April 19, 2024

22 thoughts on “UMCH Socialize dialogue thoughts for Classroom Socialize

  1. Chain of events
    “Prank me once…”
    *Before class*
    Maiko & Lynn: Morning teacher.
    Alma: Morning girls you are early today.
    Cain: You too more than usual.
    Alma: Do I have to repeat myself…
    Cain: B-but class hasn’t started yet so I can still be here!
    Lynn: U-ummm… why are you here so early teacher?
    Alma: I had a couple reasons…
    Kyle: Be careful girls, he’s showing his true colors:
    Maiko & Lynn: Huh!?
    Cain: Behind me Miss Lynn!
    Alma: Do you want a couple extra weeks of detention!?
    Kyle: Hehe… sorry?

    “Prank me twice… part 1”
    *After class*
    Kyle: Hey Maiko you heard Alma got suspended for dating a student?
    Maiko: What!?
    Luma: Oh come on if you are gonna lie say something believable
    Kyle: But it’s true! Yesterday i waited outside his office after he lectured me for my lack of literary creativity and heard the Director lecture him about it.
    Lynn: It’s hard to believe.
    Cain: And I always respected him for his disciplined attitude.
    Luma: That idiot surely misundestood I refuse to believe it.
    Maiko: Me too, being so strict i doubt he’d do something like that
    Kyle: Aww come on! You’ll see one of these days he’ll come to announce he will be absent some time.

    “Prank me twice… part 2”
    *Before class* (1-2 days after part 1)
    Alma: Morning guys… so I’ll be absent for some time but in my place your teacher will be…
    Luma: YOU BEAST!
    Alma: Miss Luma what is it!?
    Cain: Miss Lynn get away from him.
    Alma: Mister Cain I’ve told you many times to get out of my classroom, you distract the students and keep trying to give answers to Miss Lynn!
    Maiko How could you do that!?
    Alma: Maiko too!? What’s up with everyone!?
    Kyle: *whispering* Who lacks literary creativity now?
    Lynn: *whispering* Huh? So he didn’t do it?
    Kyle: *whispering* Nah, he’s just leaving for a conference
    Maiko: *whispering* Kyle… that was too much for a prank
    Alma: I agree
    Kyle: *gulp*

    “Prank me……. !!??”
    *After class*
    Alma: Don’t forget your reports for…
    ???: Nobody moves!!
    *Enter generic female agent same hair color than Mika*
    Alma: Who are you?!
    Female agent?: We received a report someone is using a sentinel to take and then distribute lewd pictures.
    Luma: Ugh… It had to be Kyle…
    Kyle: No wait!
    Female agent?: We found some doubtful pictures on the Photography Club so you are coming with me young man
    Kyle: Nooooo!
    Maiko: I hope they just lecture him…
    Alma: Don’t worry hopefully he’ll learn a lesson about pranks.
    Lynn: S-so you reported him?
    Alma: Hehe That was just Miss Mika in disguise
    Mika: You called?
    Alma:… Then who?
    Mika: An old friend on service.
    Alma: Hehe…. oops?

    1. Nice ones… except Alma is a “she”. She IS the most likely to be on Kyle’s case (and thus becoming a target for his pranking) because she is the strict teacher type.

    2. I got a bit lost on some of the him and his references but if that was meant to be her as in Alma it makes a lot more sense heh. Also there no way Cain would stutter when talking to Alma on the first one but I do really like the dynamic of their being a clash in her classroom. She wouldn’t like him always standing around in her class for the most part. Thanks for the ideas.

      1. Indeed i had fever those days and character genders got mixed on my head (along other stuff lol). Also i used to be a substitute teacher and one of our students had a really overprotective guardian (kind of a more clingy Cain) that used to clash with a lot of teachers and even PTA.

