I won the KenOS monthly patreon raffle where you can have you character draw in any position you want. So naturally I chose Maiko, and went with a bending over position. It wasn’t this exact pose or angle I wanted initially but this pose was fine also.
You can keep up with KenOs on tumblr
you might also check out the Living with lolly episode on youtube and maybe you want to enter the raffle on patreon yourself.
all links are on the tumblr.
For those paying attention, yeah the hairpin is on the wrong side. I guess the image could be flipped heh. I’m pretty sure simply including it was the main goal though so it is fine as it is. And I love the detail of the heart and star shapes in the eyes.
Ha it actually looks nice, her eyes have green hearts to them. I wonder what is next, Maiko be in a episode of Living with Lolly? Na but the style of this Maiko reminds me of that new series.
Yea it is draw in the same style as LWL. Earlier I acutally thoguh about having a raffle also, but I figured it would be better to spend the time working on the game/videos and stuff. Maybe I can do a regular raffle for custom short 3D videos later on. kinda like the maiko/savori yuri video
Pretty nice, hehe. Remembers me of those images with a dog pulling a girl bottom on the beach.
yeah it does now that you mention it heh.