Day 2 or preparing art for the Rookie. hopefully I can start building the second day and perhaps even finish today, we’ll see. Since I have not animated in a VN software before I wanted to keep the animations very simple in comparison to how they are in UMCH.
Style has improved,Vortex.
many thanks~
Remi… Remi looks so lovely! :3
glad you like it~
Nah man, nahh, you wanna kill, man… nah… *tries to control himself, deep breaths*
I had to literally close my notebook for a sec when i saw her scene and when I realized what had just happened I covered my face with my hands to hide my smile from my co-workers man. DONT TO THAT TO ME! LOL
Remi is cute too, I love the tongue going out when she is reaching climax!
Man, I know these animations might be simple, but they are not bad at all! I love the girls faces, the angles, how they look to you, its all great! TT and Riley are great too! And Luma looks so proud of having her boobs used and stared at, look at that happy smile until things get more intense XD
lol glad you like it, I changed lynn face a little bit since this video but only some improvements.
The animation have improve a lot. Congrats on that improvement in VN.
many thanks, these are a it easier to do also. but yeah after doing so many UMCH animations it’s a fairly learned process heh.
Oh those are veins on Remi. I thought at first it was weird lumps.
Was going to say that nurse Remi should know better than to have sex like that.
Yeah it is more clearly visible that they are veins in the game. Also just finished the scene with Remi I’m sure people will like it.
Remi looks great as always, however Tiffany’s ‘duck face’ is adorable. Lynn looks great too.
many thanks hopefully I will finish today. so far so good.
Just finished Luma scene. I am a little over half way through the script.
didn’t finish today but I’m about 80% done. Need to finish the ending evaluation for day 2, and the lynn scene. basically I need to finish all non-UMCH tasks before next week.
done with day 2 of 3 for this game. will work on day 3 at a later date that will have all the endings etc.will be testing the game today and tomorrow to make sure there are no game breaking issues.
Thats great can’t wait to see how the rookie ties in with Makio in UMCH
yeah you will be able to see how it connects once it is all finished. it wont connect yet in this one.
Please tell me these scenes will be in the game? Explain to the newbie please…..
They are in the game right now.
and the guide on the game no? (
Is the Lynn handjob scene in-game already? :O
i want to know too
I believe so
It is. I’ve seen it. 🙂
i love Luma, is so perfect *-*
glad you like~