January 3, 2024

16 thoughts on “Updates

  1. If I’m not mistaking Ario since is what you are calling it is Aria 2 right? Why not just name it the sequel of the next chapter Aria 2 with a theme name to the game? Now what is the name of this chapter is the question.

    1. Funny you mentioned this. I was just explaining this to a patron. It is not really a sequel. If it was in would have called it ARIA2 from the start instead of “Alt. ARIA”.

      This is what I mentioned:
      The story is definitely a continuation of the ARIA story, so yes there are similarities as I mentioned in terms of theme (story and setting) and character cast. however what I’m saying is they are not so similar in game mechanics that working on this one means that it is not worth updating the previous one if I am still able to. From that perspective they are very different games.

      Even though the story continues, I’m not overly keen on naming stuff 2, 3, etc since it is not really a sequel. Especially when the game play mechanics are so different. ARIA2 implies a new game with similar mechanics as in ARIA. So if something is not there, people will assume I removed it. However changing the title imples to not expect the same stuff as in ARIA to begin with.

      As a example take any game title you like.
      When you add a 2 we expect a sequel. A better version of 1 with the the same stuff plus more. However instead add puzzle on the end. Now we expect a similar setting and characters, but different gameplay. This example is extreme but you might get the idea.

      1. I was about to write like Mass Effect games or Back to the future movies. Didn’t wanted to write a big text. Anyways you would always do in the final version what you did to the last build of Aria have Arielle adventure and Amp adventure in the flash to select to play the game. I like how you did that for the offline part. It is better organize than having 2 or 3 folders.

        1. You mean like add this to ARIA? This game would be too different for that. The most obvious difference is the art styles. But there are also differences in the way I define things in ARIA vs ARIO. One example of that is in ARIA the nodes are little space stations with “units” which are implied to contain people/agents. In ARIO the nodes are scanner drones used to track people down. In this case Natan. and the number represents how charged up they are with Khalei.

          It is kind of the issues with UMCC vs UMCH. I don’t want the game to be limited by how something was in UMCC. Many people ask about the follow system from UMCC but UMCH works different. It is not UMCC2.

          Similarly in ARIO there is no cook, eat food, buy ship upgrades, train, punish, raid, get raided, most of the stats are gone totally. I didn’t take them out. It is just a different game in terms of the gameplay and a few things are defined differently. It is why i want to use ARIO or alt aria. And not ARIA 2. It is a bit different. However I did take the opportunity to continue the story from ARIA since I need to do that anywyas.

  2. In ARIO, when TT tells me to move to a different area on the map, I click the next area but there is no confirm button. The only button i can press to continue is the back button, but then it doesn’t change areas. Not sure if I’m missing something.

    1. My apologies, I’m just an idiot. It did change on the planet screen, but the ship position on the map apparently resets to the first area every time you open it.

  3. This is just my opinion but, I really think you guys should just finish aria 1. Since it seems like a unfinished game before moving to a sequel

    1. ARIO can be called sequel only in the matter of plot. And, by the way, ARIA’s storyline has already been finished, if I’m not mistaken.
      In other aspects it’s a different game. It has different game mechanics and graphics for these games is being made by different people.

      1. This is also correct.

        @heca I would not worry about ARIA. It would be interesting the day you find me working on just one thing. There are still number of additions to ARIA down the road thanks to Alukard helping out. However there are no significant plot elements ARIA will receive that will change later story events, it is just hentai updates, and I wanted to change the raid mechanics at some point. Neferis is also correct that the team is different. And different teams calls for different games. I told pinoytoons ARIA was finished over a year ago and he has since moved onto other things. But since there was heavy interest in ARIA I asked if he could make a new animations or so on a monthly basis, and we have been doing that for abut a year or so.

        1. so that robot girl in A1 is finished? cause it says shes missing a core? And also there are a lot of ? marks in the hold deck. Im not sure if those are also finished?

          1. Yes the Ai robot girl is finished in versions not yet released publicly.

            Yes all of the “?” buttons in the current public release can be unlocked. If it is there it can be unlocked.

    2. Thanks for the comments, ARIA was finished quite a while back. It is just receiving fan requested updates (mostly hentai) and my occasional dabbling that make it seem unfinished. 2.2b can easily be considered a finished game. No matter what game I am working on, not everyone will have a consensual agreement when something is finished for various reasons.

  4. Hello i just pledged $5 on patreon and honestly im looking foward to the development of both games nut this is the 1st time im supporting someone so could i get info on how to get the latest version(s)

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