January 6, 2024

23 thoughts on “UM3DO testing

  1. All you have to do is announce the when the time and day it takes have ahead of time what your doing right now posting on the main page. This weekend sure at what day and time?

      1. 12:00 PM? Sure why not. I don’t ,ind but what those the rest of the users say about it. Guys if your reading this you might want to post if this is a perfect date to do a beta test of the new online build. Anyone?

  2. Saturday I will go out with Eriot, if you extend the testing to Sunday, let me know and I might join you all 🙂

  3. I was not aware of such a project! Eureka!
    Unfortunately I am not in the right time zone (CET), and for me it is difficult to participate in any tests

  4. I have no idea what I’ll be doing on Saturday, but hopefully I’ll be available! And more importantly, awake! Noon CST… *googles timezone* Oh, okay! For me that’d be 2 pm. Again, hopefully I’ll be awake. My sleep schedule’s been off.

      1. I am awake, hooray!!! I woke up at noon my time. And it’s not nice considering I need to have time to finish this stupid Duke neuroscience class by midnight on Monday. I really regret allowing my mother to sign me up for that. But I’m not allowed to just sit around and wait while medical schools are processing my applications. I apparently have to do something “productive.” It would’ve been a hell of a lot more productive if the guy didn’t have an obnoxious voice whistle and actually made the material comprehensible.

  5. sad, this saturday and sunday i’m out of home :C, i’ll test the next time when you do this again xD

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