  2. Natan: Joiry could you speak with me for a bit?
    Joiry: Sure I guess, what’s the problem?
    Natan: I just finished grading the first assignment yesterday and this is what you handed me.
    Joiry: 82? Aint that pretty good?
    Natan: Yes it is pretty good but based on your other grades, pretty good isn’t appropriate for a student like you, is it?
    Joiry: Look teach, I may not be able to remember when our country founded the moon or whatever but I sure as shit know that four touchdowns is twenty-four points.
    Natan: I see… I suppose I misjudged you. I guess I can count on you for more class participation then can’t I?
    Joiry: Wha? Damn it… I knew should’ve just lied.
    Mika: Tsugo why are you walking into my class empty handed?
    Tsugo: Ah! For it’s because I don’t need one today, Romeo and Juliet is my favorite work and I have it completely memorized. Bringing the book would be-
    Mika: Tsugo we’re reading Beowulf today, not Romeo and Juliet.
    Tsugo: What?! Pattie why did you ruse me so?! Is this another of your fiendish games?!
    Pattie: No chu… I thought it was Romeo and Juliet today, so I goofed and brought the wrong book too.
    Mika: Both of you please stand outside…
    Leyah: Hey Ms. Alnya!
    Alma: Yes?
    Leyah: Do…hehe… do, hehehe-
    Alma: Ms. Leyah? I need to start class now.
    Leyah: Do you have any small boxes? Hahahahaha~
    Alma: What? What does that mean? Ms. Leyah?!
    Leyah: Hahaha! Ahaha!
    Alma: Kyle tell me what Leyah just said!
    Kyle: I don’t know! Honest! I’ve never heard of any ‘boxes’ jokes.
    Alma: Ms. Leyah wait out in the hall until… until I think of a proper punishment for this!
    Leyah: Ha…ha… it was worth it….
    David: Ah sweet the TV cart! Nice!
    Joiry: Hell yeah, that’s what I need after that bullshit class!
    Tom: Yeah, yeah, everyone just sit down. We’re going to be watching the Nippon race today.
    Maiko: Gee Mr. Tom, we sure watch a lot of movies and stuff in your class.
    Tom: Yeah well, teaching is about getting you ready for the real world. Some teachers teach you about the tough spots and guys like me are there to let you know there are breaks.
    Tsugo: Ms. Alma that look you’re sporting is absolutely… magnifique!
    Alma: Hm? Tsugo that’s inappropriate conduct. If you keep this up I’m going to write you up.
    Tsugo: But you’re clearly trying out a new look today, I can’t just leave you without saying how exceptional it is!
    Alma: What? This is no different from how I normally dress, what are you talking about?
    Joey: Ms. Alma your skirt is flipped up!
    Alma: Wha? Ah! Tsugo you’ve just earned a ticket to the principal’s office!
    Tsugo: What? Please don’t! I’m too beautiful to handle the life of a delinquent…

    1. That looks funny… but ou’re gonna have to explain the “boxes” joke to me, because i didn’t get this one. Unless it refers to “boxers”, but i doubt it.

      1. The boxes thing was just supposed to be a joke that doesn’t make sense.

        Like Leyah just figured out about pranks from Kyle and Pattie and wants to try one herself but her idea of a prank is so out there that nobody knows what the joke is.

        That one probably should be adjusted though, make it more out there or something. Cause right now there aint much of a punchline.

        1. Maybe that would need a couple more scenes? I mean, that one would be the first, then you’d have one where Leyah uses the same joke on other people (student or teacher doesn’t matter), then one where other students are discussing that joke, trying to understand it, and ultimately, you’d have Zytra blasting everyone’s bubble saying something like “My sister’s jokes just plain suck. … Please don’t tell me you were stupid enough to try and find the meaning of it.” Or something like that.
          Come to think of it, that would end up being a huge prank, if everyone ended up trying to understand the joke.

