Well if so Id have a few suggestions like an anal bonusstage or being able to choose Luma or Roise instead of Maiko (minimal effort due to same breastsize *wink*) and a few more.
How do you determine and record the high scores? The game doesn’t appear to save anything. When I click “Submit”, it reloads the page and returns a fresh game with no score and none of the gallery pictures unlocked. :[
Aww got to like 298 hit submit it refreshed and lost my score 🙁 Gallery now locked, didn’t even get to see it xD Oh well time to try to get up that high again!
These “Stage. Gallery picture unlocked” messages (that keep on appearing on the screen even after you unlock all the pictures) often overlap Maiko’s commands which results in losing (or ending too early) the game.
I wanted to score at least a thousand points but then another “Stage. Gallery picture unlocked” message appeared at the same time while there was Maiko’s command. I wasn’t phisically able to read what Maiko wanted from me and I failed.
old game but I noticed it was in this arcade. going to try to make a few more.
more arcade stuff:
victoria per la assassini! (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gs2axjnJUbM)
sorry i was listening to ezio theme while playing it ^^U…
lol interesting choice
i know right… and was fun , haha fucking maiko “ezio auditore” style
Wow you updated the score board from showing just the top 3 to the top 7. Good to see the arcade games coming back in a better score board.
Thanks! it goes up to the top 10 also
Nice game Vortex do you intend on updating it?
currently it is not something I have planned.
Well if so Id have a few suggestions like an anal bonusstage or being able to choose Luma or Roise instead of Maiko (minimal effort due to same breastsize *wink*) and a few more.
swapping characters for this or making anal is tons of work actually because these are imported video files for the animation.
Ohh okay I see what a pitty
Still a nice game just to clarify haha
it does not load for me :(!
if none of the other games load either you might need to install flash player or something.
not sure what web browser you use either.
This is a lovely little flash game. I loved it.
How do you determine and record the high scores? The game doesn’t appear to save anything. When I click “Submit”, it reloads the page and returns a fresh game with no score and none of the gallery pictures unlocked. :[
you need to be logged into the website. you can’t submit scores as a guest
Got to 305 before I mis-clicked a button, hehe… by that point the bar was yo-yoing so fast that there wasn’t time to click again. Oh well.
here are the old high scores also. I don’t feel like transferring them over.
Aww got to like 298 hit submit it refreshed and lost my score 🙁 Gallery now locked, didn’t even get to see it xD Oh well time to try to get up that high again!
you need to be logged into the website. you can’t submit scores as a guest
I figured 😛 It still refreshed and I lost it though 🙁 oh well xD
Can I have that song that plays basically on repeat in this game? I think it’s a remix of “Sexy Fuck” by Who’s Who. I can’t find it on YouTube.
all of the songs I use in my games are custom made or remixed for the game, so you won’t really have much luck finding them on youtube heh.
Thank you! I love this song!
By the way, how do I download it?
just post the link in your browser and save the page
Wow, Dolamite. You must have literally too much time on your hands. I hate you, lol.
lol 400+
Maiko got the business
Jesus Christ, I didn’t even think it was possible to get four hundred.
Looking back now, I feel like these positions were chosen based on the scene between Maiko & Coach Tom in Umichan Maiko Classroom Cheaters.
Well, took longer than expected but I beat the high score XD
lol now 500+. congratulations !

These “Stage. Gallery picture unlocked” messages (that keep on appearing on the screen even after you unlock all the pictures) often overlap Maiko’s commands which results in losing (or ending too early) the game.
I wanted to score at least a thousand points but then another “Stage. Gallery picture unlocked” message appeared at the same time while there was Maiko’s command. I wasn’t phisically able to read what Maiko wanted from me and I failed.