January 8, 2024

229 thoughts on “UMCC offline update 3

  1. 1. Well that is cool a updated Tablet making look like Maiko is holding a Tablet.

    2. Wow a Jumbo Boobs I wonder if this will be use for Lynn in the sequel or in Spring Break/Summer. LOL

    3. Threesome reminds me of the old threesome sandbox you have in UM Deluxe. I take it you figure out a mini out of this probably just a sandbox type the way you have it in the Sex Club.

    4. So cum on boobs skin is back. Hopefully no bugs happen because of it.

    5 & 6. Double Dildo and Threesome is the new options I see. And the random student say something a nice add on.

    7 to 12: New options for sex scene, there the option to have sex in Maiko’s room. Bet the users are happy now.

    13: Even more ways to cheat is a welcome indeed.

    14 & 15: Does this mean that Maiko using a hat will return as a option?

    16: Custom character for the minute there you had me fool. The girl on the left blond hair, I thought it was Luma’s sister. LOL

    17: Ha walk around naked is back! Also Dizzy says: Holy Cow!! I have X-Ray Vision!!! ROFL! just wow she believes she have super powers. Watch as she thinks she is kryptonian and tries to jump out a building thinking she can fly, getting stop by Riley. LOL

    By the sounds of your plans the next update will be Maiko going back to the classic in FPV. Best of luck to you man.

    1. I don’t think I will have the hat make a return. But I don’t know that for sure.
      heh. that custom character is supposed to be Luma’s sister yes. A few things from her description, She is rival to Maiko also but without the name calling. She is trying to “out sex” Maiko. She is in charge of the sex club when Jeni is not around. So since Jeni is her gal pal I would assume she can fight relatively well also?

          1. btw, do you have any plans that we can interact with custom characters just like with the normal ones? I’d love to have Stacy (Luma’s sister – custom character) with me on jobs or at the sex club.

  2. Hi,

    I started a monthly patronage, and was wondering where I would find the download link to the offline version?


      1. No problem just leave it as it is. Anyways inside the file there should be a read me text in it are the hyper links to where to post for bug reports, ideas and stuff.

        But if anyone ask here is the links.

        report bugs:

        report ideas/suggestions:




          1. oh ok i found the download link but my computer wont let me download from the site for some reason can you email the game to me or something?

          2. @thomas
            there are two different posts I made about it there. try looking at the other post for a different link

  3. I’m really glad to see this. I’ll leave this post here and will be back with thoughts after I experience the update. Cheers!

  4. Hey Vortex! I really sorry i have to say this, but I can’t afford to pledge me via patroen at all. as much as i would like to help you and i really want this update. i’m not to sure if can pledge money. I just payed not too long ago and i have to make last. Can you tell if their is a way to stop payments on partoen if you can’t pay anymore. If so, They i’ll feel much better. Please responed

    1. yes you can cancel patreon at any time. If you got it from bandcamp for 7$ you can just message me here or there. You don’t have to say please respond lol. I respond to everyone.

  5. Thank you so much, i just set it up for 1 dollar a month (Sorry i can’t give more now) and now i have to find the game download…

  6. Outstanding Work on the update, so much new content and still not bored yet. Liked it so much I even paid for the offline game a second time though Patreon.( Wish I could put more than $5 a month but, Crazy internet cost and other bills). Seriously outstanding work.

    Love it even more now that I figured out how to mod a charcter. heres my string.
    male:red:happy:crossed:always:Nick:Hey Maiko! Nice grades, we should hang out and study some time.:always:happy:crossed:Wanna hang out at the mall later? .:money:sent:e1:e1:e1:s1:s1:s1:s3:s3

  7. yea I did, but it always stopped on 3.9 megs, I tried using download manager, it said because it is unknown file size, the download is not completed (though is ‘complete’ on 3.9 megs)

    1. The offline version was always attained through a donation.
      There is a free version online. and 2a was made free so people can see some of the differences between online and offline versions. But it is ultimately unfair to anyone who paid.

      I ask that you please have consideration for the time I spend doing this. One dollar is not asking much for something that took 4 years and is ongoing. It is used to help pay for coding support and assistance for the sequel I am trying to make. Plus it is used to get quality commissioned animations that will be used in future games such as ARIA.These are things I am not even willing to do without any help. This is not YouTube where I get money from views, you need to get involved. Version 2a is available for free because of support, otherwise I would not have even bothered.

      Currently I am in the progress of trying a suggestion mentioned to me by @Fixx420. Which was to have the previous versions for free every time I make a update. Well the next update will not be too much longer hopefully.

