January 7, 2024

19 thoughts on “MMD: High Poly Tutorial

  1. Very quick and clear, nice!
    Do you post these anywhere else or do you just kind of let them all hang out here? XD
    Also, when you make a new model/character do you often start from scratch or do you just use another pre-made body and tweak it?

    1. Wasn’t actually going to high poly them yet though. I need to fix the weights first. But yeah this plugin saves hella time.

  2. It’s great that you post tutorials. 🙂 Now I just need to get time away from study and looking for jobs….

    1. oh going to hop into mmd stuff ? I still need to make the aria thread also for writing, I haven’t forgot about it.

    1. i need to remake this. or rather go into more detail about it because it is very picky about a few things.

      if you are having problem loading it you need to make sure the plugin files are not blocked. windows sometimes will files that came from a different PC.

      if you are having trouble using it and it errors. you need to make sure your morphs are all named both in Japanese version and in English. And you need to make sure you have no stray vertices. and you need to make sure you have it material highlight not vertices highlighted.

        1. in the video i used the bottom option but you want to use the top one instead and leave the box unchecked. It will make a high-poly copy of the layer at the bottom of the material list and also smooth it out for you. you will need to delete the original material that you copied from. I also like to put the new high poly version of it in the same pace on the material list where the initial version was located because when you have things like transparency the order of the materials matters.

          1. Thx again for replying! When I tried using the plugin, I did it the same way you did in the tutorial. Is there any difference in quality when using that method you just mentioned? Also, I’d like to ask a kinda newbie question, but what are the benefits of using high poly models instead of low poly?

          2. yes they way I mentioned in the comments makes all the difference in the world. option 3 essential does nothing be make MMD have a harder time rendering the model for no gain at all.

            the problem with the third option that i didn’t notice in the video is that it increases the poly count but leaves the edges the same. the point of making something a higher poly is usually to have smoother edges. That is what you are gaining.

            option 1 increases the poly count and smooths the model. similar to a mesh smoothing iteration in a 3D modeling tool like 3dstudio max or blender.

  3. Oh, nice to know o.o next time I try “upgrading” a model I’ll do it using the 1st option then. What I didn’t know was that making a model hi-poly demanded so much RAM. I guess it’s my fault for trying to make a hi-poly version of an already hi-poly model, lol. Last time I did it PMXeditor was using up to 3.2GB of RAM and freezed when I tried deleting the older material layers, lol. Thx for your teachings XD

  4. hey uh i kinda need help
    i download the plugin and put it in user folder and it run fine? but when i click the button it doesnt do anything??? idk what im doing wrong here i always unblock files before extracting them too so thats not the problem here please help! ;-;

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