before you get to the scene of your girl’s route. Picking any of this scenes will prevent you from the final scene with your main girl, so I, again, recommend saving here, just to be sure. I’ll be refering to the posible options as “Lie” and “Truth”, since it’s easier for me and you. (The “Lie option always ends with “…(lie)” and the “Truth” doesn’t have anything at the end). In a nutshell, lying will get you that specific scene, but will prevent you from the final scene with the main girl.
>Scene N°1: If you lie, you’ll get her scene, but afterwards.
>Scene N°2: Same as Scene N°1, but you’ll get the scene right then and there.
>Scene N°3: To get this scene, you must’ve lied in any of the previous scenes, otherwise you’ll get an instant game over.
-If you didn’t lie in all 3 occasions, then you’ll have full access to all the scenes.
-Now you’ll meet the futa nurse again, picking either option doesn’t affect anything to my knowledge. I’d go with the “Meh, easy enough” just to be sure.
-Now you’ll have 5 options:
>Pick “Luma” to do the mission with her. Then lie to get the scene. If you lied in any of the 3 previous moments, then she’ll refuse. If you aren’t on her route, you just won’t get the option.
>Pick “Riley”, to have her do the mission with you. Then lie to get the scene. If you lied in any of the 3 previous moments, then she’ll refuse. If you aren’t on her route, you just won’t get the option.
>You cannot go with Lynn, even if you’re on her route. You’ll get this scene later.
>The “I met a girl named Ari…” option doesn’t work either, she is not available.
>The “I can handle this alone” option will make you go alone, so you won’t get any scenes no matter, what. Basically, don’t pick this.
-After all that you’ll go on another mission to capture some guy who was fucking her daughter (I’m not making this shit up)
-Pick “(Stay Silent)”
-Now you’ll meet Lynn, if you aren’t on her route, you’ll just talk to her and meet Cain (the baldo).
>If you’re on her route however, you’ll get to choose options. She works differently from the other girls, to get the scene, you must tell the truth. After this pick the “Well maybe I can teach you…” option, and you’ll get your scene.
+And that’s the end of Day 2!… and the end of the game. In theory, it’s supposed to have a Day 3, but this hasn’t been implemented yet.
~Thank you for reading my guide to the very end, if you have any questions, or things that don’t seem to work, just reply to this comment. Keep in mind that this might change in the future.
Good fapping and peace out.
Thanks for posting a walkthrough
Will there ever be a day three? I prefer this VN style
I will add 2 more sex scenes hopefully not too long after I get UMCH done’ish. but it may not be on a day 3. However day 1 and 2 will be longer. A day 3 unfortunately wont be exactly the way I planned it originally because there is not art for it. Probably the story for the main girls would end on a day 2, and if you are pursuing some of the other characters such as Remi and Arielle that might end on a day 3.
Will there be any new updates to this game? hopefully with more sex scenes with Lynn, Riley and Luma. maybe some with Yui or some other agents. it is just a suggestion but it would be really great if you did. thanks if you reply btw.
Yes this game will have updates. no new sex scenes wit those main 3 girls are planned however. I but I did have animations prepared for Ari and another that includes Remi.
Is there really such a low demand for this game! Why can’t more people like hentai games without rape in them! (I do appreciate that you can turn it off in ARIA) but I’ve been waiting for almost two years to get some Lynn and Riley, and with all the mini games getting pumped out recently it’s baffling how this project gets swept under the rug.
It takes a while to finish games like UMCH, it is a big game with a lot of parts, and I save all the tedious, time consuming and really technical parts for the end. But I’m about there. The rookie is not swept under the rug I just haven’t got to it on my things to do list yet. And yes some smaller games were before this because have a separate priority thread. This is because I consider the Rookie something that takes the slot of a major project, and currently UMCH is there, and there is only ever one of those at a time until complete. Mini-games have different thread of priority that is parallel to the main project. The rookie is not small enough to fit into a minigame thread. The Rookie will take me quite a bit of work to finish, more than you man realize so it falls under major project category. Hope that helps to explain it.
Well that all sounds perfectly reasonable, I apologize for any rudeness and I’ll attempt to remain patient.
