When making various 2D games I noticed a quite a lot of standing/pose character art gets created but possibly not used as effectively as it could be. I lot of the character art gets glossed over during non-interactive dialogue scene while players get to the sex animation(s).
I wanted bring some of the focus and appreciation back into the character art, so I was looking for way to maximize it’s use. After researching some old school “dating” flash games (including my own) I can up with something that can hopefully make better use of character art.

essentially what I have come up with is a very interactive “date” type system that uses various minigames.
1. small talk
2. flatter minigame
3. pay attention minigame
4. small talk
5. flatter minigame
6. pattern match hentai minigame
try out the minigames foryourself in the zip below
[button color=”black” link=”http://spiralvortexplay.com/svp/wp-content/uploads/2018/01/dateminis.zip” target=”_blank”]Donwload[/button]
feel to post thoughts on this idea for the character art. it could be for anything not just umichan stuff.
I was clicking those hearts on minigame with Roise and I dont get it, is there something about to happen when I already made it seeing her breasts? cuz it just stops and except for moving hearts there is nothing happening lol
You’re supposed to avoid the hearts, so the camera goes up to Rosie’s face.
yes what octopussy mentioned is correct
I’m a fan of the small talk, flatter and matching, not so much the pay attention mini game. I know the point is to “pay attention” to the hearts and dodge them, but it kinda takes you out of the flow of the game.
Thanks for the feedback. that one is the least important anyway. and i think it might lag a bit on some computers.
So the first game with maiko I think the number guessing one is much better.
That flattering game is really cool imo since it opens the possibility to reward players that pay attention to the dialogue, like, having the replies not be super obvious and instead catter to that girl’s personality
and that heart game I really had no idea wtf was I doing so not really enjoyable.
If you want to make more use of the different outfits a girl may have, my idea is that I could serve as indicator that you’re doing good with that girl. For example in the rookie game, where you have three different routs, instead of locking the player into one specific route, you could make it so that the player has the ability to interact with multiple chicks, and at the end receive the scene of the chick that the player put more “affection” into. And so clothes would be an indicator, since a chick that likes you more could wear more revealing clothes aroud you
That was a kinda out of nowhere idea but that was the first thing that came to mind
i second that.
Thanks for the feedback. I don’t have a bunch of clothes for the same character. I think for most girls I just have casual or uniform, undies and nude. some have different states of dress like the luma open shirt.
I mean you could make it so that if your affection with a girl is high enough you’d see and extra dialogue where a girl’s shirt button would casually open or she’d just give you a flash to tease or something
I’d don’t have art for the though. the ideas here it is use art I already have. creating more art, even and edit, defeats the point of the idea here. I normally have main outfit, undeis and nude. Only in a few cases will have some article of clothing unbuttoned, etc.
how about an extra scene where you bump into a character changing clothes or something, there the undies or nude models could be used
Do you know which character’s you’d want to make these date games for?
And do you think they’d only be from a guy’s perspective with a girl? Or could you make some from a girl’s perspective where they’re trying to date Remi or even one of the guy characters.
Also if you want to use the art for more things, maybe for the Sentoryu game you could have the option to ask the cafe girls to wear different things based on how much they like you.
this mini could apply to any character. They is not multiple outfits created. I’d like to just work with what is already made.
I absolutely *LOVE* the pattern matching game for Maiko. It really solves the one handed problem. You setup your sequence and can then enjoy the show. Superb.
The pay attention game is really confusing, don’t like it a lot, but ok.
I like the compliment game a lot too, but I’d fix one thing: as soon as you have had one body part, don’t create a popup message saying “you already talked about that” which you have to click away, but just show that and make it dissapear quickly. What happens is, that I start clicking allover the place to find out what the hot zones. When I get the “you already talked about that”, that becomes annoying. Other solution would be to someone show what the hot zones are, but then you mess with the graphics.
Thanks for the feedback. I will see what I can do about re-clicking hotzones.
I think for this i can have it also where if you get a compliment correct it can remove that article of clothing if there is something under it like undie/nude.
with what should i open this file?
It should work in a browser or you can try a flash player. sorry for the delayed message.
I have a question. Do you think about create a game for mobile phones?
the visual novel games should work on mobile devices.
The one with Roise remember me of the meet & fuck games.
Not really a big fan of them. I prefer your style and games like UMCH and Aria.
The basic idea of using the clothing for dialog options is good instead. Would be good if you manage to implement it.