September 20, 2024

24 thoughts on “Non-Anime Images

    1. I remember this in the Newgrounds forums , you took a magazine of a real life model front page cover. And sketch it than color it. Than I think you remove the bra? I don’t remember, I think it was a page where users where showing off..

    1. Chow 16…. I heard this from some other of your picture. I think it was some vampire dude holding a knife on a woman neck. I think there was also demons in another.

      1. Indeed. There are few of them I have. I will post more later though. CHOW stands for “Character of the week”. a weekly drawing theme that was running on the newgrounds art forums. I used it as opportunity to draw other type stuff like this instead of my usual anime. It was fun while it was going on.

    1. I always wanted to ask about the red dragon. Is he a original work or does he come from some popular series?

      I always thought that if this was one of the Dragon’s Suida summons than damn don’t fuck with this princess. This Zuberi would fuck you up. LOL

      1. Original. The goal was to make “hell’s general” and this is what I came up with for the theme. Many possibilities for this guy.

    1. Ha ha now this GIF I remember very well Samantha, I remember thinking I wonder if I can test this early Crystal Hunter game. That was on the NewGrounds Forums and was on your old Vortex00 dot com. Which also had the Maiko Chatbot at the front page.

    1. Force Web! I remember that comic book. As for this picture. I remember you was drawing I think he was naked before. A user in Newground said that if you draw a penis he is out of here. LOL

    1. Well there probably different type of suits in the ARIA HQ.

      As for the picture looks nice. It looks like the Crystal on the sides is attach a little bit of a wire on the bikini. To give it hard armor. In a symbiote that of form.

      And than there is the fact there are some type of headphones charging her. Making her eyes glow red.

      1. yeah the only gear here is the upper thighs and the head. Pretty interesting actually. Looks like Phia with a bit less hair. But I actually like this look better

  1. Wow those are great the best I can do out side anime is drawing beasts and dragons or armour design but you have a whole vairity of skills there 🙂

    1. yeah unfortunately most of it was made to prove to people I can draw more then anime back when I was hanging out in the NG art thread a lot. much of it was positive thoguh for the most part. you can see some of these have ChoW (Character of the week) with was a bunch of people drew characters based around a certain theme. was pretty fun. maybe I can something like that here later with more artists.

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