      1. You need to make sure it is a big update too. It can’t be just like bug fixes. It need to add a lot of content like the newest version 3 did.

        Maybe disable a few features when you put it to free as well. I would have to spend some time looking to see what I think those features would be though.

  8. I understand why you made it payable but I am 18 yo and my bank can’t give me a CB, is there a way to pay you by giving you some kind of prepaid card ?

  9. Wow. This looks really nice especially like the way the cum looks. Especially like the new custom characters, and from what I read we have Luma’s sister now.

    For number (6) and (3) what if you change the name from “Guy” to one of the new/old custom characters. So it could “Roy: You are the best Senpai!”

    Same for (11) if you don’t bring a friend you get a random Custom Character.

    1. I planned to start with pleasure service 1 in a sandbox.
      It is also possible for there to be no custom characters if anyone deletes them or changes the directories.

      1. Well couldn’t you set it up (If it isn’t to much work) that it will test for custom characters and if none are available it just says “Guy” or “Girl”?

        1. it is complicated but not impossible. Probably better for the sandbox for now. they way i can figure things out with having to spend 20 minutes to just to save a small change.

  10. Hi i’ve been wondering around this website for a bit and thought it was time to actually participate. i have already donated vortex. ^-^

    i just have one question, how do you get the secret scene with dizzy? also is it a hentai scene or a normal scene? i’ve read somewhere on this website that you explore around the school but nothings happening.

    P.S awesome awesome game.

    1. Thanks and welcome. that is one thing I meant to make more if that I forgot to add. There is only a few of then. none are hentai related. You need to have the savori quest complete i think I forget exactly. so you do the investigate complaints in the student council room?

  11. I will begin working on some stuff for the games now. So if my reply to you is delayed, that the reason why

  12. Hi Vortex00 , UMCC offline update 3 , wouldnt mind seeing some girl on girl action with a strap-on dildo Maiko and Riley could be interesting. just a suguestion.

    1. I can put it in the sandbox. I keep talking about this sandbox because most of the ideas I have been getting so far are just about the sex stuff. So I don’t see any reason why I need to deal with loading the other parts of the game to get this stuff made. in fact depending how how i can tweak this. i can make the game itself smaller and just load up the H animations in the sandbox into the main game dynamically.

    1. it is distributed thoguh patreon by becoming a patron even at the lowest amount. Also the $7 from bandcamp cover through update 3. Or you can wait until it bonces free later once i get closer to completing the next update. I have been thinking about a few other things but I will mention them later.

  13. Quick question about patreon, does it accept debit cards or only credit? Currently without a card due to reasons, but I want to donate. Thanks in advance.

    1. I would assume so ? for example my debit card can be used anywhere as a credit card or debit card. But I guess it depends on the bank it is linked to. It seems more of a question for patreon technical support. I can try to find it out tomorrow.

  14. If you sent me a massage and I haven’t replied to your message yet I will later today. I am a bit behind on that.

  15. This update is great, but no matter how long I play, I can’t find shown in update image (9) and (10).

    Sorry for my awful english

    1. You need to have level 5 or more in relationship with a guy and have him with Maiko in her room. Then use the “>>” button in Maiko’s room until you switch to it.

  16. Hello Vortex00! I’m new to this site and a fan of your work. I would like to support you but have some fiancal trouble with credit card. I was wondering if there another way to donate for your work to downlaod or there no other way. Thanks!

    1. the online version predates the first offline release version. It is tedious for me to continuously update two different versions. maybe I will catch up the online version after a few more updates.

  17. Hi, relatively new to the site as well and have the same problem as dallas0087.
    I have money to use in my paypal account for any pledge level but it wants me to connect a credit card.
    And at least atm I have no access to one.
    It would indeed be nice if you could introduce another way to get the latest umcc offline version.

    1. I’m not sure how I want to go about doing it. there is a way to manage bandamp e-mail lists with another service that I am currently looking into. i will probably make a new post about it soon.

  18. fgured out a way to pay those 1$ with paypal, since I can’t have a credit card in the US a friend of mine is being cool with it
    so here this is almost all about sex scenes and stuff, but have you ever thought about adding goals or idk, something to achieve and that would be in the tablet ?
    also the game is kinda full is sex options now you could make more quests since there is only 3, the game would be kinda durable that way

    1. thanks a lot for managing to get it worked out.

