March 12, 2025

64 thoughts on “UMCH: Female Body Previews

  1. I have nothing to say they all look good. I see this one have different shape and size of nipples and erola.

      1. This i like, i REALLY like. Some of the conversations in in UMCC didn’t make sense like when Jeni, who had big breasts, would often talk about Maiko having big breasts. However with this, there is a very clear difference.

  2. it’s great that breasts and nipples all have nuanced differences in shape and location, sort of have their own personalities, rather than just different sizes; in too many hentai all the girls have virtually identical body parts with the exception of cup size

  3. I like the new designs and bodies, but man, there breasts are too big for my taste, lol.
    They bodies are really different one from the other and thats really good, make everyone unique, you can see from the previews clearly.
    If i had to suggest something, maybe tone down some of the big breasted girls a little, but thats for you guys to decide, hehe. For me, Alma’s breasts should be the default big size and then go down from that. Maiko, Luma, Zytra and Roise might be a bit too much. But as you said, it might be hard to change that since a lot have been done from that, and I am ok with it 🙂

      1. Thats just my opinion man, relax, hehe.
        If everybody agree with you, thats ok by me. All i want is to everybody have fun with the game, but i thought i could share my opinion too. Hope its ok.

        1. Of course you can share your opinion! At least I hope so, cos then I can too. 🙂
          I don’t think you’re wrong. But I think the boobs are probably ok as they are, even if I personally wouldn’t make them that huge. The style isn’t realistic so it works. If they were realistic 3D models then it would probably look ridiculous and not sexy.

          1. I think it will more appreciated, and maybe even more understandable, when we get to the sex scenes

    1. Amp, in ARIA, has a darker skin color. Goo has a different skin color as well, though to be fair I’m not 100% on if what she has can be called skin.

      Based on the comments in this thread, there’s apparently eventually going to be all different kinds of alien beauties. Should satisfy your different skin color needs, as well as what I’m assuming will be Jeo doing his best impression of Capt. Kirk.

    1. oh I was going to actually tone them down a bit. but I won’t now I guess heh.
      Yeah she dances and swims so I wanted her to have some thickness in her legs/hips.

  4. I understand that you aren’t changing breast size so I guess these are just observations.

    In UMCC’s shower scene Jeni’s boobs are only slightly smaller than Maiko’s, which is why I thought it was funny that she called her “cow tits” because hers were almost the same size. This image makes them appear to be significantly smaller, on par with Pattie and Leyah who were definitely smaller than Jeni in UMCC. If I had to pick a girl who I thought had similar size breasts to the original Jeni I guess I’d pick Alma, though since she wasn’t topless in UMCC I’m not really sure.

    Joey’s boobs are also a tad on the small side. She looks to be the same as Amber, but that doesn’t make sense because Joey could do the Pazuri scene at the pleasure shop and Amber couldn’t so she must be at least a little bigger. I understand that Joey has a complex about her small breasts but that could just be because she is comparing them to Maiko’s, which of course would make anyone’s look small. If I had to pick a size I’d say she’s probably closest to Dizzy.

    Luma’s boobs are bigger than I remember. In UMCC’s shower scene her and Maiko are pretty much the same size. It made me lol at the dialogue of her asking Maiko if she’s jealous and Maiko replying “of what?” which I took to mean that she thought hers and Luma’s were similar. However her breasts were this size in ARIA and your MMD videos and you said you wouldn’t consider changing them so it’s cool. Plus I think I remember you saying you added a larger breast size variable to UMCC later so I guess there just wasn’t a way to render Luma’s gigantic boobs originally.

    Riley is smaller than I remember as well, but you said this time around you want to make her a couple years younger than the rest of the girls. From this artistic standpoint I see no problem with decreasing her bust size to fit the new narrative, though I question how she can be younger than others and still be of legal age for most of the game’s content. I guess I’m overthinking this one since some of the girls call Maiko senpai, which would mean they are underclassmen as well. Maybe the academy is high school/junior college so girls can be in their early 20s and still enrolled there?

    The rest of the girls look pretty good, glad to see the faces you reworked look just as good in a full profile shot.

