January 8, 2024

19 thoughts on “Special Agent Maiko!?

  1. So Maiko is gonna join the ranks of the special agents?
    Well, she surely look good in the outfit.

    1. Isn’t a little out of character?
      Is hard to imagine a girl like Maiko going for a military lifestyle.

  2. Do you intend to add more anal scenes ever cause your sentoryu game had some moments that could of been great for it lol.

  3. HI , First I will talk honestly so do not take it personally

    I have been watching you for 2 years maybe. Although you receive 5 thousand per month , your progress is so slow . I think the reason is that you do not focus on one story or one game . the content is not so good . you just say “okay i did 1 sex scene for every character . let’s finish the game and close it ” DUDE STOP . make the game live longer . stop making so many games . just put it in one game

    I am totally not satisfied about the content . it’s like you have got a new idea and decided to finish the game

    1. Hi thanks for the feedback.

      I enjoy making different games, not just one thing. I have been making hentai games for 10 years now. Based on my own past experiences, I am doing what I know I can manage well, not get tired of, and most importantly, actually finish.

      It sound like you are referring to Sentoryu in your description of me. You want me to stop and just work on that one game. but understand that I had to stop working on something else before getting to it. Should I have just worked on that and never even made this game to begin with? My answer is no. I like to move forward and make new games, and tell new stories. If you are looking for big game projects I have made UMCH and ARIA, UMCH having 70+ completely different animations. In fact, none of these games would have been made if I only worked on my first game.

      If you are watching me you should know that I am currently taking a break from massive game projects like that to finish this smaller stuff. and that I will start another big project with UMAA.

    1. It’s still too early to tell. for now I want to get all the game mechanics implemented a make sure it feels nice to play. I will be working on it this week.

  4. hmm i’m interested to see the story on this one..GemCo is chasing her and yet she joined as an agent? Feels a little off joining the same group that is actually chasing you on the first place..

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