May 2, 2024

10 thoughts on “Umichan 3D wip 3

  1. Finally! someone who realises the simplicity of fixing it before you add more stuff!
    My god the amount of times I see developers throwing content in before fixing what they have! ARGH it’s so annoying!
    Think of it like a building a house. Start with the foundations, build the wall’s than the roof and THAN fill it with content!
    Your not going to get anywhere if you foundation’s, walls or roof are shit, lol!

    Oooh MMD4 macrium bullet physic’s plugin?? NICE!

    On to the… Issue’s?
    Sometimes the dialogue seems to skip ahead and progress early? Might need some tuning
    Dialog need’s more prompt’s and maybe some more work: Maybe a “click to progress” after the sentance is said? (and maybe some option’s, people LOVE option’s!)
    Camera’s seems a little restrictive, a more free camera would be nice (especially in the sex scene)

    Some idea’s:
    Heres an idea try and “fix” the :
    “-on some parts you need to move away and move back to a character, I tried different way to do this but they all seem worse”
    Maybe add a “script refresh” system?
    For example every 2-3 frames, refresh some script’s (like chat/quest’s) to update them.
    This system might also be able to help out with the other stuff too.

    That will do for now. I wish I could do more but i feel this comment section is not the best for how i like to talk, lol.

    Keep up the great work!

    1. Thanks, it is not going to be flawless but yeah trying to fix what I can now before proceeding.
      Even the the idle animation is too fast I am unsure if I will change it, we’ll see. it is just kind of a practice game.

      the bullet physics is something I need to turn off because it causes the game to lag for some people, though I am not sure what initial settings the decide to run the game with. it makes the dress and hair pretty crazy as seen in the umichan3d wip 1. It is also the reason I can’t publish it to a web app that can be played in a browser.

      putting a click to progress in the the dialogue I don’t think it possible based on what I have seen so far in the settings for the dialogue plugin I am using. Unless I manually write it into the dialogue. There is a way to change color text and stuff also. But I can certainly check again specifically for something like that.

      you need to define more clearly what a more free camera means in the hentai part. I did plan to move the focus point up a bit. It seems a little too low but it rotates around a fixed point. I don’t want a free flying camera right there because I don’t want the camera leaving the room, but I am open to suggestions. if by more free you mean can rotate at a higher angle above and stuff I can do that.

      as far and the script refresh system you should just be able to press e ti bring up the dialogue again but it isn’t working. I would need to research ways to make such a script refresh system and it feels like I would be reinventing the wheel a little bit.

      at worst I can just connect a copy of the new dialogue sequence to the end of the previous one as one long conversation. that way if you exit it you can still start from the new one.

      yeah the comments are just meant for simple replys and don’t have all the complexities of how a forum might have.

  2. I think you could approach this another way.
    Put this on hold for a while, I feel you could make something AMAZING here.

    Get some more experience with the tools/engine/etc, maybe try making a couple of mini games? (sort of what you started doing with UMCH)

    In these mini game’s you could test out a couple of thing’s, make a game focused on the dialogue system, give it a couple of tries see what comes out.
    Than maybe try a “roaming” game, focused on exporation/terrain/controlles.
    Than maybe throw together a couple of sex animation’s and play around with option’s, see what you can do.
    And maybe even a dressup game? who know’s!

    Than periodically come back to this and give it a nice update with what you have learned/created.

    ARGH, sorry. I feel like i’m lecturing you… i just feel that this project is something that could be HUGE!

    1. This is the roaming and dialogue practice no? This and yeah other minigame stuff i plan to do in unity was the practice. The amazing game you are talking about us after this. The mini with sex options is the umichan maiko 3d reamake.

  3. I guess I’m thinking too far ahead, lol … sorry…

    Oh before i forget AGAIN, there seems to be some issues with step’s? sometimes you just stop like hitting a wall?
    (why is the reply button not working for me properly…)

      1. I think he means when you run up a stairs, you can’t go ahead until you start walking again. Or he might mean the invisible walls. Than again I was able to go through walls because there was no collision to stop me. It’s in the beginning of the game. Past Kyle go through the bush you will be behind the building. There are no walls collision in that area.

        1. Oh I thoguh he might have meant the steps near chris. I don’t seem to have trouble walking up stairs either thoguh… I normally go at them head on though not at a angle. I can possibly reduces maiko’s collision area.

          yeah some of those signs and stuff the don’t have collisions I might take out idk. I’ll try some stuff tonight again before I get to the riley stuff.

          so far it is taking another look at dialogue, collisions, and seeing what I can do with the hentai camera stuff.

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