    Last thought, in one of the books in UMCC it’s mentioned that Cia can change the bust size of a Khalei user. So if you need a excuse why some girls would have different bust sizes in different games, this could a good reason that fits in with the established narrative.

    1. yeah I never really had a accurate portrayal of everyone’s bodies as I had originally intended. They were not correct in UMCC either, it is why some of the thing they said seemed odd or silly. the busty girls like luma, maiko, etc are bigger than originally designed but I wanted it to be like that for this game.

  5. I don’t change my opinion on the faces but the bodies are magnificent!!!
    I have just a couple of suggestions:
    1) Riley has the body that I like less, especially the shape of the left breast (on her left).
    2) On Dizzy, Pattie, Mika (especially) and Alma I see a line in the pubis that I do not like. It is probably present in all the other bodies but is hidden by panties.

    1. I doubt you will like it perfect man. you liking something perfect probably means that someone else won’t like it lol. that is just the way it works with stuff like this from what I can tell. The line will probably be there thoguh. I actually like it.

  6. I love the anime style of UMCH so much better than UMCC! I hope the boobs jigglings will still be there and will have butt jiggles maybe? And the guys will have the cocks flapping if you click them, or just cum if he can’t hold it. Oh!!! I really like the cum covered version in UMCC. I hope you can take it to the next level in UMCH! =)

    1. Thanks, not sure on boob jiggle I’d have to think about how to do it efficiently, cum covered is very likely, butt jiggle is the same dilemma as boob jiggle. maybe even more so. on all of the guy pic they are not horny so the cumming from clicking wouldn’t make much sense heh. swinging might be good thoguh.

  7. OMG!!!! look how big it is , it’s like … I don’t know AHAHAHAH much big AHHAHAHA… but I like hehe.

  8. omg Maiko body looks soooo yum Vortex san keep up the good work cant wait to see the final priduct and what you puts these awesome girls in 🙂

    1. Thanks, this is ttrop’s work thoguh. I jsut edited the faces a bit and described how I wanted them to look. I might have red lined a thing or two but not much at all

  9. they look really good but the breasts are a bit too unrealisticly big Id prefer if they got sized down a bit (especially Maiko Luma and Roise) but otherwise nice work 😉

    1. Thanks, I wanted the boobs that big for this game. I think I will be good with they way ttrop makes hentai images.

  10. Oh hey, awesome.

    I’m always one for tremendous tits, so I certainly have my favourites.

    As to those closer to “delicious flat chests”, well, I guess you’ve gotta cater to a variety of peeps.

    1. yes various sizes and shapes are covered by at least one character hopefully. I’m sure all the sex scenes will be pretty hot thoguh, even with the smaller breast characters.

  11. Personal opinion I think most of the girls have good bodies, the ones I think that might need something different are:
    Riley: Maybe increase her cup size a bit to make it look right for her. (I know in UMCC she didn’t have a large cup size breasts, but it wasn’t as small as here, you may have your reasons, but maybe change her from a B-Cup to C-Cup?)
    Joey: She does show worry over her own cup size every time she sees Maiko, but maybe increase her 1 more cup size? (She’s an A-Cup here I believe, but maybe turn it int a B-Cup?)
    Maybe add more tone definition to the girls who do sports? Such as Savori, Luma, Jennie & Pattie (possibly Maiko).

    Either way, it does look great so far already 😛 I really can’t wait for this game to come out <3

    1. Thanks for the feedback~
      lol I’ll be honest I highly doubt I’ll change Riley’s boobs, or the other character boobs. I might experiment with Joey a bit a and see how it looks.
      Jeni is pretty toned actually. it seems to be enough. The other girls are as I wanted them to be. didn’t want then overly muscular, especially pattie. I’m not sure I will have a track/running club. so the only sport pattie does atm is swimming, and Luma physical activities are is swim and cheerleading. I was planning to have a few different clubs from original this time around.

  12. Stupid personal opinion, but I feel like Lynn’s a bit off. I don’t know. The body just doesn’t seem right. Even her face. It bothered me enough to photoshop the image! But I’m not an expert, maybe it’s not anatomically correct anymore, but I felt like I had to try. Lynn’s always been one of my favorite characters.

