September 20, 2024

21 thoughts on “Small hentai game format?

  1. For swim/boxing you could have a side story thing showing how Luma got to the top in every club before the main game starts. Since she doesn’t have the hairpin stuff she could start with better stats and get more faster than Maiko. Or maybe the hairpin button on her does something else that’s equivalent, not sure what it could be though I don’t know much about Luma which is part of why I think It’d be cool to follow her around for a while.

    Cafe you could do a similar thing with Jeni, showing how she did stuff before Maiko showed up, maybe she’d have some extra mechanic with threatening customers for more money in the backroom since she talks about that a lot.

    Or for cafe you could make something from Holly’s perspective. Where she has to manage the girls and the customers they go to. Could be based around matching the girls traits to the customers preferences, (Breast size, aggressive/submissive, condom/raw) making sure the girls aren’t too stressed and getting as much money as possible.

    1. I agree with these ideas, some side stories+mini games to expand on the background of Maiko’s friends seems like a good way to promote the main story

    2. Thanks however the other girls were not at the cafe for any significant amount of time before Maiko aside from Jeni, I did want to touch on her story idk if I want to do that for this since it is kind of designed as marketing to give people a idea of what’s going on in UMCH. If I tell stories about the other girls I’d rather it be told from the pov of the player as their own character. something like the small VN I has started.

      was talking with @jccq89 and had some good ideas.
      basically like in that VN you play as you. You become the manger or waiter, or something for a few days at eh cafe for whatever reason, Kyle is jelly as hell. 1 of the girls becomes your partner depending on who the the game focuses on I guess, trying to keep it as small as possible so just one girl. Probably maiko or pattie and I’ll explain why later. During the game each day you do about 3 or so cafe mini games at the same level. each day the level increases (max lvl 4) and you do 3 each day. at the end of each day you have a chance to talk to and hang out with the girl to lvl up relation and spend your money to buy food, etc to lower stress from working that day if you got any. for example you might be too stressed to talk much, or only have rude answer choices, etc. After that part the girl also goes off to bang pleasure clients. the player doesn’t see the animation but I guess there is text there describe what the player hears. The players character desires the girl more each day. could lead to some stress also idk.

      on the last day player can be the client and bang the girl but it cost money because rules or something idk. it checks for stress, available money, etc. if you got relation high after the basic sex riding animations it is also play the girls unique animation.

      it would be fun to do Jeni and Leyah but idk because their unique is certain distinct male, so I’m not sure it would work. Jeni has a fat guy and Leyah has a shota.

      I’d probably not do swimming now that I think about it because idk how it would really be done. making Luma pov or anyone besides Maiko requires be either removing the art from the screen like Maiko hair, etc, or making new stuff. which I’m trying to avoid.

  2. I think you should make prequels. It may be a good idea to show how Jeni, Leyah and Pattie ended up at the cafe and started to provide sexual services to everyone.
    So, we control one of the girls, then complete her story and switch to another one.
    You can also add a special bonus at the end of this game, maybe for flawless completion of story tasks. For example, group sex featuring all of the girls or something like that.

    1. As for the pool, it may be interesting to show Mika’s storyline involving sex scenes with her participation. Well, for me it will definitely be great.
      Maybe a swimming tournament? You play as one of the students, and if you win a stage, you get a scene.

      For boxing, I don’t have any good ideas right now.

    2. for telling stories of the the girls I’d prefer to have it from the perspective of a different random student or person. Also for the cafe I didn’t having in mind that other girls aside for Jeni had worked at the cafe for any significant amount of time before Maiko to make a whole game based around. Each girls reason for being there could be summarized in small dialogue scene.

      For Mika I only have the scenes between her and Maiko, so I can’t make a much more about her inspections with other girls because I would need to make additional stuff for it. I am trying just to use what I already have.

      Yeah pool and boxing are actually a bit more complicated than it may seem. I think at best for either of those I could use the Maiko and Greel sex animation as the reward. boxing could be a similar format to the ideas I mentioned in my reply to wilson.

  3. What about little scenes that feature the “Socialize” skits for the Cafe that are currently in the UMCH build? Like a with the 4 stage cafe mini game that would end in Rosie’s Bondage kink, Pattie and Amber’s big stick fantasy, and the Nick/Joiry boxing team VIP treatment.

