ttrop is about done with the second umichan deluxe pic. I will borrow one character pic that I plan to use in umcc/ch to make a brief setting before gameplay and roll with it. so three total images, one is animated and the game mechanics might be a little different. I’ll have to think about it a bit.
My plan is that there will be 5 planets with the last planet being the one that Maiko and friends are on so that is the most earth-like planet.
Basically I want to make various things going on in each area. Side quest type stuff and alternate ways to gain resources. Also I plan to make some of the upgrades unlockable from doing this bonus stuff. There were also a few upgrades I left out that I will add back in. but basically there will be a map of stuff to do in each area and accompanying dialogue for some of that stuff. the image below is just a example of kinda what I’m talking about.
Well looking foreword to what you’ll do with UM Deluxe.
Aria is looking very promising by the look of that picture there is a lot of content in it.
Yeah I don’t want to spoil too much about UM deluxe yet. I do plan to include the mini in umch thoguh so that will be one of the hentai parts that is in third person for the folks that can’t really get down with the pov stuff. trying to have a little bit for everyone in this even thoguh the focus is pov.
for aria yeah there will be some overview map in each area with things to do in it. Doing those things will probably make the space battles easier and have have bonus hentai scenes. like before you do the space battle you can do and destroy the boss ship in advance so it wont show up in the space battle, same thing for the reinforcement ship etc.