Swimming game is about ready to be made. It’s not really designed to be super amazing just something small and fun since it is a side project mostly. For this build I just took out all moving water to help deal with lag. I also added the Ai opponent. In this it is Maiko vs Arielle.
Also I know the overlapping looks a bit odd but I’m not sure how else I want to do it. I don’t want the Ai to be able to block you from swimming. I might have it where if there is overlap it makes one a darker blue so it looks like she would be fully underwater.
Try the test here: (use arrow keys to swim)
[button color=”blue” link=”http://spiralvortexplay.com/games/pool_mini5.zip” target=”_blank”]Download[/button]
flash players here if need a way to play swf files without a browser:
Are able to beat the opponent?
If not:
are you can are you able to beat the opponent after turning off Splash?
are you can are you able to beat the opponent after selecting low settings?
more info this this swimming game can be found in the post below.
I like it ^^
Can see good potential with this :>
Many thanks~!
Plays well but the game is still too tall to fit in my browser window without scrolling down to see the bottom of the track. The download version displays perfectly though.
Thanks, yeah the scrolling issues should go away after I embed the actual game correctly.
I gotta say, this has come a long way from the first test, and I like it. One thing I noticed was the sprite change when Maiko bumped into the side. I know that seems minor, but it’s little things like that that make games like these really enjoyable for me. I can’t wait to see what’s in the next update for this.
Many thanks. I had it set to go back to a position where her body is vertical, since you are usually more vertical when moving slow or idle to make it seem more realistic but I can change it. maybe only do vertical if she is completely still.
Turning feels a bit too responsive. Make it drag a little, especially since there isn’t a way to turn with precision when it comes to keys.
I was able to beat the opponent fine with standard settings.
The opponent goes from 0-100 immediately though. Perhaps the same principle for the turning could be used, make it so there’s an ‘acceleration’ feeling to starting to move.
Maybe letting her block you would be fine, if the AI was programmed to make a mistake or two, but your idea of making it look like you’re swimming under them is great too.
Thanks for the feedback. I reduced the turn speed a a bit and went with the character being fully submerged instead of blocking. It’s a bit easier for me than making a the opponent make random mistakes because it is not really Ai it just a animation.
When will this game release?
This month is the plan~
Can’t wait for the completion of this game. Played most of the other games but this one is the best in my opinion. Will there be an exclusive extras for patreons or we can also experience everything?
What do you like about this one compared to the others? Thanks this game will have a convenient gallery for patreons. But everything can be seen while playing the game also.
how is the update of agent trainer going?
will have a post about it soon.
Much better then your first test of this game. The controls are tight, not to hard to turn but you can still mess up if your not careful. I was able to beat the opponent with high and low settings/water effects. And with splash turned on/off. I did notice that if your holding the UP key, you start a half second before the opponent. Is the intentional or just a bug? Curious, will there be a time attack kinda mode to unlock a gallery mode or some special images/animations? Keep up the great work and can’t wait till its ready.
Thanks, yeah it is intentional you can start a little before the opponent due to the acceleration. There are some images not used that I can have for bonus unlock stuff.
One complaint here:
If I choose Maiko, Ari has advantage ’cause she is taller.
If I choose Ari, Maiko is positioned a little forward.
Thanks I noticed this also, I was going to see if I can tweak it a bit.
When will this release?