  3. Lynn: Excuse me miss Mika?
    Mika: Yes Lynn?
    Lynn: You have some chalk on your shirt.
    Mika: Oh.. I see…It’s hard to notice.
    Lynn: You actually erased part of the board today with your uh…
    Mika: Yeah… that was a accident.
    Mika: Oh, that must be why students were giggling in my class today.
    Mika: Mr. Samoshi you will be cleaning the boards today.
    Kyle: You’re probably better at that then me ! you don’t even need a eraser since you have those big-
    Mika: Ah~ I’m sorry, did I say today? I meant for the next two weeks. Ah~ Silly me.
    Kyle: Gah!
    Dizzy: The Witch! She will cast alien magic if you don’t run!
    Alma: What the heck is going on out here?
    Zytra: What did you say about me!?
    Greel: Whoa, relax snowflake. she said witch with a w not a b.
    Zytra: Oh…
    Alma: Dizzy, you need to stop calling people are aliens and witches.
    Greel: Don’t forget boob faeries.
    Dizzy: But!
    Leyah: Bwah ha nyaa!
    Dizzy: Oh no not again!
    Leyah: Leyah-nya will cast her magical spells on you~! Fwoof! Pwah!
    Dizzy: No! keep your alien magic away from me.
    Zytra: Sis don’t encourage her like this…
    David: Whoa get out of here you crazy ass bitch!
    Jeni: David! Can it!
    Joiry: Bro chill, you know something is wrong with her.
    Dizzy: N- Nothing is wrong with me! The aliens-
    Jeni: There are no aliens you fucking idiot!
    Dizzy: but…
    Alma: You all. detention. Dizzy you run along.
    David: Fuuuck!
    Pattie: he he heee.
    Maiko: Pattie.
    Pattie: yeeeees senpai?
    Maiko: Why do you have that look on your face?
    Pattie: what look senpai?
    Zytra: Hey Umi, have you seen my pencil anywhere? The one I always use.
    Maiko: …hmm.. maybe Pattie knows where it is…
    Pattie: chu? nope. (whistles)
    Zytra: Gah… I wish I could just find it…
    Zytra: Oh here it is, found it. Nevermind Umi thanks!
    Pattie: Chuuu!?
    Pattie: Senpai! it’s gone!
    Kyle: Aright. In class call Miss Alma over to your desk.
    Kyle: Hopefully she will bend over to help you then I can snap the photo.
    Pattie: hmm… okay.
    Joey: gross. perverts!
    Joey: Miss Mika.
    Mika: Yes Joey? Doing more photography club work I see?
    Joey: Have you ever considered wearing a bra?
    Mika: mhm I hate bras.
    Joey: But it is distracting to the male student body they way your boobs jiggle around in that tight sweater.
    Mika: Hmm I suppose you might be right. But it’s more comfortable with out one…
    Kyle: It’s not distracting at all Miss Mika! She doesn’t speak for me! Let ’em hang loose!
    Joey: Ugh…

