I wanted to use this motion for a while but I didn’t want to do just anything. I actually am quite satisfied at how this video turned out. Everything seemed to fall into place after some trial and error. I’m terrible at editing dress physics thoguh. I took this opportunity to use a technique in MMD that translates into something like gentleman’s frame ( 紳士枠 ). As you can see from the video, it is basically Kyle vision.
MMD:Girls, Maiko very good dance preformance ,loves showing off her boobs,Vortex00 keep up the good work,.
Thanks will do
Actually BG light effect are awesome in this video. Heh Maiko’s Guitar is at the floor. Everything with Kyle have to do with the girls not having a bra on. LOL
that was just a easy way to explain it heh.
Did you make the guitar or found a model for it? Looks pretty good man.
Kyle vision… seems like a glasses brand. That would sell a lot, lol
I just found something and recolored it a bit. I can make her actual guitar later.