January 7, 2024

17 thoughts on “The Rookie update status

  1. Nice!
    Pssst… there’s a way to don’t fall asleep during TT’s lecture? Maybe I missed something for not lying about Rookie’s condition.

    1. Yeah you will always fall asleep. but a lot of people ask about it so I might have a way to stay away by the time I finish the game.

  2. Holy shit nice
    Quick question
    is there going to be more scenes with (best girl) Rinoga?
    Also I reported a bug in the teacher’s artwork post,idk if you saw that

    1. Thanks, I didn’t see it. you would have needed to post it one of the update posts.
      Rinoga won’t have more scenes in the Rookie but she is redrawn and ready for future stuff.

  3. Awesome. Riley was always one of my favorites so it will be great to see more of her. lynn being a close second. But i also see this as a unique opportunity to see whats going on from an outside perspective. We got to see why Dizzy is how she is and that could be looked into. The perspective of Cain and how he is forced to deal with a everything with stride (though i want to see what happens to him when pushed to the limit) And ultimately a more in depth look on how the Umichan universe and society works.

    It must be fun and frustrating story boarding all that. Great job.

  4. is there any animation? i love the animation you made… also i have low spec rig… not sure if i can play your coming soon 3d game…

    1. Yep this has animations also. As for the 3D game, there are several graphic settings so you might at least try it on low settings when I throw up a demo.

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