  4. Chris: I don’t know I just don’t think Tom’s that good a teacher.
    Joiry: What? Why not?! Doesn’t give enough homework for you nerdbomber?!
    Chris: No it’s just that he clearly gives the girls with big… assets, better grades than anyone else.
    Joiry: What? You just mad cause my girl is mad smart!?
    Chris: Well first is Luma but then it’s Zytra and Roise in order of grades.
    Joiry: So, maybe they’re smart too!
    Chris: Then Maiko?
    Joiry: Oh… shit maybe you have a point there Chris. I didn’t know about that.
    David: What that’s bullshit man!
    Natan: It isn’t ‘bullshit’ it’s ‘detention’ I’m not even good at english and I can tell you that.
    David: Look I can’t do that right now, I got matches I need to do. How about a deal?
    Natan: A deal?
    David: Yeah see… my sis is a major skank. If you want I can get you with her, won’t be too tough, whenever you want, wherever you want, I can get her to spread her legs for you. So hows that sound in exchange for an exemption?
    Natan: You want to know what I’m thinking David?
    David: Yeah, but I’m pretty sure we’re already on the same page…
    Natan: I’m thinking you’re getting a week’s worth of detention for that suggestion alone.
    David: Alright I knew- Wait what?!
    Natan: Oh look another rowdy classroom, I guess I’m going to need to peel out one of my pop quiz’s again.
    Maiko: Augh….
    Natan: Well Luma doesn’t need to take it though, that’d just be excessive.
    Luma: Ha!
    Maiko: What! Mr. Natan that’s so unfair!
    Natan: Please, it’d be way more unfair to me if I had to hand out an extra quiz. All of Luma’s grades have been flawless in my class, handing out a pointless quiz is just more work for me…
    Luma: Maybe if you weren’t dumb as rocks you’d get some quiz’s off too, nehehe…
    Maiko: *Sigh*
    David: So bro? You thinking a nine? Or a ninety!?
    Joiry: Eh… eight at max, probably a seven though.
    David: Seven? You serious man. look at those hips and that lace sticking out of that shirt. How’s that not top shelf pussy.
    Joiry: I don’t really feel the glasses types, like you’re banging em but when you look em in the eye you just see yourself in the reflection and you feel like you’re fucking yourself for a second. It’s weird bro.
    David: Bro that’s why you hit it from the back! Why would even want to look em in the eye when they got tits on that side?
    Joiry: Hey you-
    Alma: So boys is it going to be a week of detention? Or two weeks?

    1. Can i say “Hey!” for Maiko’s sake? I mean, anyone who played Classroom Cheater knows se’s not THAT dumb. We all did work a great deal to get her to get the best grades!!!

      1. I heard that UMCH was kind of a remake of UMCC so I think this would still take place before she got top grades.

        And I didn’t mean for Chris to say that to be mean, more like a comparison that people like Roise and Zytra who aren’t really straight A students are getting better grades than the studious people like Riley and himself.

        Joiry is a dick though and probably thinks Maiko is too dumb to get top grades, so I had him react that way.

        1. it does seem a bit mean for chris thoguh of a first read. He is someone that has a crush on maiko. so I was like damn that’s pretty cold after I read it. After you explained it, it does become understandable, however it is the initial way it comes off that counts since you can’t explain it when it’s in the game. Imo sounds better if Jinru said it. he doesn’t have much lines either. First lines might be changed to.

          Jinru: Whatever. Tom as a teacher is a joke.
          Joiry: Whoa dude what’s you’re problem? A little salty over that test score?
          Jinru: Are you blind? It’s obvious that he gives the girls with big tits, better grades than anyone else.
          Joiry: What? You just mad cause my girl is mad smart!?
          Jinru: It is Luma then Zytra and Roise in order of grades… and breast sizes.
          Joiry: So, maybe they’re smart too!
          Jinru: Then Maiko.
          Joiry: Oh… shit maybe you have a point there ha ha!
          Joey: wow… sexist pigs!

  5. Alma: (ahem) Maiko, come over here a minute please.
    Maiko: Yes Miss Alma?
    Alma: Today I couldn’t help but notice you sitting in my class today lacking clothing in a certain area…
    Maiko: (s- s- s- she knoooows!!)
    Maiko: I’m s- s- so sorry!
    Alma: Make sure it doesn’t happen again.


    Luma: Jinru I’ve been meaning to ask you
    Jinru: No.
    Luma: why are taking classes here and not at the academy with that girl that obviously loves you?
    Jinru: what girl?
    Luma: Like, dude please don’t bullshit me.
    Jinru: It’s top secret.
    Luma: So? You can tell me.
    Jinru: No. I really can’t.
    Luma: Oh please of course you can!
    Cain: Luma!
    Luma: Gah! Damn Cain! you always ruining my fun!
    Lynn: I’m so sorry… we just happened to be passing by.