Didn’t see it as rude. I just don’t really explain my workflow much. I probably can make a post about it later.
Is there a full version?
This is the full version for now. Working on adding more content presently.
log into here… see the rookie done update and new flash come out…. so happy…
but wait… no dl link yet… shit
Will try to toss one up soon sorry for the delay.
any sex scene with phia?
Not currently. But I may have path to go with Phia at the start of day 2.
How many sex scenes for Luma?
Two currently the last is unfinished I guess. And one nude scene.
Hi love the gam can i ask why can’t we use our names for the rookie?
Thanks, I felt like the Rookie’s name wasn’t terribly important to the story. And them calling him Rookie gives the feeling of him being new to the academy.
Cool can i ask who is you favourite character from all of the games you have done? Mine is Lynn
how can i get ari scene?
On day 2 you need to lie on all options including to Tiffany, so you need to trigger sleeping in class. Then select Ari to help you find the sentinel.
And the wait continues! Tried to pursue Riley (no day two scene now) and ended up with a weird text sex scene with Luma which I really hope isn’t how day three is gonna be done cause that came off as phoned in hard, and now I can’t even start a new game. There didn’t seem to be an Ari, Yui or Phia scene either, but I couldn’t start a new game to try and find out.
U can get ari scene when u lie of ur condition, sleep at class, n choose agent ari when selecting partner in mission at day two
Is it just me or does the end scenes are missing animations?
There were meant the be that way but since people feel it is missing I am in the process of adding animations to them. Art for Lynn and Luma are ready, just need Riley.
Just finished a full play through of the new update and have gotten ever “Character Ending” and managed to get the Ari scene, over all really impressed with the update Vortex00, only have some questions if its cool?
Are the scenes at the end with the chosen girl (Riley, Luma and Lynn) in the bed room? will they have animated scenes or staying as they are?
Is there a plan for a Phia scene, just thought since the scene is there where she offers at the beginning of day 2?
are there still plans for a day 3 or have you decided to leave the v.n as is?
Overall enjoyed the update keep up the great work you and ttrop
Many thanks~ the endings will have animations since a number of people feel like animations are missing there. I’ll plan to put a Phia scene in there. I won’t be adding a day 3 anymore. Instead of a day 3, I added more to days 1 and 2. The story needs to end where the rookie meets Maiko.
I just wondering, why the story will end when rookie meet maiko?
I want the Rookie and UMCH ending to line up at the same point in the story so it can be easy to follow. Also at the point the rookie meets Maiko, the rookie is on longer in contact with Luma, Lynn, or Riley for a while. I want to work with a clean palette here to tell this section of the storyline. And finally because the art in the rookie uses the old style art and everything ttrop is making uses a newer style of art. I don’t want o go back and replace all the art when I should be done with the game already. I do plan on having a Rookie 2 or similar after this one.
Is there a way to have sex with Phia or is that not in the game? If it’s not it would be awesome if you can add it in later on Phia is one of my favorite character. Great game by the way it would be great if you made more games like this.
Thanks it’s not in the game at the moment. However I will plan to adding that.
The Green Haired Rinoga are there any future plans for her like a hentai scene or a game? She’s left a very good impression on me
Yeah she will show up again in later games. She is the head of the academy. I’m not totally sure in what way though.
Any hentai scenes?
I’m not sure yet. I normally get that kind of stuff all sorted out closer to when I begin working on a game she would appear in. But currently I have a few things to complete before that.
Aside from that, any character can be nominated and voted for a hentai animation scene on the patreon voting tier.
Played the VN ARIA: The Rookie.
I was hoping to have good scenes with Lynn.
I finished the VN game and I expected for Lynn to visit Lynn.
Instead I got a default ending.
Oh well.
At least Riley has good scenes.
7/10 for the short VN game.
All the character have scenes, however Lynn scenes are a little trickier to get. It is not straight forward like Riley or Luma.
Other than that one mistake I made with trying to stop David, this was a blast to play through.
Visual Novels are really great. Nice job with this!
Glad you like it thanks~
how do i get the sex scene with lynn?
