January 2, 2024

4 thoughts on “Site Updates

  1. UMCH
    I’m writing stuff about Dizzy since her action is random I’m trying to see what she might do randomly. A Dark Winter in MMD now that is something to see.

    So a reddit page is what do do to walk about internet feeds. I don’t use it but it is a place where rumors come to to talk about everything to do with the internet.

    Well a puzzle to it to get out of that prison. Sounds like a idea of a game play element.

    The new Zytra Model looks nice and she got breast reduction and her hair got cut short. Unless you plan to stretch her hair more down to be on her back. It looks nice

    1. It’s not a zytra model, just has some similarities.

      I need to perhaps start on the dark winter model in a few days.

  2. Nice to see such a detailed update! I was wondering in regards to the random character, are you planning to include the nameless characters in nsfw situations? Or was that just the way you decided to show off the new model?

    1. I didn’t plan to use that random mmd character for anything. The reason I made it was to collaborate with a model edit with some other folks who also edit models. I was doing the first leg of the process. The head will be different based on my understanding, and so will the hair and probably the clothes also lol. when it is done I can make some nsfw stuff if you want. Or I can make other characters in those poses. I have been using poses like this for UMCH stuff so far.

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