    Lynn: Luma? are you ready to go?
    Luma: Ugh!!! straight to the academy for more classes with that fucking mega bitch Phia.
    Riley: Heh, you really don’t like her do you?
    Luma: Nah it’s cool. Hey Where the fuck is Lynn?
    Lynn: I am right here!
    Luma: Listen Lynn, you better your delicate little virgin asshole in my view at all times ok?
    Luma: or Cain will pop another fucking blood vessel like last time.
    Lynn: b- but.. I’ve had my little hole here the whole time…


    David: Yo Dizzy! I have a alien virus and the only cure is sucking it out of my dick.
    Dizzy: Oh I we probably need to get rid of it right away. or it will probably kill you.
    David: Yeah I need your help. I don’t want to die. Let’s find a empty classroom.
    Dizzy: S- sure. Leave it to me!
    David: See?
    Jinru: What the fuck man? that is not fucking cool.
    David: Easy ass thoguh. I’m not complaining. She gives good head and has a tight pussy.
    Jeni: David! I told you to stay the fuck away from Dizzy!
    David: Shit Jeni is on my case again. gotta run bro.


    Dizzy: Oh it’s the succubus! Hello succubus.
    Joey: Oh hey Dizzy. You doing ok today?
    Dizzy: Yep.
    Joey: cool.
    Dizzy: Took any picture of aliens recently?
    Joey: (sigh) nah.
    Jeoy: but maybe a pig or two.
    Pattie: Oink!
    Joey: no not you Pattie.
    Pattie: awww chu… I made sure I didn’t have any panties on too.
    Joey: yeah I noticed.

    Joey: Pink hair? hmm…
    Dizzy: Pink with a yellow ribbon.
    Joey: Hmm I haven’t see anyone like that outside thoguh…
    Dizzy: Aww But I know the boob fairy is real!
    Joey: I know Dizzy.
    Joey: You will find her one day.
    Dizzy: Want to help look for her with me?
    Joey: heh… sure.
    Jeni: Listen little pip squeak. there’s no such thing as aliens, or alien viruses!
    Dizzy: But I see them all around!
    Jeni: Where!? there’s nothing fucking here! There never is!
    Dizzy: But-
    Jeni: Just stay away from David. His head is all fucked up and I’m trying to fix it.
    Dizzy: Need any help?
    Jeni: No! Just remember to stay away from him.
    Chris: he just plays tapes and goes to sleep.
    Chris: I’m use to that from of teaching.
    Roise: mhmm.
    Chris: How are you doing so well in that class?
    Roise: Oh, I don’t know.
    Chris: then he gave a test and you got a A.
    Roise: Did I?
    Chris: …why do you keep starting at my pants.
    Roise: Hmm no reason…
    Roise: Chris, I heard you have a long… body part. mind if it see it ?
    Chris: S- See what?
    Roise: Mhmm I want to suck your cock so deep down my throat I choke on it.
    Roise: Then you can cum down my throat all you want and watch me suffocate.
    Chris: I- I- have to go! excuse me!
    Roise: aw… so cute.
    Roise: That hard on was hot…
    Leyah: Nyaaa!! Leyah-nyan’s books!
    Roise: Oops…
    Leyah: Big hips girl bumping leyah-nya on purpose again!
    Roise: Sorry Leyah-san.
    Leyah: Rosey posey is not sorry! hmph!
    Roise: geez… It’s pronounced roys. kind of like toys.
    Leyah: Rosey posey! hmph!
    Leyah: Alnya! Alnya!
    Alma: Leyah settle down please. Go have a seat in the classroom..
    Leyah: Ok Alnya!
    Leyah: Alnya! Alnya!
    Alma: Leyah.
    Leyah: Alnya! Alnya!
    Alma: You’ll need to stay after class Leyah.
    Leyah: he he. worth it!
    Zytra: detention again sis?
    Leyah: Leyah-nyan rather detention that spending time with noodle head.
    Zytra: Just bear with me a bit longer sis. We really need the money.
    Leyah: doesn’t care about stupid money! Nya!
    Zytra: Wait a sec sis!
    Maiko: wow what’s going on there…?
    Leyah: Nyaoo!
    Zytra: Oh come on! It’s not that bad little sis!
    Leyah: No!
    Leyah: Leyah-nyan hate Tsugo’s noodle head horny brother!
    Zytra: (sigh) I know sis.
    Zytra: but please? for me?
    Leyah: …Gah! fine!

