Recently I have explored making 360 3D videos with MMD.
there are the results, you need to use google chrome, this 360 degree video player doesn’t seem to work in firefox.
if you have a smartphone it is also possible to view this on your phone and rotate the phone around to view it.
or you can use your phone as a VR headset.
to view these on your phone download homino player app, it is both on apple itunes and google play store:
If you have android you can also download this one if you want:
next you need to download the videos I made, here are the links
There are two possible links for each video:
non-hentai Run Away baby
hentai Maiko Gentleman
after downloading the video open them with the app.
In homino player:
Just press video player
then click the folder in the top right corner and open the video file.
if you don’t have a VR head set for your phone turn off SBS.
to get rid of the black box just press the X the the top left corner. touch the screen to bring it back.
if you don’t have a VR head view as normal 360 video.
if you have a headset for you phone, view as VR video.
I can make more of these if people are interested.
And so Spiral Vortex Play VR BEGINS!….
I tried all of them, impressive yes I do have a gaming tablet and have the special equipment that makes it to a VR. I’mpressive. Yeah it isn’t Facebook OR or Playstation VR it’s just turning your android into a VR. But hey it’s a start. I say do more of these in all the format you just use.
This will let you experiment all types of things in VR. Even the none VR where you use the mouse to look around is a nice addition. Can’t wait to see what else you would do with this.
I won’t be getting a Playstation VR, Facebook OR or Microsoft Hololen. All 3 cost a lot like buying a new gaming PC. Using your smart phone into a cart board box is the cheap version that is less powerful than these three. But gets the job done being a VR.
Yeah a found a easy way for me to to do VR so it opens a new category on hentai content I can create, might make a new section for it later. imo I’m fairly versatile atm but I’m curious to learn sfm thoguh just for fun also.
Yeah it is still fairly new, some of the headsets aren’t even out yet.
Phone VR was a good cheap alternative whoever thoguh of it lol. it gets the job done. Buying the official cutouts are only like $15
I am
The future looks so bright! 😀
I vote for more, please. lol
I’ll work on a few more today heh
I look forward to trying these out with Cardboard when I get the time. 🙂
hope you like it
Watched them in Gear VR. Very nice, and I’d love to see more!!!
Few pointers tho.
Please don’t move the camera. This very uncorfortable, especially when as fast as in your first video.
If your scene is focused on one girl, full 360 view is an overkill. 180 view is enough and you will save on bandwidth.
Is it possible for you to make full stereoscopic left-right or top bottom 3D?
Thanks I made 3 more but never finished the post for it. I will finish it tonight.
They have stationary camera and things going on all around the viewer.
I would love to see a lot more of this content!…please keep it up!…
Thanks glad you like it~