May 2, 2024

18 thoughts on “Site Updates, Project updates, VA rant, wip stuff, etc.

  1. Looks good man, keep doing what you’re doing. How much content do you intend to put into UMCH (compared to UMCC), or is it currently indefinite?

    1. A indefinite is the short answer heh

      After UMCC came out, a lot of people had multiple ideas of additional things to add to the game. Some wanted additional fetishes and such added or to have expanded options for the scenes, etc. But it was hard to do because I didn’t make the game in such a way where it can be expanded. Took a lot of editing to do and got clunkier and clunkier. So my design for UMCH has that in mind from the start and designed for a indefinite amount of content.

      The best way I can think to describe it right now is like Skyrim for GTA series where you can do the main story. But the game can have tons of other content not related to the main story. After I finish the first part of the story, I will take feedback for stuff to make for the game along side some of my own ideas. Somewhere along the way I will finish the segment that ends the main story and continue to add other quests and stuff not related to the main events in the story.

      For example in the mall in UMCC there are several stores. instead of waiting to finish every possible store in a mall in UMCH before I release it. I can just release them as I finish them individually. Most places I plan to make have their own mini quest or objectives to complete there.

  2. Site Updates:
    Well a debug menu was always use in beta testing to look around areas. Where there might be a bug. I can see why you’ll change the password to be more like a debug menu.

    Project updates:
    Be careful where you post it, make sure they site might give you credit where it came from. Than again you do have a hyperlink to your site with these flash. But make sure it is there. So if users are interested who is the creator of such a flash. They’ll come to this site.

    VA Rant + ideas:
    I see, don’t blame you on removing them. I have no idea for a good VA Manager but if I find such a user I’ll let you know. Many gather around Newgrounds to do voice acting. But that site can be a pain in the ass.

    wip stuff:
    I think 3D is the way to go, so that you can spend less time drawing each new drawing every time. Plus the 3D can be use for a 2.5D where it’s 2D but with 3D Models. As for the plot So once the event of Lynn happens that means the math teacher, Riley, Luma, Jinru won’t show up at UMCH on a timeline. So does that mean UMCH will continue from there on too. Or that Lynn event is almost near the ending of UMCH? I remember you telling me that every side quest will be done first before the Lynn quest of that event happens.

    1. I might leave the original password doing something at least. but have a different one to actually do things that advance the game faster to help you get scenes faster. the original password still might work for a nude mode or something similar that could be hidden.

      Yeah I need a VA manager. I doubt I’ll find one on Newgrounds heh. It’s just a hunch though. I’m not sure actually how new this concept is, but it is nothing new in real world business. I bet it is fairly new in terms of hentai games because everyone is trying to do their own thing solo most of the time. I would need to perhaps check a VA forum or something when the time arises.

      wip stuff:
      I have to change all the other side quests happening first in order for UMCH to work as something continuous. Only certain characters appear in areas. I have been think about how to make it work. I want people to travel with Maiko but it would be difficult if it was any person like in UMCC. So I’m thinking Maiko will always have access to Pattie and Kyle from her default area. And if you are playig as Kyle he has access to perhaps Maiko and Jay or something like that. Some stuff is not playable as Maiko some stuff is not playable as Kyle. Or rather if you show up there as the wrong character something else will happen instead. For example Kyle can’t do the boxing. At least he wont be able to at first. so when you go there. All you can do is talk to the characters there and take photos of stuff.

      But yeah if in the main story Lynn and gang are gone. they will not be in locations they would normally appear in the game. until later on when they get back. and after they get back Natan will probably be replaced with a new teacher.

      1. They come back with a new math teacher and is also a nurse knows about medics injuries etc. That is none other than Remi, why is she there? Well Phia told her interesting stories of what was going on in Nanako and this red head name Miko… Maiko. Plus Remi plans to stick around because Jinru is there under cover again.

        Kyle: Yo red head have you heard.

        Maiko: No what?

        Kyle: We have a new math teacher a babe. She is also a nurse! But something feels odd about her… 😀

        While Natan was an asshole to Maiko most of the time. This math teacher is nice to Maiko. Remi likes Maiko’s nature of being sweet to people and is interested the fact that the girl can control her hairpin. Remi is a elite agent and is impress that a girl can learn in such little time with a hairpin. Remi notices that the hairpin is changing Maiko by looking into Maiko’s eyes. She won’t tell her but will give Maiko meds and injection that Maiko hates. Jinru aka Jeo thinks Natan have something to do with giving Maiko a hairpin.

        1. awesome ideas man! need to add it the umch thread. Yeah it needs a nurse character. But with it being Remi that is much more interesting. I need to go back through the script ideas post also and see what is there.

          1. Want me to write some side quest text conversation to see if anything pops in your mind as a good idea?

            I know Remi will work so many possibilities with Remi. Since Jinru is back in the school. Remi did said baby I’ll follow Jeo. LOL

          2. yeah It would be useful to toss in some ideas. I haven’t thought about it much at all since the idea is relatively new. It would be nice if she had some stuff for Maiko or Kyle to do early on though, sexual stuff or otherwise. There first few things I am making will be about Maiko. Maybe Remi teaches Maiko how to better read the client she is pleasuring or something.

    1. I don’t have a certain date but I plan to update often. I can only randomly guess with no actually data to support it. I will “hope”/guess I finish before nov 18th with the first kind of playable and stable version because I planned to play Dragon Age Inquisition a lot XD
      So I need to be getting something done daily ideally.

      Basically it will be when i finish writing the dialogues for the first part of the story, finish the boxing club minigame, sex scene rewards, and the pleasure service minigame and finish a store to buy stuff, a basic version of Maiko’s room, and some parts of the school.

      so on the first drop of the game all you be able to do it go through the first dialogue sequences (i’m thinking 3 major ones) and level up Maiko and work your way through the boxing club members until you have enough money to but the tournament ticket and gear.

      I think for main story in UMCC it was only like 3-4 scenes also. but you didn’t see them until you did the other stuff. It won’t be like that here. Ideally, no quests will require another quest to be completed first except for the main story quest. the 3 or 4 scenes here will be like the first chapter.

  3. Looking good. Although not being too familiar with your storyline/game as of yet and mainly having been introduced to your girls through all your MMD videos, it’s a bit saddening to watch them beat the crap out of each other haha.

    1. Yeah it is why I wanted to make some mmd animations from some of the stuff from some of my old 2D stuff. it’s not from some kind of aggression. it is sport. There is a boxing club among other the clubs.

  4. This is so amazing!!
    Can’t wait to play!
    And also, the MMD fighting video is awesome!!!
    Oh it is just too great Awwwwwwwwwww

    1. Thanks~
      Trying to get playable stuff happening this week with full graphics. though some of it is already playable with the 2D graphics I have done so far already.

    1. Not fixing it. It is just at least two of the characters that are in boxing have bigger breasts, so I need to make a version for them also.

  5. Wow, that is pretty impressive and one of the cases i would agree 3d is better than 2d, hehe. The fighting look really good, like many other 3d fighting games, i noticed there are some sweat effects making the shirt transparent or some nipple slips. Will there be a possibility to rip clothes of, and it will affect the outcome of the fight? Or character reactions? Besides that, I am excited to play it, can i change from first person to third? First person seems crazy right know, lol. Lots of moviments.

    1. If i can import mmd animation into unity3d it could be like this. But I haven’t found a solution to do that yet.
      until then it’s just use the character graphics with the 2D system I have created already. Not sure ho detailed I will take it. I usually mention the ideas and then fall short of it a bit.

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