    Kyle: Maaaaiko-chaaaan~! There you are!
    Maiko: No.
    Kyle: Whaaat!? you haven’t even heard my idea yet!!!
    Maiko: still no.
    Kyle: Aw come on!!! this one is the THE one!
    Maiko: (sigh) fine. spit it out.
    Kyle: Maiko milk!
    Maiko: …
    Kyle: I suck on those huge tits of yours and uhhh.. what else I can do he he..,
    Pattie: Looks like he is starved of sex again chu.
    Pattie: I will handle this senpai!
    Joey: oh please, you’re nothing but a gold digging whore.
    Zytra: What!? Mind your own business! You don’t know me!
    Joey: Why does Tsugo like you so much suddenly?
    Zytra: oh, so you are jealous?
    Joey: what?
    Zytra: You heard me!
    Joey: ….psh….as if!
    Tsugo: Whoa ladies, ladies. There is enough to go around my little flowers.
    Joey: Flowers?
    Joey: I know all about you!
    Zytra: Stay out of my life you stalker!
    Tom: Hey! break it up!

    Roise: Remember our little deal? I’ve done my end of the bargain. Now it’s your turn.
    Kyle: yeah but I don’t know about butt plugs and painting my nails…
    Roise: Aww it’ll be fun. I forgot to mention have a strap on I wanted to try too.
    Kyle: Eh!? Sorry but no way! Get away from me!
    Alma: Ah Kyle there you are, you have after school duty with Roise today.
    Roise: Oh~ lovely.

  6. Riley: Alright so Maiko let me check your notes today.
    Maiko: Sure thing! They should be great today!
    Riley: “Critical dark dips his head down and licks up my-” Maiko we’re in math what is this?!
    Amber: Maiko! Why did you copy my writing?! I wasn’t taking notes!
    Maiko: You weren’t?! Oh no… I mucked up again…
    Riley: Maiko you were supposed to take your own notes! Why’d you copy hers?!
    Maiko: Well I didn’t understand the lecture but I thought Amber would…
    Roise: Hm~ Hm~ Ah! Dizzy, why are you under my desk!?
    Dizzy: I thought I heard something suspicious but I was mistaken.
    Roise: Oh, well did you do anything down there?
    Dizzy: Nothing important, no.
    Roise: Nothing important?! Wait so you did something? What’s not important?!
    Maiko: Roise are you alright? You look upset.
    Roise: Course I’m not upset, I just want to know what she did. Dizzy get back here!
    Maiko: (So Roise does have a weakness, I may need to ask Dizzy for advice on this…)
    Chris: Hm, so it’s quarter forward half back. That explains it-
    Tom: Hey Chris, we’re starting up class. I’m going to need you to shut that off.
    Chris: Sorry, I just wanted to look something up before we started.
    Luma: Hang on I’ll text her…
    Zytra: You might want to wait, Tom just walked in.
    Luma: Pfffft, whatever it’s totally fine.
    Tom: Yeah there’s no problem here. Just be sure to mention how much of a good time you’re having in Tom’s class.
    Luma: Sure, whatever…
    Tom: Hey Kyle I’ve noticed some other kids have been giving you a tough time lately.
    Kyle: Uh, maybe. No more than usual though.
    Tom: Well I just thought I’d suggest joining my boxing club. With some confidence and bulk, people won’t mess with you. Learned that myself at your age.
    Kyle: Boxing?! Me?! I don’t know, I’m a pretty wimpy guy…
    Tom: No problem there, we take beginners just the same as anyone else, heck we even started taking some girls this semester.
    Kyle: Girls huh? Tell you what Tom, I won’t say yes or anything but I’ll think about what you said.
    Tom: That’s all I wanted Kyle.