      About the updates, it is not me deciding to add in a lot of sex stuff. I am simply adding in what was suggested to me. As you have noticed, nearly all the suggestions mentioned to me to add in the game were sexual related lol. more story is coming thoguh.

  19. I think I am caught of on replaying to messages, if you posted something directed to me and I haven’t responded you would to direct my attention to it again sorry I probably missed it.

  20. The update was nice with the little additions that develop a little more of the characters, the conversations and such, i like these a lot.
    Didnt have much time to play with it, but I spent some time testing reactions to people and the new little things. Good work!

  21. Oh, something I forgot to mention. This sandbox version you are making, well, you know from talking to me already, but its the most anticipated version of the game for me, heh. I wanted to do the Maiko’s exclusive sex jobs with the other characters and make different scenarios with the possibilities it opens. I know its just a beginning, but i look forward to it a lot. Do you still plan to put all your character hairs database on it? Like Savori’s dad, the teachers and the other store owners, Donavik and Annie, and the agents? Will accessories be included too? Like pins, glasses (normal and agents), and Leayah cat bow? How will it work exactly? There will be a your character gallerie, where you choose for presets (skin and eye color, breast and dick sizes) for Maiko and friends and all the other characters already ingame (custom and etc). And then you have a option to create your own character changing the presets from a existing character or from beginning? Or it will be all try to make something next to how Lynn is, for example? There will be backgrounds? (Locker room, Maiko’s Room, forest, park, beach)
    Sorry for the wall of text, but i am anxious for it for a long time now, hah. There is so much potential for it. I am just mad i didnt read this earlier, would have made my day 😛

    1. yeah I plan to have this. I am getting held up on having 3 different skin color options.

      I’m not sure if it will be area based or hentai all in the same place. I’ll explain that more in a later post. after I finish this aria demo. I am just not in the umcc mindset at the moment.

      Not sure how it will work yet. If everything will be external and imported or there will be some stuff that is included in the game and you select it. I will have some time to work on it more today.

      1. Its ok, i understand, you worked on it for a lot of time and ARIA is looking good, better work with something you have inspiration for at the moment, heh.
        Just throwing ideas, if you dont have presets at the game, but all the models, shapes and hairs. There could be a forum thread where we could have the sizes and options to make each character, just like SDT. We could have a list of your characters and if people create new characters, they could post their presets, but that would need people engaging on creations. Just like the necklace done for a shirt earlier, heh.
        But i think that, if you have this create yourself and someone makes Maiko, there wont be her dialogue lines, i didnt even ask, but there will be any? Or it will just be silent? Or random generated?
        Maybe thats too much, heh.

        1. I plan to have lines. lines can be imported just like the custom characters.
          yeah I don’t see many people drawing hair and custom stuff so it is not a high priority at me moment.
          easier to show than explain. I just haven’t gotten to it yet.

  22. Hey! Sorry to ask a noob question like that but i finaly got the Umcc update 3 game with a patron. How can we access to custom stuff? Oh and i can’t take any picture of Maiko is it normal?

    1. Hi dallas0087, maybe I first ask how you got it when you previously could not? and message me your patreon profile.
      also you can only take pics of Maiko’s boobs.

      1. to be honest I really have no clue for other ways I’m sorry though I commented on a whim I was just so sad that I can’t play the third update of UMCC ’cause I really liked the 2a update. Good Job by the way and Good luck on the next updates.

        1. You never have to feel sorry to comment. I’m just trying to figure this out without putting my paypal account in jeopardy.

  23. What’s the significance of the photoshoot checklist? Is there any reward for completing it?

    1. it is in there just for the fun of it. I didn’t spend a lot of time working on that. hence all the bugs in it. Would probably be better to just take it out for now. it would be a nice idea for 3d game or something later.

    1. I have considered it, even actually tried several kinds of ads in the past. I can’t use google ads, so I tried juicy ads. the results were pretty terrible to say the least. Not worth having the site looking like shit and be riddled with “grow your dick size” and other off topic ads for a few pennies lol.

      The only good paying ads happen when some one signs up to some other website that the ad is for. So if I am going to advertise something where someone needs to sign up, why not advertize my own patreon instead?

      In the past I also talked to other hentai artist about how their ads were working for them. I talked to veins and shadman about this a long time ago. At the time shad was saying that the bulk of his income comes from commissions. forgot the exact numbers but I remember the conversation. ads were a really low percentage of his income, it was like a single digit number. it might even still be on my skype somewhere. But anyways, veins had the same story but he wasn’t doing commissions. The had those adult dating ads but it wasn’t really doing much of anything.