Scroll up in the comments here and you will find a full guide posted by Hentaihead on July 28, 2017 at 4:22 am
still no offline dl link… hype is dying… same goes to new umichan sentoryu
Sorry thanks for the reminder
So, the game is mostly done. (Still can’t skip those animations…) I went through and got all the Lynn scenes… and got a default ending. I thought that meant that I did something wrong. But then I tried Riley’s route and I also got a default ending. Is there only one ending to this game so far? Can you not get closer to any of the girls yet?
There are ending for the 3 main girls but missing the final animations. If two or more of the girls are tied you will get a default ending. with Lynn you are most likely tied with Luma. you need to not apologize to Luma if you meet her at night on day 1.
Nice! Clean playthroughs on all three girls day three scenes too, animation are going to make this awesome! Stoked about a possible Rookie 2 as well!
Thanks glad you like it.
When are the final animations ging to be implemented?
working on them right now
Anyone figured out how to get the Dr. Taylor scene he showed the WIP for?
Nevermind. You need to practice lying ;). You can even convince Ari to help you too.
yep. glad you figured it out
Eventhough I lie to both options on day 2, I dont get the third lie option in class. Do I have to be part of the team aswell?
If you don’t get the lie option in class on day 2 you need to make sure the rookie stays out late on day 1 to be tired.
Is there a designated date for the final animations to be added?
This month for sure. Trying to do by the end of this week though.
any news on release of this and sentoryu?
still working on animations. these animations take longer because they have a lot more layers than usual.
off to waiting i go again
This is now updated
Hey Vortex00. Love your games and I even became a patron. Just a problem tough, the flash program works perfectly but for the .exe files like the rookie, everything works but the sound !
I can play the game, I can save, I can finish it but there is no sound or SFX at all. And its doing the same on some program similar to the rookie, but not “classic” steam games. I’m confused, maybe you know something about it ?
LeClent, It may seem strange but when making a game I always add the sound last. There is no sound in The Rookie yet.
…. Now it does make sense 😮
Thanks a lot
when will this a update?
This game was updated recently
Thanks for the new content. I just checked it all. I really like the red used for Phia’s hair and nails. I just wanted to throw that out there. XD
I did a run consisting of choices I would probably do in real life. I didn’t make the team because of Luma so I spent most of my time with Remi and did Phia in the park. A simple playthrough but still good.
How do you get the Phia scene?
You need to show interest in phia when you see her at the start of day 2. then travel alone to find the sentinel during the remi assignment.
at the moment all you need to do is find the sentinel alone though.
Ok Thankyou Vortex. Can’t wait for the next update and the ending scene is great.
I didn’t get into the team and I don’t think I met her at the start of day 2 because of that. But I still got the dialogue and scene when I went alone on the assignment.
So is it just the animations in the end that are added?
And the Phia scene. I’d recommend reading this post
Is there any way to see the story after meeting Maiko? So curious about it.
I haven’t created it yet~
Hello can i say that i keep losing saves after i save the game is it going to be fixed at some point?
I place this in a different folder so people won’t see a cached version. I almost done with this game so it won’t really be an issue much longer anyway. apologies.
Riley doesn’t look like herself in the ending scene. She looks really different.
Yeah it is the result of the artist drawing the art at very different periods of time.
Do you have any idea when u will end the game ?
in terms of story the game is currently finished. I have a build being tested where I have added sound. Once that is ready I focus more on other games.
How to I get with Lynn without getting caught by Cain?
there is a walkthrough in the comment. scroll up to find the post by Hentaihead posted July 28 2017. It is the longest post here you can’t miss it.
Is there a phia ending yet?
There is a Phia sex scene but no Phia ending.
I should note that a Phia ending was not planned, Only the main 3 girl have endings.
I like this guy more than Jeo. Could have to do with him not being a raging asshole. Looking forward to more!
Please make a Remi ending she’s best girl!
#HailLuma :v
Love how it turn out. Good Job have to say I saw your post on patron about a cannon ending for Rookie and I have to say for default ending it has to be Riley but am a sucker when it comes to childhood friends but really but for canon ending heroine Luma don’t really have a good reason but make sense to me. Maybe in the future Maiko will catch her and rookie having sex somewhere and maybe Maiko can use it as blackmail or show it to Luma’s boyfriend or something just throwing out ideas.