    1. good stuff, there actually are beginner level fighters for Maiko to fight in the boxing club heh. So maybe he can unlocked in that tier for later.

  7. Maiko: Hey Savori.
    Savori: Hey Maiko. I see Kyle is with you…
    Kyle: And…?
    Savori: Get out.
    Kyle: What?! But I didn’t do anything!
    Savori: Well, besides sneaking into the girls’ locker room again-
    Kyle: Maiko let me in!
    Savori: -I accidentally broke the camera you left in there.
    Kyle: What?! That cost me all my money!
    Savori: Why are you yelling at me? It was an accident…
    Kyle: Oh, you witch! *leaves*
    Savori: Huh. Didn’t think he’d react so badly to me destroying it on accident. It was actually an accident this time!
    Maiko: “This time”?
    Savori: Yeah. Why?

    1. Thanks sounds good. only problem is a character can’t leave mid conversation is socialize dialogue. This is because the way I coded it is to simplified to have that functionality. And I’d prefer to just keep socialize relatively simple. so these lines will need to be edited a bit. the end could be

      Kyle: What?! That cost me all my money!
      Savori: Why are you yelling at me? It was actually an accident this time!
      Kyle: This time!?
      Savori: Yeah. Why?

      quest scenes are a bit more complex thoguh and will have characters that can leave and branching paths etc.

      1. I like that substitution better. Also, maybe add on to the end:
        Maiko: (Wow… she got revenge and she didn’t even notice…)

  8. Zytra: Hey, Umi. You going to the party at Luma’s this weekend?
    Maiko: Sounds fun. I just hope Luma wouldn’t mind.
    David: Oh yeah, she would definitely mind. She said that when I was banging her over the-
    David: What? I was just saying how I nearly banged her over the… head… with a brick.
    Jeni: Really? A brick? In our kitchen? In my spot? And why would she have been at our house anyway?
    David: Uh… study?
    Jeni: …*sigh* David, I’m not an idiot. And I’ve been standing here the whole time. Just say the truth before I knock you out with a brick.
    Maiko: (…She’s… calm?)
    David: Luma came over and demanded I had sex with her since Joiry was busy.
    Jeni: YOU LITTLE…!
    Maiko: (…Maybe not.)


    Leyah: Nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya
    Dizzy: GAH! Leyah’s been taken over by the angry cat aliens! Come here, Leyah. I’ll suck out the alien!
    Leyah: Nyahaha! Oh, you silly girl. I’ve been a cat alien my whole life!
    Dizzy: GAH!
    Zytra: Sis, you should probably stop before she brings out the yarn again.
    Leyah: But I love the yarn!

    Luma: Yo, nerdlet. I need you to take Joiry for the weekend.
    Maiko: Why?
    Luma: Because I have to go train at GemCo. again. This is way too many training sessions to be healthy.
    Maiko: Okay, sure.
    Joiry: …Did you just ‘give’ me to her?
    Luma: Yeah. Why?
    Joiry: That’s so fucked up! It should be the other way around! She’s MY bitch for the weekend.
    Maiko: And, yet, Luma still owns you.
    Luma: Heheh. Good one, nerdlet.
    Joiry: Aw come on Luma! That’s cold!
    Luma: It’s still true. You always cum first.
    Maiko: Even when it’s with me.

    Maiko: Oh, hey Yui. Is Cain still sick?
    Lynn: Yeah, he is. But at least Yui isn’t like him…
    Yui: Oh? And what is different?
    Maiko: Usually, he’s stiff as a board.
    Yui: Oh, so he’s a slut?
    Maiko: No! I mean he usually seems so uptight.
    Yui: Ah. Then I won’t be uptight.
    Maiko: (How is she so calm after saying something like that?)

  9. got all this except for TheSeaofTesseract’s very last post. I will add it to future version thoguh. All dialogue has at least 35 socialize scenes atm with the classroom having 40.

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