January 7, 2024

11 thoughts on “Maiko Reference Image

  1. The middle is the picture of the cancel mouse pad, The one after that is a picture of Maiko’s old pose in Newgrounds I think you posted. Now the far right where she have red boots on. I have not seen it looks familiar to one of her old poses.

    I always thought Maiko had black pants, but I see pink shorts…. Is it her future self Charity?

  2. These shorts are worn under the pants. All these combined, plus the pants and the jacket makes up the Maiko/Charity outfit.

    It will be in DoE2 where Maiko actually has the hairpin this time.

  3. Well I have tried your old DoE Demo where it had Charity, Maiko, Riley, Luma, Nari, Leaf, Ginger, Sentinel, Old Man which his name is Dr. Light (I Think) and Maria some random red cat LOL wasn’t this red cat done by a different artist? I think it was a picture. ^_^

    I guess for DoE you are adding the others that where remove in the first DoE finish flash. Before you know it after your done with DoE 2 a third one is a charm. LOL

  4. yeah hopefully. But I want to fix DoE 1 first.
    It needs to be something more than a fighting in the game.

    Even with the battle styles in DoE, I didn’t use them much in the main story. Different styles were used based on what difficulty mode it was on. The survival mode I had in the arcade version of it and multiple other things are needed.

    I think perhaps in this case making some of the game a 2D scrolling platform game would be good.
    Hard boss fights can be the classic DoE system.

    Aria has a platforming aspect to it already so I’m sure I can do the same for DoE.

  5. I see you want to retro fit stuff for DoE. A Beat em up Platform is not a bad idea. Well you said the complains in Newgrounds was to much readying. Well the ability to skip the story into the next stage might work. Also they complain do to the fact they where looking for Hentai in DoE.

    You do have that Style Mode that let’s you equip stuff on the characters. You could take a page out of Devil May Cry level up system. Where you use the orbs to buy upgrade’s for the characters. Or Donavik since your using him the most. It makes for unlocking stuff. The orbs to collect after defeating enemies can be called Khalei Energy, Khalei Orbs etc you probably can come with a better name. Just like the DMC games you can select the next chapter or the same stages again to get more points. However you can just select any stage you want. You got to first beat that stage.

    See in DMC it was action hack slash platform but you can level grind if you wanted too. DMC made beat em up and hack N Slash stander with a level up system.

  6. Yeah those ideas sound good. It makes sense because the clones are made with Khalei and bio tissue materials anyways. I’d had to add some additional moves to playable characters. Actually I took some out. Sixxe used to have a move where the Semitix came out and did a electric attack together with sixxe..

    In DoE also a lot of times you had some ally character. Perhaps I can do that in a platforming game also. I have yet to see any H platformer game where you can switch the main playable character on the fly. And even make them be able to interact with each other could be interesting.

  7. You can always add those move back as a upgrade to earn by buy leveling it up. The way of Devil May Cry, God of War, Ninja Gaiden and many others before it with a level up hack N’ Slash system.

    The cool thing about the level up system is that it works like a shop. Spending points to level up. Some games even have spending points to unlock other modes in a game. Hell you can add one of the mode being a Hentai mini like UM but with a different female or some other form of H Mode.

    Than again that is just making the game to huge but it would give a bigger replay value to keep playing the flash unlocking everything.

  8. I’ll make a quick test file and see how it goes. I’ll figure out the hentai later when I am thinking about it more.

    Initially I’m thinking Sixxe, Annie, Semitix, and Tempo as player controlled characters. Maybe Phil also and his Ghost girls could be interesting. Playing as the “bad guy” is usually interesting anyway. Maybe Belohra can come into play more here also since she is a psychopath gunning to get knocked up by Sixxe.

    None of these are really push over characters that get easily attacked and raped by random enemies thoguh. It will be interesting to figure out how to do this and have it still make sense.

    The only enemies that makes sense to fight are the clones in the the black clothes with the sword. The demons, Phil’s ghost girls, and random gangsters and GemCo agents (both not created yet).

    Yeah that red cat girl was a another artist’s OC. I have no idea what happened to the artist. But I can use my own character and replace the graphics since I have my own cat girl now. I don’t have a name for her yet though.

    I could almost see a conversation right now between Semitix and Sixxe lol.

    Semitix: What is this, some kind of shrine ?
    Sixxe: No it is an Arcade game, you play games here.. This one is called Magical Kitty.
    Semitix: How do you know if this neko enigma? She is someone else I have yet to track down and judge.
    Sixxe: What?… This is just imaginary character. She doesn’t exist in real life.
    Semitix: Just like your priestess doesn’t really exist in real life, but she is still here anyway.
    Sixxe: ……(O_O;)!

    I could make a game with her alone also later on.

  9. What? So now Belohra not only is she crazy aka psychopath. But she is also a sperm bandit. ROFL!

    If you don’t know what that means here is the urban dictionary word.

    sperm bandit
    A female who chooses to have a child with no father involved by means of one night stands, brief relationships at all.

    She chooses her victim carefully, he must be intelligent and attractive. And then when the ‘timing is right’ bed him and utilize his sperm.

    Even if protection is used she will find means of transferring the little swimmers from the rubber to her vag before they die out.
    She had that kid to some random guy, she’s a sperm bandit.

    You can make it you start off only able to select 3 characters Sixxe, Annie & Tempo, as you progress with Donavik, you finally meet Semitix and unlocks becoming the fourth character to select.

    Hidden characters as a story plot of there side of view, Nari, Phil, Belohra and Momoko The Magical Kitty. Semitix proves it to Sixxe by going inside the arcade pulling Magical Kitty out.

    Semitix: See…
    Momoko: MEOW!
    Sixxe: (☉_☉)?!!!!!!
    Annie: WOW IT’S A MAGICAL KITTY! ヽ( ≧ω≦)ノ (She starts robbing Magical Kitty belly, Kitty start’s to brr)
    Sixxe: I don’t leave what I just finish seen…
    Annie: Can we keep it?!!!
    Sixxe: Wh wh wh… WHAT?
    Annie: Look at it it’s sooooo CUTE!
    Momoko: MEOW!
    Annie: I’ll call her Momoko.

    The magical Kitty can restore Khalei. She have infinite Khelei. Sixxe wonders how is that even possible to have a infinite energy. Annie turn look at Sixxe a little disappointed she is a magical Kitty.

    Sixxe: It’s not real…. well until now…. ಠ_๏

    But than you should save that for DoE 2.

  10. Yeah because Donavik is the only Sixxe of the current period.

    As for the kitty, The name is fine, but I’m not sure about pulling her right out the arcade box lol.
    If the Semitix knew the kitty was in the arcade she would not have asked if it was a shrine. She would have said something else.
    But I was thinking she existed normally in a different dimension similar to Annie. Another area they can get to from traveling through the white world.

    And since she would be an enigma, linking this to The Semitix text story, that the means someone created her from their imagination and emotions. I’m thinking either Dizzy or Leyah would be good candidates.

    If it is Dizzy thoguh, that opens all sorts of worlds with weird creatures and actual boob faeries.

  11. The mouse art is just gorgeous… I still think about getting the mouse pad someday or making a poster out of it to put on my bedroom wall…

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