Joey can be seen here in her undies with her art book she uses to draw butterflies and scenery. And camera for publishing club activities~

From time to time the topic will be brought up about how it would be interesting see some of the characters in various games cosplayed, so here we are with the first! Post feedback! Hopefully soon I can have a dedicated cosplay section on the site.
Also if you like cosplay even just a little bit I’d recommend checking out her patreon:
She has a lot of very diverse sets of pictures from fetish, to fantasy, to mainstream stuff. I posted a few examples of stuff I liked below. But tbh all of it is good, I didn’t want to have too many pics in the post, so you just need to see for yourself on page. just scroll down. She has a few nice tease photos even public patreon posts, but has surprisingly a lot of nudes even at the $1 tier. And as usual it gets better as you go up in tier.
I Thought this one was pretty cool. Idk if I’d be next to a octopus thoguh. I think I read it was already dead but I’d still probably be nowhere near that thing heh.
And uh “Full creamy nudity” I’m sure you can figure out what that means for yourself XD
You found a cosplay that is willing to cosplay hentai nice find. she looks nice as Hoey. Now it makes me wonder who are you going to find to have a pic of cosplay. I’m sure the other usres might put the droll rainbow. LOL
Yeah I wanted to see if I can get more done eventually. but for now it is game projects.
No, seriously, you need to award me for my prediction skills or my intuition.
Because just a few days ago, and especially yesterday, I was thinking how it would be good if some girls started to take photos of themselves cosplaying different characters from Vortex’s games… And here it is!
Kassandra Leigh, yeah? I’ve never heard of her, but when I see her right now, I can definetely say that she’s amazing. And a full-nudity? Even better!
In short, I’m all for it.
…it’s a double rainbow, oh my god, it’s a double rainbow all the way…
There will be some problems, though, with Maiko, or Luma, or Zytra, or someone similar. Two problems, to be precise.
By the way, is it possible to invite that beauty from cooladvertising to participate in the cosplay?
Hannah, if I’m not mistaken.
It is just a guess but I don’t think she cosplays characters. But she probably has a sexy nurse outfit costume or something. like some sexy Halloween type stuff. But I have more stuff from her I need to upload.
I see.
But still, it would be great to see her cosplaying someone from your games if there was such a possibility.
Can check later. For now we are just trying svp clothing.
Poor octopus, if it was still alive it certainly would be in heaven.
That Joey pic is amazing, not sure I’m willing to donate to her but it certainly goes a long way towards convincing me.
On her post for the Joey pic she refers to herself as Pettanko, I think that’s really sad. Comparing yourself to anime characters isn’t really healthy and I personally wouldn’t classify her as flat in anyway. Hopefully she gets some encouragement from her patrons.
I’m sure she is mostly joking heh.