May 8, 2024

15 thoughts on “Umichan 3D wip 5

    1. did you get it downloaded? I downloaded this with internet tethered through my phone internet in a minute or so. I don’t consider it high speed, it is only about 12Mbps or so.
      there is a uploader thing I planned to use, but I never got around to looking at it in detail. I always assume the people downloading this is minimal.

  1. Man Pattie can fly, if you go to areas where there are cliff going down. Pattie is running in mid air. LOL
    I know Pattie was joy and some hyper but running in mid air takes it to a new level. :p

    I can’t get Riley to talk to me to go find Kyle to just end the test. Maybe you never put Riley to talk at all.

    1. I’m pretty sure I did. I even had to remake the entire Riley dialogue conversation because it had errors in it. maybe it is still having errors so it is not even starting the dialogue. the standalone version behaves differently from the version I get when I test the game out in the unity editor.

      But these were some the issues I was still working out. I will try to work them out today. But I decided to post this so show the problems in the game instead of making another post just talking about them heh.

      1. Well Riley finally speaks but it was Kyle the same shit he says after the hentai. LOL
        Yes I know the Riley was having problems.

        And it is interesting to see the things Pattie do when she is fallowing me. SHE CAN FLY! LOL
        Take your time with the errors, since this is just a test.

        1. Hopefully it wont be that hard to fix the Riley thing. the Pattie thing is a bit more tricky since the rigid body gravity thing that is supposed to always apply gravity to her clearly isn’t working heh.

          1. I notice that this new build says mobile-action RPG, so you plan on testing it on android? I see those packs you buy are starting to get to use.

          2. I actually only noticed this after testing the download speed of the file. Not planning to make this mobile. I wasn’t careful and I imported the top down rpg package the wrong way and it replaced some of the text and settings. I didn’t bother to fix it yet.

  2. OK mobile wasn’t your intention understood. So far the 3D models and area is looking good. I notice you put lots of cages at the end of the stages of the school. I guess before users where able to get out of the stage is my only conclusion. There are still collision going through walls. But it doesn’t effect the game, that it becomes unplayable.

    I see the camera still have issue going in and out. I use the keys of the R and F or the wheel mouse to work around that. Maybe if you zoom all the way to Maiko. Get a First Person View. It might help might as well test that option.

    1. Also the start icon for this game is Unity3D white cube. I think the icon should be Chibi Maiko where she is writing something. That icon would work for this Umichan 3D icon.

      1. The camera issue I think is Pattie bumping into camera and pushing it forward. The camera is designed to not (or at least try not to) pass through objects with colliders.

        I tried zooming into first person view at very start on wip 1. it didn’t work out too well. I will perhaps try it again later.

        yeah all my icons and stuff got reset when imported the top down rpg stuff. I can make the icon the chibi pic.

  3. Linux version work. But i don’t see the shadow (then the infirmary’s ground is white ) and the input menu repeat 20 or 30 times the “cancel” input (it’s not a real problem :D)
    i dont know if it’s a bug of my computer, linux version or only wip 5

    1. Thanks for testing the linux version.
      However I don’t understand your description of the input menu.

        1. Oh I see. not sure on that. maybe there are some settings I can change somewhere. I will try the universal build next time.

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