September 20, 2024

25 thoughts on “Updates + life changing events pt. 2

  1. Wow. So, the time has come.
    I hope the fact of you leaving the job is just a beginning of something great.
    Good luck to you.

  2. wow finally man, congrats, I can’t imagine how happy you are right now haha.
    Now this is a beginning of something really big, Congrats.

    1. yeah I have time to chill out a bit and work on my projects more. I is stressful when I fall behind on stuff even when it seems like I am working a lot.

  3. Congrats this means people actually find your project worth supporting. All that you did took years because of the full time job you have. Now with that out of the way, users will really get to see what can you do as your main focus.

    1. I have a lot of writing to do and animations to catch up on. lately I have had to stop animating to go to work for the rest of the day. It cost too much time. I think I would be better off finishing my animation and getting my projects completed.

  4. Well you must be doing real well since we support you as much as we can, if you prefer doing full time patreon and enjoy it better, you’d have way less stress. 🙂

    1. yes stress is a major issues for me atm. I’m like Maiko with black stress heart atm heh.
      hard to do both, just need to let one go.

    1. Thanks yeah, It looks ok now. so hopefully It will look even better after application of my additional time I will have.

  5. just a small update, I have one more animation to animate for the Affluently ineffective quest. All the facial expressions for that and Savor the moment quests are done. Savor the moment animations are done also, thoguh I might add a few more variations to one of the group animations.

  6. wow you did all that, with that quality, working full time!? chapeu.
    Gl for your adwenture i will support you when i can

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