January 6, 2024

2 thoughts on “Suida Whalley Images

  1. I see there are 2 old Suida pictures. So she have red pants and top. Is she a princess where Donavik teaches her english? For a princess she sure doesn’t dress like one. LOL

  2. @JustJoe2k
    It is kind of her combat outfit. There is this class in Ralamar Elements called a “Claw”. She is one of those. Claws come out of the cylinders in her arm.

    See meets Donavik at some point by following traces of this infamous Black Dragon. I’m not %100 clear on how this happens yet. But I’ll probably need to do quite a bit of parallel world and other world dimensional stuff to make it make any sense lol. Like in semitix, most of the stories involve one person knowing what is going on, or remembering some other time period, while everyone else does not remember anything. I’m just going to type them up as they are even if the don’t make sense lol. I’ll figure it out later.

    Most of the princesses in these stories are very much combat ready. So Suida is not that odd. Suida is mostly speed and attack so she does have armor or thick clothing. But she can make use of several dragon infused abilities.

    Annie is actually the weird one, only wearing some flimsy dress that does nothing lol. Then her official priestess clothes she chooses to wear is some stripper outfit.

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