May 4, 2024

19 thoughts on “UMCH Jeni cafe sex unique animation wip

    1. Yes that is the overall idea of it. It is not her guy by choice. It was selected by her mom. She would rather have a muscular dude so she sits there annoyed the entire time doing stuff on her phone until it is over.

    1. Yeah this is just anal. On one of the variations his penis is out and he rubs it on her pussy.

      Each girl’s unique pose in the cafe caters to different fetishes

  1. Looking good! One thing I was worried about, based on earlier footage and the old version of the game, was that it had limited views. Glad to see some new angels, also will there be a challenge to get her to ever smile? Seriously would like to know if we get a difficult task to get this uptight gal to loosen up. (non sexually)

    1. Currently I have plan for Jeni to ever loosen up for various reasons.
      She has to stay tough to deal with all the males coming in out of the sex club. Also in case she need to rough up people in the cafe. To keep David and Joiry in check. In case she needs to fight off gemco agents again. she also has some jealousy issues. and is pissed off in general about getting stuck with this fat guy. She is also designed to contrast with her mother a great deal.

    1. The fat guy is obsessed with Jeni and she hates it and find it pretty boring. He is like their best customer and her mother always volunteers Jeni even when she has legit other stuff to do. so she she just lays there and finds stuff to do on her phone until it is over. All this will be fleshed out more in the game dialogue.

      1. So he’s like a rich fat guy who everyone pretends to like because of his money. Interesting how willing her mother is to whore out her own daughter. But I guess if the money is good enough and Jeni’s like “whatever” I guess it’s not horrible. How much money does he pay for her?

        1. he is something like Harold but really nice and sociable. People like him genuinely. I’d don’t have a number he pays exactly but it is the most. Jeni’s entire family will be interesting to say the very least especially her mom. she whores out not just her daughter, but all of the girls that work there heh. It is normal for her, normal for Jeni. Jeni just doesn’t like the guy.

          1. yeah it will be interesting when i get into past events of the characters. some of the characters don’t have a normal happy backstory, just look at Savori. J

    1. Glad you liking it so far. this is just the cafe mini game also. ttrop is currently making stuff for the boxing minigames so I am trying to catch up. She get even more interesting when we get to the swimming stuff.

  2. Jeni is just texting on he smart phone ROFL!!!!

    Man Anime Studios bone structure can be so useful. So do you have any idea of the type of BG these different animations will have?

    1. I have ideas for the BG but haven’t created them yet. I’m not too terribly concerned about it.
      I will do it but it would be cool to have chat messages come up on screen so you can see what she is typing heh.

      1. The SMS message thing is interesting. I’m not sure exactly how you’re planning UMCH, but in terms of UMCC she could text Maiko nasty things when she’s below 2 affection and text her dirty things when she’s above 5 affection.

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