New ARIA stuff is still in development. I will be getting art for Remi and Goo drawn in the realistic style like the main cast.
ARIA Project: Group
I’m still not sure what form that game will take but it will likely be a puzzle or some version of the old ARIA combat system.
ARIA combat system remake in html5
oddly enough I have also been making ARIA themed music that I will add to the OST once complete. I tried to add prerecorded voice also like some of the previous songs. But I’m not really good at it. Once I get the background music done I can find someone to do new vocals for it. These songs don’t have names yet. person folks can suggest names for 3rd and 4th. yes there is a 1st and 2nd also but I didn’t feel like it was ready yet.
check older ARIA songs in the OST here:
Sounds like something you’d hear when turning on a space radio. Maybe the 3rd can be “Without you” and the 4th “Everything (With you…)” I’m no song man tho, just my suggestions.
All good. Thanks for the feedback.
Great job! 😀
For now I can say New2018_3rd is my fave.
I think I recall the voices, it is Steph Kay and Farisha or other singer/VA?
Many thanks. I’m not sure if it is them this time around.