March 12, 2025

18 thoughts on “Daughter of Eve

  1. If anyone is confuse there is a book novel into the flash call semitix. You can read the events that lead into this DoE flash.

    1. Derp this flash doesn’t have the novel that takes place before this flash. I’ll let Vortex00 know about it.

        1. @Vortex00
          Usually I get the loading screen to wait to finish loading. Now it is just a blank screen no flash. Unless your uploading the updated flash.

  2. @Vortex00
    You had planned to make this into a hentai game later so any ideas are welcome.

    All right I’ll throw in some ideas of hentai you can do. It might give you a idea for something. I admit I really would have to think this. Because throwing it in for just hentai randomly would be pointless. Anyways I’ll think this through, than I’ll post it at the DoE Forums. Unless you want be to post it here on this section comments.

  3. The memories~~
    It has been some time now, but its still good to play it from time to time, hehe. The music is catchy as always.

  4. Okay I just started playing and I’m at the prologue… You need more paragraphs or line breaks. Too many walls of text for me to read until my eyes start to lose focus. I know in books they do the same thing you are doing but on a computer its a bit uncomfortable to put your face closer to the computer. I read books just above my lap when I’m sitting down.

    Ugh… hope I explaind that adequately. Have a hard time getting my thoughts out properly.

    1. yeah wouldn’t worry about it atm. It is why I wanted to remake the game into a different format.

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