January 6, 2024

7 thoughts on “Back to business

  1. YAY Maiko Mousepad is going to have a second attempt.

    Hopefully you get enough attention to the point that Zone-Tan interviews you. A interview bu Zone-Tan would add more traffic for users to check your site out. 🙂

    1. that would be awesome, maybe even work on something together? Like he is doing with the animator from the last episode.

  2. I really need to get smart on these mousepads. everytime I get a e-mail back I am having to do research to make sure I sound like some idiot. lol.

    it is odd to me that like every person I have talked to so far assume I know very specific processes and materials involved in the construction of these pads.

    I mean I will eventually, but not on my first purchase.

    1. Well there are bad things about a product than again nothing last forever but over time this is what happens to Breast Mousepads.


      So unless your a collector you’ll have it seal never taking it out the plastic cover.


      So depending on the material use changes how you clean a mouse pad.
      But than again this is not your problem because the point of a mouse pad is to use it. LOL
      So duh a like everything else dirt and much use will destroy it over time. Nothing last forever it’s impossible.

      1. They are very cheap to make. I don’t know why they get sold for so much. Maybe import costs.

        while doing research I actually saw one with a replaceable cover. so all you need to do is switch out the cover on top of the boob part. actually you could switch it out with a whole new image.

        the you just buy new covers and not whole new pads.

  3. The replace ones look like a good idea, i had one i got as a gift from a friend in japan, and after it getting dirty, i couldnt clean it at all, i had to throw it away. I think those are meant to be discarded or kept on their boxes.

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