    1. You know, there’s no need to call it stupid, everyone has their own opinions and their own likes and dislikes, no? 😛

      1. Maybe, but my brain is messed up as it is. I don’t know if the edit I did is any good either. It it means anything I’ll share my suggested edits.

        I don’t claim to own anything, I don’t know if I’m breaking any rules by posting a picture of suggested edits, I don’t know anything except it bothered me enough to do so. If I am breaking any rules I am terribly sorry.

        1. fixed the post, photobucket is not great for here heh. thanks for the suggestions looks good, however I don’t want the eyes rounded like that. i would like her eye dilation to remain consistent with the other characters. I think if I just adjust the tilt of the eye in the original it should be fine, and perhaps it will fix the issue you might be having. and I see your body changes are slightly altering her posture, but the body seems fine to me as it was originally drawn. As mentioned in the post, it will take quite a bit for me want to change especially Lynn, Luma, and/or Riley. I actually wasn’t going to post bodies originally at all because they were ok with me. if anything I would adjust her naval a bit since it seems a bit too far over.

          1. Okay, thank you! I’ve only had the one Photoshop class, so I’m not an expert, but I’m glad that you don’t think it’s terrible. I think I understand what you’re saying with the eyes; mainly it’s her right eye (the eye on our left) that’s probably bothering me. Maybe add two more eyelashes too. Even without makeup, girls can have very prominent eyelashes (like mine :P).

          2. I’ve never took a photoshop class so I’m not some expert either. I was thinking about the other eye actually. but I see what you are saying also. yeah changing either eye to better match the other should work. I will try it both ways a bit later.

    1. currently she just does cheerleading and swimming, she knows how to work around handicaps, shes had them for a while heh. also anime logic.

  13. Hello, i’m new, and i played almost all your games and they’re awesome! I was wondering when UMCH will be released. Keep on this track man, you’re great!

    1. I wish I had divine vision to see into the future but I have no idea to be honest heh. There is a lot to do.
      a few demos will surface hopefully sooner then later at least.
      Thanks for the feedback~

      1. What? you were supposed to be a god!
        Jokes apart, the body looks great. Look forward for the demos 🙂

  14. Is a good animation, and also if you compare it with the others models they look similar in some things; theyre very awesome and more UmiChan e.e

  15. Not sure if you answered this already, but will the newer girls (Stacy, Charlotte, etc.) make an appearance in UMCH? Seeing as how there are images for the teachers and not them I’m not optimistic but I can still hope!

    Also any chance of an ARIA girl to make a cameo? Ari said she never went to the academy and Bri was in a lab so not them but maybe Phia or TT?

    1. Stacy and all them will be in later yes.

      if a aria character made a cameo it would have to be yes TT or Phia. Phia only because she wanted to meet Maiko because of all the talk about her from Luma. and TT might be there to talk to Alma about stuff. The off chance for Arielle would be concern for “Jinru” around so many other girls, etc.

      1. Is it sad that I JUST realized that connection after reading this post? I mean, Jinru’s name was mentioned in ARIA for fucks sake! I just couldn’t equate “Protagonist Jeo from ARIA” and “stoic big penis purple-haired guy from UMCC.” I feel dumb now. Why do all of the series connections feel so subtle but then are totally obvious in retrospect?

        1. lol yes same person you saw while playing as Maiko. These things might be easy to miss I suppose. But I don’t want to be too obvious thoguh or keep bringing it up over and over because it want it to also be kind of understandable to people who, for example, have only just played ARIA.

          His real hair and eye color is how it is in ARIA. purple hair and grey eyes are his disguise.
          now perhaps more of the dialogue should make sense when they are talking about him being a student, etc. Also Natan who they are talking about in the intro and with Sui-May if you notice is the math teacher in UMCC. in UMCH, in addition to all the other stuff planned for it, I plan to have a quest chain to explain what happened that made Jeo run off into space to begin the events of ARIA.

  16. Looking Fantastic really sexy, will there be different nipple types? Like some girls having bigger areola and others having longer nipples?

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