May 2, 2024

27 thoughts on “Umichan Maiko: Wild Peach

  1. This is a nice preview to the new art style

    Joiry pretty much oozes douchebag through his desgin -things to do in CH… kick Joiry in the nuts… repeatedly- Kudos to the artist.

    Are you suppose to get a massive point dump for completing the first challenge? I got like 15k right off the bat and basically bought everything XD

    1. Yeah Joiry is the sports jock/duche type of character.
      nope. but it’s w/e just a small game, there isn’t whole lot to miss by unlocking everything at the start.
      just going to leave it here until I figure out why that is happening.
      it’s open testing I guess lol.

        1. I haven’t touched the game since I uploaded it lol. that 15k thing happened to me once and that’s it for me it was around 11k though. idk what the problem is yet.

  2. Realy good game!!!
    The only thing I dislike is the new model of Maiko. it really is not that I don’t like it but I preferred the old one.

    1. I’ll see if ttrop can make a few changes. it is helpful to know what you like about the old one more though.

        1. Well thats simple… The problem isn’t the model. Its as your first look at new Maiko she basically has a look of discomfort of ‘Stop being so rough you’re hurting me’. instead of her usually cheery up for whatever expression

          1. yeah probably the wide open mouth and the eyelashes are not as thick. It also seemed odd to me at first to be honest. But just like my own art, after looking at it for a while you get used to it. I think the changes I mentioned should resolve any major issues. even when pattie was being drawn i had requested the eyelashes to be a bit thicker.

          2. I don’t think that, her face is different, it is not a question only of the expression. However, the tastes are subjective, I prefer the old model but could be one of the few who thinks so.

          3. it’ll be retouched a bit probably. after ttrop finishes all of the characters we can review all of them. there is only one more to go at the time of this post, and it being colored as I type this.

        2. might be the eyelashes are not as thick and a few other things. I like to keep the artist drawing most in their own style thoguh so I’ll see where some changes can be made.

  3. Fantistic mini! I loved the way that the speed mechanic worked, MUCH more interesting than just clicking a “slow” or “fast” button. It was both engaging and interesting. Awesome work!

  4. very fun and nice art style 🙂 is the full verison or is there gonna be a downloadable version here at all 🙂

  5. The password doesnt unlck the gallery? I’ve spent like 10+ tries and still cant get all challenges done to unlock it =/

    Its a good mini nonetheless ^^

    1. This game has a different password from the rest of Vortex00’s games. If you’re trying the regular password, it won’t work.

      1. Oh I see. Well I’ve tried a bit more but still didnt managed to get it done. Hope Vortex send the password or something. I really suck at this mini, haha.

        Thanks for the info!

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