Or have Lynn as the main girlfriend for the rookie after all she is kind of secretive so why not have a secret boyfriend.
Absolutely loved it!
PS. Would be awesome if you could keep making stuff available on android
Thanks~ I plan to update this to fix full screen bug and make a .apk for android.
Also more Phia scenes please 😀
Is Lynn actually a romance option or not?
She is. Think outside the box. If not, I can give a little guide.
Not to brag, but I got her my first try. I guess I’m just weird because many people has said she’s hard to get. Which means I’ve made choices most players didn’t. XD
Nah it’s okay I actually got her after I got Luma and Riley. Thank you for offering.
Good to hear. 🙂
I finished the game and got all the girls relationship routes and I have to compliment you on Lynns relationship route. Also which is the second one to this or isn’t it made yet?
There currently isn’t a direct sequel to this yet. You do run into the rookie and other characters from this game in umch though.
Umichan Maiko Agent academy will begin where this ends. UMCH chapters also ends at this point.
Another awesome game !!!
i think more save slots would be great to try other ways, and a galery would be nice !
That will be included in the art update of the game.
Think I saw it said this was completed? I see an in game option for sound but still not getting sound. has that just not been added then?
This game was marked complete but since then I am preparing to update all of the art in the game.
more on that here:
the version posted here does not have sound.
updated to 1.4
replaced a lot of the game art and added more facial expressions across characters.
gallery is not completed yet and not included in public build.
very minimal testing, game may contain bugs
I love the character and background art.
I’ve noticed a few changes in the game too. I tried to follow the Riley path but it ended with the Luma scene. Then tried with Lynn but got Luma again.
I was only playing it quick and skipping most dialogue though. So later, I’ll play through properly.
Good work. 🙂
I did the Lynn path and it works fine, I’m assuming Riley is working fine also. You just need to either not go out at night to skip that part, or if you do make sure you don’t apologize to Luma after the confrontation with Jory.
I didn’t go out at night and did the same choices as I have in previous versions. At least I think. I could of made a wrong choice.
Only difference was saying the outfits are perfect. Maybe that was why.
I will give Riley another try tomorrow and let you know.
saying outfits are perfect is a +Luma choice.
Thanks. I just replayed and that was the reason I didn’t get the other girls.
At first I thought it only effected which girl appears outside the next day with Phia.
Is it posible to have a link to the previous version?
Since the art got updated, it would be nice to have the one with the older art/animations too, ya know, for collection purposes
That said, all the new stuff looking great, right from the start screen
Yeah I see a few older versions I can upload.
it would be great, thanks!
I noticed that the lobby seems to be a shopping mall. There is a clothing store on the left side.
I noticed when comparing the background art to the old ones.
Overall, I like both. New looks a lot more cozy and fancy.Old looks a lot more futuristic and military-like.
thanks for the feedback
Will there be a continue to this NV or not? I hope so, as this is my favorite one great job.
Love it!
The girls new art keeps getting better! Oh, I noticed something in the main menu screen, Lynn’s pinky finger is intentionally placed close to the valley between her buttocks? Looks like she’s about to “backdoor” herself.
PS: Android version has music! <3 *Playing android version first.
Lyn route doesn’t work with update, followed the old guide 100%
Weird. I tried her route and it worked for me.
Maybe the guide is out of date.
Did you get the scene where she shows 1 breast and lets you masturbate?
If you say “I wish I could suck on it” then “Do you mind getting naked” the route will fail.
Strange I wasn’t able to have fun with Phia in the sentinel recovery part..was that replaced?
After you get on the team and meet Phia with 1 of the main girls outside, you have to say the right thing if you want her to appear during the recovery mission,
If with Luma “Hell yeah”.
If with Riley “Hell yeah”
If with Lynn “I can handle all of you”
Saying any of the other options will cause her not to appear.
I really hope I can kick Jeo’s ass in a later update or another game. I honestly want to just punch him.
that let’s me know I’ve designed the character correctly.
