January 7, 2024

26 thoughts on “Updates for today

  1. I’m not sure how alien equates to furry. The Mass Effect aliens certainly aren’t furries. Especially the Asari. Ah, the Asari. Monogendered, sexy blue women. Yay Asari! But it’s your choice to add aliens or not. I’m not even sure you released any alien artwork for the series. Did you?

    Aw, Pattie looks so cute! Hope you’re able to catch up on all your work!

    1. I posted some of the alien stuff on patreon. I it possible it can misinterpreted as a dragon girl or something. Ah you reminded me I did some MMD stuff also. I’ll post it later.

  2. Should Bri be shown topless in the 3rd pic? Are you implementing a way to display the nude models without using a code?

    Confirmed that I can see the blocked content by signing in with Patreon.

    Selvira makes a good point, I’m not sure I understand how aliens equate to furries. I can’t find an exact definition of what a furry is so I can’t make a legitimate argument here, but if any sexualized image of a non-human is furry then I guess I am one and so are many celebrated artists and sculptors throughout history.

    The alien scene was never a big deal for me so I don’t really care if it never gets added, but it seems like a waste to just throw out an already animated scene. Maybe test the waters by including it in the Patreon version like you did with the rape scenes. If a huge backlash occurs then it can be removed without ever having been part of a public release.

    1. awesome. that took less time then I expected then. now I can get back to business for now.
      I added your previous comment to your post.
      as for the alien stuff. since this is working I should be in better position to implement it.

      Bri is topless on the 3rd pic because i used the password. All I did was progress to area 2 asap and buy various prisoners. I changed your username on the other account it made to Brigma2. you should be able to change it something else if you want. I’ll look into get perhaps private profiles.

  3. Look like the patreon stuff is working.
    I dont think it will work for my feed/feedreader though, wasent there suposed to be a patreon only feed? maybe i missed the email?

    Im not too good with feed’s anyone know if i can get a good one bult into or around firefox?

    1. don’t worry about the e-mail you will get a email as usual for actual stuff posted. I will still make a posts on patreon and link to whatever it is here so you will still receive the emails. I didn’t post this on patreon because this was just a test so only one or two people needed to tell me it is working. I didn’t need a big test for it heh.

  4. Thanks Sabers Praetor,
    I’m going to be removing comments from the patreon login for now because it display people’s e-mail as the username, which seems kinda crazy lol. But I guess that is on way for the developer to not have names conflict with existing user names.

  5. I’ve logged out and back in so the username should be normal.

    Yes, it worked, and was still there after I logged out and back in with my SVP site password.

    Really looking forward to the changes for ARIA. 🙂

    I personally don’t think of alien as furry but I get your reasoning. Some furries might see it that way, I guess. But it would only be a small part so I don’t think anyone with a brain could mistake you for a furry dude. 🙂 But up to you, of course.

  6. Since my main interest is UMCH I can only say agree with a focus on Pattie, love Kyle for the pervert he is but to be around all the time would feel forced on all kind of events (while Pattie would be natural on a girl-friend level… or friendly stalker level lol)

    Regarding ARIA I was expecting the aliens and feel slightly disappointed but can understand your reasoning and in the end is your project so I respect your desicion; besides it’s not as if they can’t be extra/kameo on the future stage or be present on another game.

  7. So I was emptying my spam folder today when I saw an email from Patreon.

    Apparently based on my interest in Vortex’s games they think I’ll like this game called Breeding Season:

    I actually don’t hate the game but it is clearly a furry fanboy’s wet dream. Looks like you’re lumped in with the furry crowd whether you have alien stuff or not :/

    1. hopefully none of this will matter since the patron stuff here is working.

      A number of my patrons are also breeding season patrons. Which is fine. And that is probably why you got that e-mail since patreon doesn’t use keywords or anything. It is just based on what other stuff they are supporting.

      That also applies to a lot of hentai artists also I would imagine because obviously breeding seasons has a alot of patrons based on the numbers.

      1. Yeah, that would be the reason. I got suggestions of stuff I wouldn’t like but I know that some of the patrons of stuff I support also support that other stuff. :/ The algorithm doesn’t seem to be more sophisticated than that.

      2. Yea I’m assuming these guys didn’t sign up for the patreon thing you did because there’s no way they’re pulling in 42k a month.

        1. I hope they’re not, considering how little some really good artists and game makers get. I personally was shocked at how much a patreon with weird beast shit was earning. :/ Their fans are pretty ready to cough up cash to get their fix, it seems.

          1. One problem with Patreon, like all crowd funding, is it all depends on how much interest you can generate. More people means more money. It doesn’t matter how good someone is, if noone knows about them they will get nothing.

            I’m not surprised at the crossover though, Patreon probably just lumps all the Hentai stuff in together, with very little actual focus on the content. But Breeding Season is actually a pretty good game, and quite popular (42k is more than I thought). Fenoxo who does TiTS and CoC gets 21k on Patreon, so I don’t think furry in hentai stuff is anyway near as unpopular/weird as people think. There should probably be a distinction between hentai furry and real furry though.

            I don’t think I’ve seen a full preview of the alien character, so I can’t say for sure, but I can’t imagine ARIA would be associated with furry because of it.

          2. I agree with you on the patreon stuff but as for furry stuff not only it is weird, it’s very weird. Also no one here is questioning whether or not the game is good, nor if furry is popular or not. One or both of those things have to be true since the game is doing to well.

            But at the end of the day werewolf fucking a bird with legs with a twenty inch dick is pretty weird. Most furry hentai is pretty weird. There’s really no getting around that. And because I don’t feel like writing a book, I will explain just one reason why in this reply. With furry hentai, you essentially take something that exists and is already defined in appearance either naturally in real life, such as a horse or a cat, or fictionally, such as a dragon or unicorn. People have a predefined and documented expectation of how those creatures are supposed to look and function. Yet you change it’s previously defined “normal” appearance to usually combine it with humanoid features and human bone structures and sometimes human apparel and jewelry and/or combine it with other features from other fictional or real creatures and make it no longer normal. since it is intended to be living, and also “not normal” anymore from it’s previous defined state of being. it becomes abnormal, bizarre, weird, strange. all synonyms.

            That is not to say it can’t be arousing. One that likes furry may find it “weirdly arousing”. but it is still weird along with anything else it might be. That is also not to say a person can’t get used to something that is weird. We can all see that a notable size of people find interest in furry. But a cat’s head fused with man’s body is abnormal because the human head is replaced. There’s really no other way to slice that cake. it’s weird.

            Also you can’t associate weirdness with popularity. You won’t find weird defined as something that is not that popular. You will find it defined as just something seen as bizarre, unorthodox, abnormal, uncanny, strange, etc. and essentially creating a new creature by taking predefined parts from existing and mythical creatures and combining them together fits that category.

  8. Did I mention how much I’m looking forward to the new ARIA stuff you’ve previewed? 😀 I hope the new gameplay and animations can make release for early December. But no worries if it can’t, of course. It’s obvious how hard you work on this. 🙂

    1. Yeah I am working on it regularly. that is best I can do heh. I will be equally, if not more so, glad when I finally finish these changes.

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