ttrop made a pic of the characters so far. Not including the uncle. I think we are almost done with character redesign for the game about Jeni. Still need Luma and Albert.
21 thoughts on "Umichan Art updates, The cast so far"
Like the new design of the boys but girls look worse than before for example savori’s boobs are pushed up too much. I also think that holly’s new leggings are really ugly compared to the old one and jeni has too muscular arms.
Savori’s push up thing is due to new variants in the poses. Like when they’re wearing a bra, their breasts will be pushed upward instead of freely hanging.
Everything’s looking good (especially the new joiry). Only minor complaints would be david being slightly cross-eyed (a lot more white on the outsides of both eyes than there is on the inside, instead of just one eye) and that Savori’s jaw looks a little off. The right side (her left) looks slim and fine then the other side is a little too rounded.
thanks for the feedback. yeah will get back to david eyes for sure. I think savori good enough i guess. anything i change people will not think it is perfect no matter how it looks heh.
-David’s eyebrows are too uneven, they’re thick on the inner side but incredibly slim on the outer side, it doesn’t look natural and David doesnt strike me as the type of guy that gets his eyebrows styled regularly.
Also, while his new hair style is fine, I prefer the old one, it made him look like more of a jerk while the new one reminds me too much of what you’d see on an anime hero or something, for example:
-Holli’s arms look a bit too bulky, but I think that’s due to the size of her hands, they look way too small for someone as built as her, they look even smaller than Savori’s.
-Jeni looks fine, only thing that bothers me is that her left arm looks slightly shorter than her right arm, maybe my eyes are deceiving me because of the different angles but I think its worth checking it out.
-Savori looks good, I do want to ask though, did she get a size upgrade? I dont recall her breasts being that much bigger than Jeni’s.
-Joiry looks great, if I had to complain, the only thing I can think of would be that he could use a slightly more defined jawline, but the goatee hides that out pretty well so its all good.
Thanks for the feedback, David’s eyebrows is just the styled drawing. Something i think ttrop picked up from kill-la-kill anime.
People were saying holly hands were too big so I made them smaller.
Jeni has received the most editing, probably wont mess with it unless it is something major. also boobs were actually too big in the older drawing.
Not sure how Joiry’s hair is fine but Davids is not heh. they are both anime.
I like what you did with girls, and I’m okay with Joiry, but I cannot stand that weird David’s face. He looks extremely dumb, like his IQ is below 80. I liked the old model, cause old one had that tough character, you could have said he’s a bully just from his look and his face of course. The new one is like, meh, like he’s missing a bunch of brain cells or like he’s having diarrhea.
Sorry, I’m just being honest. :/
Seems like my last comment here didn’t succeed… or maybe i didn’t send it, even though i think i did?
Anyway. Like i said in Jeni’s Art update, i think her new look works. BECAUSE she has the background for it to work. I’ll admit i’d rather she be ess muscled, and esthetically i like the old one better… but that’s only because as far as fantasies go, i like slender girls better. Yet story-wise? This new one is actually better.
I like this new Savori, but following her new breast grewth, i hope other characters, like Zytra, don’t get any bigger than they are now. That would be a little too much in my book.
Joiry looks more like a bad boy, and girls dig bad boys, which works i think. And i don’t like David in general (i don’t like douchebags), so his new looks don’t really phase me.
Thanks for the feedback. Yeah you understand the changes. Jeni was intended to be more like this from the start tbh. Also new Luma is posted and Zytra is smaller than Luma when it comes to breast size.
Like the new design of the boys but girls look worse than before for example savori’s boobs are pushed up too much. I also think that holly’s new leggings are really ugly compared to the old one and jeni has too muscular arms.
Savori’s push up thing is due to new variants in the poses. Like when they’re wearing a bra, their breasts will be pushed upward instead of freely hanging.
what don’t you like about the leggings?
The old leggins were long but these new are way too short and I think that short leggins doesn’t fit to her outfit as well as long ones do
1 more thing I don’t like is this shining surface of the leggings. In my opinion it looks like wale skin what is a bit ugly
Thanks for the feedback
Holly arms still look a little big that is my only issue but everything else looks great with the new artwork
Thanks glad you like it. Jeni working out as stuff is inspired from her mother and parts of her past.
Everything’s looking good (especially the new joiry). Only minor complaints would be david being slightly cross-eyed (a lot more white on the outsides of both eyes than there is on the inside, instead of just one eye) and that Savori’s jaw looks a little off. The right side (her left) looks slim and fine then the other side is a little too rounded.
thanks for the feedback. yeah will get back to david eyes for sure. I think savori good enough i guess. anything i change people will not think it is perfect no matter how it looks heh.
Jeni looks more pissed off than usual, but otherwise I am liking the shapes
Glad you like it
Do you consider yourself or your assistant a skillful artist with decent knowledge of the subject?
what “subject”? art in general? my characters? question seems broad. we just do what we can do, and people can like it or not.
Looking alright but some complaints
-David’s eyebrows are too uneven, they’re thick on the inner side but incredibly slim on the outer side, it doesn’t look natural and David doesnt strike me as the type of guy that gets his eyebrows styled regularly.

Also, while his new hair style is fine, I prefer the old one, it made him look like more of a jerk while the new one reminds me too much of what you’d see on an anime hero or something, for example:
-Holli’s arms look a bit too bulky, but I think that’s due to the size of her hands, they look way too small for someone as built as her, they look even smaller than Savori’s.
-Jeni looks fine, only thing that bothers me is that her left arm looks slightly shorter than her right arm, maybe my eyes are deceiving me because of the different angles but I think its worth checking it out.
-Savori looks good, I do want to ask though, did she get a size upgrade? I dont recall her breasts being that much bigger than Jeni’s.
-Joiry looks great, if I had to complain, the only thing I can think of would be that he could use a slightly more defined jawline, but the goatee hides that out pretty well so its all good.
Hahaha! Seiya! Say would you be from Brazil too by any chance?
Thanks for the feedback, David’s eyebrows is just the styled drawing. Something i think ttrop picked up from kill-la-kill anime.
People were saying holly hands were too big so I made them smaller.
Jeni has received the most editing, probably wont mess with it unless it is something major. also boobs were actually too big in the older drawing.
Not sure how Joiry’s hair is fine but Davids is not heh. they are both anime.
I like what you did with girls, and I’m okay with Joiry, but I cannot stand that weird David’s face. He looks extremely dumb, like his IQ is below 80. I liked the old model, cause old one had that tough character, you could have said he’s a bully just from his look and his face of course. The new one is like, meh, like he’s missing a bunch of brain cells or like he’s having diarrhea.
Sorry, I’m just being honest. :/
please see the updated version of his face
Seems like my last comment here didn’t succeed… or maybe i didn’t send it, even though i think i did?
Anyway. Like i said in Jeni’s Art update, i think her new look works. BECAUSE she has the background for it to work. I’ll admit i’d rather she be ess muscled, and esthetically i like the old one better… but that’s only because as far as fantasies go, i like slender girls better. Yet story-wise? This new one is actually better.
I like this new Savori, but following her new breast grewth, i hope other characters, like Zytra, don’t get any bigger than they are now. That would be a little too much in my book.
Joiry looks more like a bad boy, and girls dig bad boys, which works i think. And i don’t like David in general (i don’t like douchebags), so his new looks don’t really phase me.
Thanks for the feedback. Yeah you understand the changes. Jeni was intended to be more like this from the start tbh. Also new Luma is posted and Zytra is smaller than Luma when it comes to breast size.