Behold! Zytra’s backside. It is normally blocked by her long hair, but in this video she is rocking a cute ponytail. A bit of a experiment, because as usual I found myself struggling to get nice views of her rear end. So on a whim decided to hid her long hair for a change. Turned out better then expected imo. Let me know what you think. And somehow with great restraint on my end, she keeps her clothes on. I actually deleted the video where her top comes down because I figured I do that too much.
” Zytra’s Backside” LOL, very nice indeed. To be completely honest, I really like her hair in this piece. Maybe its just because I have a thing pigtails/ponytails, but her long, flowing glam hair always seemed bulky and excessive to me. But she’s your girl so I smiled and watched all the same 🙂
It is pretty hard to get long hair right in mmd. Much easier to draw in this case. You probably just have a thing for ponytails lol.
But yeah she keeps her hair long for all her modeling stuff, so in mmd I keep it like that as much as possible.
Her glamorous, super long raven-hair is a big part of what is so attractive about her. I love her and Luma’s gorgeous long locks.
Need to work on zytra’s hair a bit more then I will move onto getting Luma updated.
You should of use Sexy Back by Justin timberlake, if you wanted to show her back. LOL
The hair ponytail is nice, I see you wanted to test it out and to finally show her back side. You use some light effect with the BG.
Thanks, unfortunately I can’t just use any song at will like that without first spending a month or so making a custom motion for it. So I normally just use motions that are already made by others. yes that would have been a good song for this theme though heh.
Cute ponytail indeed 🙂
No surprise there another great video made from a great artist 🙂 keep up the good work Vortex senpai XD (bows)
think I am done with Zytra for now, working on Luma o_o