January 2, 2024

10 thoughts on “Leyah animation video

  1. Thanks for the preview of the test. The animation is running smooth. I have seen you try to make butt chicks animation on flash in the past. Every time I watch it always amaze me how complex a butt chick animation can get on flash.

    1. Thanks, yeah it is a lot easier to make little tweaks here and there in anime studio. Also I can bend the image itself with bones which is something my versions of flash can’t to.

  2. The final animation looks very nice, but under further scrutiny (I know, I know, I’m a buzzkill) the larger penis looks somewhat… deformed? Maybe a bit choked at the bottom or something in a visually awkward way? I don’t know a lot about penises, but I would think that the thickness would be relatively consistent throughout. I don’t know. Ignoring that it still looks sexy.

    1. Thanks, in terms of the large penis, they all might need to be redone, it is why I didn’t bother adapting the motion to it. I just used it as a general guide. But in general yeah especially the penis and in general the male genitalia isn’t something I set out to make overly realistic to begin with. Just like the boobs being really big for some of the characters. when it passes a certain threshold in size it’s just like. whats the point in trying to still make it realistic.

      1. But breasts do have the capacity to be that big. You’ve heard of the world record for largest natural breasts, haven’t you? They weigh 56 pounds EACH! And based on looks alone, Luma’s tits seem quite a bit smaller than those puppies. So technically the large size of your character’s breasts isn’t unrealistic, just statistically unlikely. Especially a for several such women to live in the same environment. Actually, maybe that would make it more likely due to environmental causes? I’m always leaning towards genetics for such development but it’s always possible. Yay BOOB SCIENCE!

        1. I certainly don’t mind discussing female breasts. And yes I realize that Luma’s breast size is not impossible. Maybe big is the wrong word to explain. Rather there is less concern for realism based on how unlikely it is. And that is on top of the disconnect I might already have to realism in general to begin with by it being 2D.

          on a side note I’d assume that the person you refer to isn’t below the age of 20 as Luma would be. yes I think in the past, a few users have posted pics of a real life Luma. It is always fun to see those.

    1. Glad you like it. Her unique animation is pretty good also. Should be fun when I manage get to it. Still playing catch up at the moment.

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