January 8, 2024

29 thoughts on “MMD: Slow Sex (Zytra/Tsugo)

    1. Thanks. Joey might take a while but Riley could be made sooner. I don’t have the updated body with small proportions yet,

  1. I’d like to see more. It looks good and is a cool idea. I think it could do with some background music. Not important, it’s just a thought I had.

    1. Thanks, i didn’t know what bgm to use maybe something classical. also needs to be royalty free. and it might have drowned out the breathing. I’ll see what i can do for the next one.

      1. You could try searching royalty free lounge music. I just searched that on YT and heard some good ones.

        1. when i add background music to a game people always ask for a way to turn it off. i figured for the video I’d just leave it out for this one. some like it, some don’t, but in a video, it is one or the other.

          1. That’s true. Most people won’t care either way since the focus is on the visual. I’m good with either. I think some music would be nice but not required.

  2. Definitely interested.

    Also, this reminded me about the Honey Select characters you were making. Did those ever get released? I was really looking forward to them.

    1. Give me a bit to make leyah pattie and possibly riley, I wanted to release them all together. like 4 to 5 of them at a time.

  3. one thing i will mention is the guys face is well…quite cringe inducing and seems like it needs to be worked on but other then that nice job

    can’t wait to see what else you have in the pipeline.personaly i would like to know if you had anymore thoghts about the 3d games quite frankly with your skills in 3d anims it wouldn’t be too hard especialy if you teamed up with another person to help with it.also the godot engine seems like it would be a good place to start

    1. Thanks for the feedback. “quite cringe inducing and seems like it needs to be worked on” I don’t know what this means when it comes to actually making tangible changes to the face.

    1. Sure you can recommend something.

      atm for guys I have Tsugo,joiry,david,greel,kyle,and jay. will make chris and jinru later.
      girl is just maiko,zytra and Luma atm. will update savori, leyah,and pattie soon. also plan to make make riley and joey later.

  4. Maybe this is just me, but I’ve always loved your Dance Sex MMD videos. I find these normal sex videos boring because they lack that certain something and I find the normal nude dancing videos boring because they edge me too hard. The Dance Sex MMDs were the perfect in between.
    I’d love if you made more of those, I’m always waiting with bated breath in hopes you made more of those.

    1. Thanks for the feedback, different people like different stuff so I try to do bit of everything. Dance sex stuff is more of a heavy time investment so I make that the least. But I am working on one that uses my Lean On motion with actual sex parts.

      1. Awesome!
        I can’t wait for that one then.
        I know that they’re a lot of goddamn work, it’s just that I personally like seeing them a lot more than any other type of MMD.
        It’s kind of an obscure fetish, but a fetish nonetheless.

        1. Yeah. You’d see them more frequently if mmd was all I did. But with mmd I usually just make stuff that doesn’t take too long to do and get back to my main stuff.

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