Thanks for all the comments on UMCH, I will reply to them in time. I have been keeping up with at least reading them. I have been busy working on various things such as preloading and preparing patreon stuff.
About preloading, since my games are multipart files I need to get smart about trying to preload stuff at the beginning before the game even starts.
For example, currently in ARIA it only loads files when they are first needed. Like when going to the Hanger or viewing certain sex scenes. It takes a while to load when you first go there, but is fine every time after that it loads pretty fast, nearly instantly.
So I am trying to write something that goes through each external file and loads it once, then unloads it, the same way as in ARIA except all at the start of the game. hopefully this will make me having multipart games hosted online more viable.
I will have a test soon’ish
Best of luck to you. Let me say that I find it it works better. As for the load or the problem to the code. It isn’t as bad as DoE early coding that’s for sure. LOL
Yeah DoE is really hard to add more characters. I still want to make a decent platform fighting game thoguh at some point. I did manage to fix the problems I was having where it wasn’t loading but the idea overall doesn’t seem to work. so I will need to try plan B.
Plan B you mean like what you did to UMCH into what the code is today. Where the code is suppurated into different files?
Plan B will involve be changing the way all the buttons work. I will to a small scale test first but basically what I will try to do is load each separate swf into a movie container each on a different frame on the timeline at the start of the game. Instead of the buttons loading different moviclips, they will move to different spots on the timeline depending on what you are trying to do.