    Or, even one that has the four stage system, with a different scene for each clear, a la stage 1, Pattie scene, stage 2, Leyah scene, stage 3, Jeni scene, stage 4, Maiko scene, and Final boss get something featuring Jeni’s Mom, holly. It would give a good cross sample, and still have a light tie in with the overall game.

    1. Thanks, I don’t currently have any animations for Roise or Amber thoguh heh. I’d rather focus on one girl. the art for this is actually massive and reason why I need it break it down into several parts.

      1. Makes sense. Perhaps the Cafe Mini, featuring Maiko, as she has the most finished art currently. Maybe do like the first couple levels of the Cafe matching, up to the 3X3 almost like a tutorial, with conversations with Molly, Pattie, Jeni, and Leyah explaining the cafe and little snippets of background on the Maiko-verse. Then unlock the sex mini game, then maybe like the boxing-fail blowjob, and then the Greel/Maiko guitar success at the final difficulty.

        Would give a good sense of escalating reward, and a decent peek at what dialogue is like inside the game, and , I believe, only alterations to text boxes with no real modification or addition to art. Or I could be completely mistaken. I know very little about the process.

  4. Hmm, maybe a boxing game where you play as David?
    Cuz remember in UMCC how he sometimes attacks Maiko at the crossroads (the place in front of her house IIRC). So basically he got the living crap beaten out of him cuz hairpin, and he’s like nah I need to do somethin’ bout’ this I mean I just got rekt and I’m the bro of the boxing club leader. So then there’s a scene where he asks Jeni to help him train and then there’s the first boxing mini. If he wins then H-scene. Then he would kinda “move up the ladder” fighting different girls and H-scenes for each victory and then Maiko as the final boss.

    I dunno if that’s too big, that’s just my idea which I think would reeeaaally cool

    1. Thanks, it is something to think about for later because I don’t have any art assets for play as David for boxing heh. My current goal is only to use things I already have available.

  5. Here comes a big one.

    Well this is actually quite simple based off of what I have been reading on your other comments it seems that you want it to be from a view of a character that is not Maiko or any one of your characters. Thus it would be a whole new character made by the player for the player. RPG style pretty much. This is what makes it quite simple because the character herself/himself is free to do what they want whenever they as an example be an agent, be a student, a teacher, work in the mall, or just be some random guy, etc. it’s all up to you as the creator to pick which one you want to do and for us to experience it. Personal I say go with something like the mayor, dean, or the malls owner it gives the player power and makes it understandable for why he/she would even be there in practical any situation unlike Maiko who is just a student with no money and no time.
    When it comes to your main question, in this case it’s all about the flow and how much freedom you will give to the player. Yes the game would be short and simple but based off of what type of backstory you choose to make the playable character the different possibilities pop up.
    Now let’s say you do the dean. The dean controls the school, thus controls everything that happens there. If he says no, then that club, activity, or person will not be allowed in the school. Thus all club and sport activities even the shady ones fall into his laps. Then when it comes to the teachers, he owns them, because he pays them. This backstory allows for a deeper understanding of the school itself even though the story is short, you get the lore through conversations and what he allows and for what reason he allows it.
    If I were going to put in a nice short story for this person I would do this. The dean is really into corruption, that’s his fetish he likes to see people fall into their sexual desires. He really likes riley, amber, and lyn but there too reserved to fall into this type of act. So he hires Jenni and David to trick them into joining their sex club. Attempts happen and each times it falls. One of them could be David’s attempting rape (again) to then be kicked in the balls. Jeni could try to strike up a deal but for them to skip gym if they do join. Or doing an extra credit lie, so on and so forth until they get them to fall and join. This story is simple and mostly just text based you don’t even need to show any of the targets it could all just fall down onto aftermath discussions between the three conspirators. Now the question might be where is the sex? It’s the prize for finishing the story, thus leaving us with one to three sex scenes. If you want more each time Jeni or David falls the dean can fuck them for failing and beret them on their failure the whole time he/she is doing them. This story could also be focused on getting the teachers to so there is a lot of versatility with a vary easy short story. It I would estimate the length it should probably be 3 pages pure text would suffice gives us a good ten minutes of a fun story.
    Now how about the other two the mall owner and the mayor. Well they fall into the same category of the dean just with different targets and different goals. The mayor could be trying to fuck the hot police chief by seducing her, showering her with gifts, or blackmail. Then there is there is the story of him hiding all his illicit deeds. Then when it comes to the mall owner this can fall upon the cafe, or the fact that now that Sevorey dad is in jail he doesn’t have any good nude pictures anymore so he higher Kyle.
    When it comes to possible other people and story, you can go with a dating sim type thing with an ugly duckling trying his/her best to fuck all the people in school. There could be a story of a businessman trying to have a three-way. One of the characters father/mother trying to have sex with their daughters/son best friend. If you want to get away from the pure h storyline you could go with a sport or gaming competition and you’re the enemy team member who decided to go talk to some of the girls. A good samaritan helping someone does something. A fan of the band going to one of the consort. A student being tutored on a class by someone. Kyle interviewing someone and they tell a fun story of events. Or just simply a cop doing their job. And so vary much more, you have already made a very extensive universe with a whole lot of possibility.

