Recently I took some polls on my patreon to help me sort out a way to get to a nice production schedule that does not have me swamped every month with a backlog of work to finish and can focus on getting new and upcoming content posted asap. Based on the polling from those posts I have decided to export all the unused animations that are not assigned to any upcoming game, or that were assigned to games I am trying to finalize such as Sentoru and The Rookie.
below is kind of a sorting list of overall stuff I wanted to finish.
Games in development
(the game still needs a story outline, script writing, animations created, and gampleplay mechanics coded)
- new ARIA
- Arielle 3D
games ready for production
(only need to import art and code the game, writing, animation, and other development parts are done)
- Yui Game
- Umichan Sorani
- Daughter of Eve VN
- ARIA Jailbreak (Remake)
games ready for animation quality improvement.
(the game only needs finishing touches, quality improvements, and/or it’s last few pieces of content)
- Umichan Sentoryu (done)
- ARIA The Rookie
- Umichan Splashing Surprise
- Umichan Two scoops
- Umichan Futa Fantasy
For UMAA I only have the basic idea of what happens and small alpha prototype. I need to detail the story outline and finish combat and gamplay mechanics, especially on mobile. and Do another lag test with a higher quality animation. So while that happens I can be finishing other stuff.
So as for a schedule I am thinking:
1. Sentroyu – smooth animations (done)
2. Rookie – smooth animations (started)
3. Export all unused animations as standalone media.
4. Finish UMAA combat enemies and mobile controls.
From here the games can be created linearly in whatever order.
- Yui Game – (Alternate sex parody of the Yui missions from the Rookie)
- Umichan Sorani – (A game Zytra finding ways to make money)
- Daughter of Eve VN – (takes place before UMCH)
- ARIA Jailbreak Remake – (describes how Amp escaped GemCo capture)
The games listed under Games in development will be worked on along side this until they are ready for production. Meaning ttrop has made a lot of the art, the script is done, etc. Of course I don’t have exact dates for all these but I’m working on getting stuff done asap so I can get to being able to have some semblance of a schedule. It took me about 4 days to update the Sentoryu art and exporting the art should only take 1 day. The Rookie will be the next big chunk of time.
Feel free to post thoughts. And later I will have posts of stuff some people have been asking me about from time to time.
I personaly am very excited for the Yui game, she’s one of my favorites but she never had much attention. I think her as the perfect stereotype for shota x milf (also Alma and Phia, but most Yui), dont know If you plan on add this for her story, but i dream with that since her scene with Jeo in ARIA. So is there any chance of that happening?
Yeah it can be added to later games. Later I plan to make a post for game ideas people want to see.
What will happen with futa fantasy?
Right now I plan to add the maiko or luma scene and call it a day. There was a another game created by wilson about Remi that I thought about combing with this game but I want to have that as a separate game instead. That game leads up to the introduction of a rival futa scientist.
Please do Remi x Luma <3 or both of them. Sad to hear that futa will end :'( all good futa games ends.
Don’t worry, it’ll be continued on in future games. The futa train isn’t stopping any time soon.
Yay 😀
Where is the game from Wilson? 🙂 Can i play it somehow?
Where is that game from Wilson? 🙂 Can i play it somehow?
Sorry it’s still in the works, not released yet. Will post when its out though
Okey, when do you think that the game will be released? 🙂
Do you have an ETA? 🙂