May 6, 2024

11 thoughts on “Maiko MMD boob update

  1. Nice hard nipple effect, so those it actually have a animation of getting bigger longer harder? Yes I’m aware that MMD have big limitations of animation and it those have frame drops when you add to much.

    Like the detail of the dot on the nipple. Also what was you going with updating the nipples different shape and size for each female nipples? Because women have all type of shape and size. Some women flat chested but have a big areola, pointed nipples. Others have big breast but small nipples short areola.

    Having fun eh, well best of lock bro.

    1. Thanks. I probably won’t make different nipples thoguh. At least not anytime soon. I have done this with Riley thoguh so I might maker hers a little less prominent since her breasts smaller. If I do it’ll be just stuff stuff to match small, medium, and large sizes. but two girls of the same or similar size wont have any difference in that area.

      Would rather spend the time of making motions, outfits, videos, etc.
      idk we’ll see.

      1. Well you are having fun with MMD since you said you had Agent Maiko for just for fun. Maiko do to Maiko source of energy being beyond everyone else type of energy. The agent suit have a safety that shatter itself if the user overload his energy. A Safety where the suit will sock out the energy the suit than breaks along with the energy gone as a safety lock. For Maiko her energy is beyond the limit, so first the breast plate shatter. Popping out her boobs, than the rest of the suit. A Humor where the rest Riley, Luma, Lynn are looking into shock that it actually breaks. LOL

        1. hmm that would have been a good idea in a little test video I made that I’m about to upload in a bit.
          I made maiko blasting out energy. would have been good if the suit powered down and fell off or something yeah.

    1. Thanks it almost literally took all day. I had to edit the weights. and with more polygons it takes a while to do.

  2. An increase in breast size is always a good thing to me.
    It still looks spiky but the situation seems to have improved.

    1. I’m not adding a ten of thousands of polygons so you can approve it. lol. This as much as I am willing to do.
      and my reasons are explained in the post.

  3. It’s evolving greater and greater I guess it’s an artist thing where you alway try to improve your creations and Vortex’s art is always impressive 🙂

    1. only when necessary heh. I stopped trying to be perfect a while back.
      you spend so much time trying to improve to meet people expectations, that you actually don’t get anything done. I might do a video about that topic later.

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