    1. Thanks for the feedback, this falls into the category of some of other stuff suggested where I don’t already have the things you mentioned as rewards (yet?). Especially with these character you mentioned. I might need to list it out a guess but I want to avoid spoilers. I am always last to have last to have sex animations with lynn, riley, etc if even at all heh. Kind of defeats the point of having a characters that don’t do sex.

      This was a argument I made in this forum post:

  6. Story starts like this the player is walking down the club after finishing a makeup test. As he walks by the room that the sex club is in Kyle gets thrown out with all his cameras following after. The hole time this is happening he is trying to catch the equipment and begging to be let back in because Savories there today or some other girl he is really crushing on. Which is every girl actually, so he is just screaming names. The player helps out Kyle by rather catching the equipment (mini game time) or helping him pick up the stuff. This then leads Kyle to introduce himself to you. It goes like this he knows you but you don’t know him, Kyle thus sets up the students background and brings in a big fact you have never been to that club before. He then gets you to go inside as his safety net because after all he is introducing a new person to the club. Kyle gets back inside and introduces you to Jeni then is kicked out again because he tries to take another video (showing you what you aren’t supposed to do). Before he is kicked out though he offers you a very simple deal hundred bucks to bring back a story. What story you doesn’t know what that mean. You will find out later. Soon after Jeni offers to do it with you but you turn her down because you’re too shy and sit in the back. When doing this you feel Kyle offer in your back pocket it’s a camera phone. Hundred bucks to snap a few pictures of people having sex who wouldn’t take up that offer. Possible mini game of you taking pictures of people when Jeni or David is not around insures and it ending in a nice dialogue with the people that were having sex and then you and Jeni. You don’t have sex that night but Jeni welcomes you back. You then run to Kyle’s club room and show him the stuff, you get the money and Kyle makes you an offer get him back in and he will get you better equipment and better pay. You say yes. Go back the next day Jeni won’t allow Kyle back in unless she pops your cherry you agree but says you’re not ready and will come back tomorrow when ready. You go to Kyle get the camera and during the day hide the camera in the room. Jeni comes in later and you do the dirty deed selling the video to Kyle in the process. Now that Kyle is back in you and him team up for a constant stream of videos. The story ends with Maiko catching Kyle hide the camera, where she then makes a deal with him because all she wants is a free recording.

    What this story would consist of is four main scenes and about two smaller ones. What you would need for the story is a sex animation and camera mode.

  7. I actually fogor to look at some of my own game stuff that could easily have a story built around it.
    Quick Pic

    pleasure service

    oppai play:

    spa tap

    wild peach:

    girl pov sex:


    and probably more lol.
    I’m not specially talking about the art in those games. just the minigame mechanics. I would have to use art I have already. oppai play might work with cafe pics because the cafe pics have a few states of undress. you might play as the customer sitting at the table. if I an manage to get that angle for the BG.

    1. If those are an option you could make a game where Maiko (or some other girl) is looking for big dicks to fuck and use the pov sex as a base.

      You’d get a set amount of dudes to fuck and start with a huge amount of stress. If you get it low enough by the end one of the named dudes like Greel or Joiry show up and give her the big dick she was looking for in their unique scenes.

      Game over would be getting cummed in and pregnant.

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