I dont like new girl unifrom look. Instead of having skimpy sci-fi bikini, now we have some school uniform with sleeves. Meh.
Face redesign is also questionable tbh.
This is their classroom attire. not their space combat attire.
I don’t like this new art style. Where can I download previous version of the game?
I might have a old download. bugs included.
Could you make a walkthrough?
Hi, i’m a bit confused, what’s new in Rookie and Sentoryu?
technical stuff. I am trying to finish the game.
smooth animations, pre-loading some images used in the animations, and added a gallery for the updated animations
more info here
lol nothing changed?
wait so the vux and candy scenes are for UMAA?
yeah, that or separate animations.
I tried following the old guide, getting Lynn with just a tit out, skipping over the scene but still going to her and I still cant end up meeting the red head with Lynn
the guide is still current. I haven’t touched the way the paths work. I updated the art, made the animations smooth, created a new gallery, and updated the title screen.
Please make a Remi love path!!! She’s easily my favorite girl.
I will consider it.
I don’t know how to get the 1st screen on line 2 I tried to unlocked it I really confused LOL
That is the Lynn hand job scene. you will unlock by doing the Lynn story path correctly.
I unlocked everything in the gallery except the 2nd scene next to Luma titjob, what would that be?
Nevermind lol, got it.
glad you got it sorted out
Any of you beautiful people want to fill me in on how to get the phia scene?
1. make the team on day 1
2. show interest in phia at the start of day 2
(any option that doesn’t confirm you don’t want to have sex or a threesome with phia)
3. ask to search for the sentinel alone when Remi asks who you want to look for it with.
Remi love path approved???????
if you mean an ending with Remi, it’s not off the table.
I sorta prefered the old animation style if Im honest, (Probably just cos I binge played this last year) But yeah this game is dope. love the sex scenes and love how it actually makes me THINK about my actions to branch new paths.
Keep up the good work Vortex 😀
The old animations are still available to view in the game.
this is the full game ?
This is all the content for the public version
This game is my favorite.
Can you tell me again how to get the 2nd screen of Luma, which is next to the titjob ?
I did follow the guide and unlock everything except that sceen, never get zoomed at the end.
looks like when I was fixing something else I broke that one. I’ll try to fix before the week is done.
Hey Vortex00, I originally played the ARIA Advanced Rogue Intelligence Assault on Newgrounds and I was invested in the story. Needless to say when I saw this prequel game, I wanted to continue to learn about these characters and their story. I bought the deluxe 2.0 edition and I was wondering will the story be continued in this game through updates, or will it be/is it continued in another one of your games? I haven’t played your other games yet, so I was wondering if the story is continued through them.
Similar to ARIA and The rookie, different pieces of story are in different games. I don’t really like to stick to just one game or one game format. If you like ARIA, definitely check out ARIO and the 3D Arielle game. I’m done with ARIO but the 3D ari game is still in development. ARIO takes place sometime after ARIA. And some of the story from The Rookie is continued in Umichan Maiko Agent Academy a game i recently started working on.
So, we already known that Luma is not a virgin. What about Riley and Lynn? Judging from UMCC, Maiko can bring all her female friends to the cafe ( i love this feature the most) so that Riley and Lynn have sex experience. But in UMCH you can’t do this anymore, make me wonder about their purity :))
OMG there is actually virgins in this universe?
Maybe :))) At least i think there is Lynn because of how protective Cain is :))
yeah it’s safe to assume that. along with Amber
Will you make a sequel for this game?
this games takes place a few days after The Rookie concludes. The game is really early in development at the moment.
i hate how it sends me back to the start everytime 🙁
Not sure what you mean. You might try the downloaded offline version.
Is this game a prequel to Advanced Rogue Intelligence Assault (ARIA), UMCC and UMCH
Yes this happens before ARIA, and happens during UMCC/CH.
how do you unlock the gallery, it says become a patreon, but i am one XD
it’s a different version you need to download from either of these links.
Click the “Connect with Patreon” button at either of these links, and press Allow to see the content based on your tier.
Is there any walkthrough for this game? I’m kinda confused.