      More recently (not longer than a week ago) I was talking to the guy who manages a video site called trollvids that a post some mmd videos on. The shitloads of ads there do not cover the expenses of even having the website available for people to view lol. Now I’m not sure for other types of content but for hentai stuff, patreon is really among the best things going at the moment.

  24. It’s odd that you can’t just get normal Google adds on adult sites. Even if they were afraid of the affiliation, it’s not like people can see some huge list of all sites that have Google ads on them, and if somebody was on here and saw Google ads, I doubt it would ruin their opinion of Google since they were on this site to begin with.

    Anyway, I was just asking because it seems like you do genuinely want an alternative for people who can’t pay (such as myself xD). I’ll pay when I can, I’m working on getting a job. You deserve the pay, anyway. I’m not like the dicks who think they’re entitled to get the game for free, it just sucks knowing it’s so cheap but that the only way for me to get any money online would be to pay at least $25 for a VISA giftcard, which I just don’t have.

  25. yeah I don’t make the rules for google but I know what they are. Hypothetically even with adsene I’d be making less than I currently am right now, with less growth. And would also need to do more work, spending time to advertize this site like hell, it would be all about how many hit.views I can get. My time would be better used working on the content.

    Believe me when I say that I used to spend lot of time researching ways to monetize hentai. There are not many things actually worth doing. And even less things without risk.

    I am always open to suggestions on this. True I am not a fan of ads thoguh. you don’t even see ads for my patreon page on the main page of the site. you only find patreon links in the relevant posts. Later I might have a small link or button perhaps.

    1. Well you could always just put a link to the Patreon page at the top of the site with all the other tabs. It’s not intrusive and I highly doubt anyone would mind.

  26. Vortex,i have to pay more than 10$ to download the update 3 of this game ?
    obs: You work is amanzing !

  27. I don’t have a credit card,don’t have another way to pay ?
    Like bank slip ? Sorry,i’m from brasil i want to play the last version
    I have the money,but no credit card … if have another way to pay …
    Tell me 🙂
    Thanks …

  28. Sorry for so many questions,but …
    When you will release a new version of UMCC
    The update fourth ?
    I can’t wait anymore,u are amazing,man !

    1. Maiko starts with all the pens. They can be changed in Maiko’s room. There is a group of buttons. one of the says “Pen”
      if you don’t see it press the “>>” button until you get to the correct scene. Maiko should be sitting on the floor with her legs open.

  29. Question so no credit card atm or paypal is there any way i can give you a paysafe and you will let me have access for what i pay? please answer 🙁

    1. I don’t think I can use it. I researched it a little it before posting.
      it’s been about a month thoguh that is long enough. Plus I have other stuff coming.
      and also need to re-craft my patreon a bit anyways.

  30. So what you’re telling me is that there is no way of me playing this game with the updates without a credit card or paypal right? 🙁

    1. it is the current situation yes. It is why I need to accomplish a number of different things, I just have not had a moment to properly plan things. Even still you will probably need at least one of those two things.

    1. Not a dumb question, and the answer is yes.
      Once I get a bit further along on the next update.
      This is just a kind of slow period because I am working on ARIA stuff also.

  31. I bought the game on bandcamp $ 7 and it does not work …
    I guess I shouldn’t go on bandcamp..
    Help pls !

    1. you can select different pens from her room. select the pink vibrator pen and look down during a test.

    1. It wasn’t in there originally but people requested to be able to freely walk around nude and have a the characters react to Maiko. so you can walk around nude now. It may be a bit buggy.

      1. Awesome. I look forward to when this is free. Might you have a set day on that? (Don’t worry, I’m not being cheap, just still job hunting. I’ll be donating once I have a job.)

        1. I don’t have a date at the moment. As soon as update 4 is ready enough.
          I’m going to try to get a lot done today and tomorrow.

  32. It’s been a while mates!

    v3 is looking good, lots of new features. I only wished I had that fucking international Credit card, Dammit. Anyways, Congrats!

    And sorry for the absence mate, I made surgery on my right eye, only now I’m able to use the PC. But know that my thoughts of fortune travelled along side you in your quest of Flashy Hentainess, Yay!

  33. Hi everyone, just joined the community and downloaded update 3. I have two questions
    1) How do I properly save the game using the offline version? Do I need that code to load at a later date?
    2) Why can’t I seem to capture photos of the purple and green butterflies? No matter what I try, I’m never able to check off their boxes.

    Thanks for the help!

    1. @evan
      Here is a walkthrough of everything in the game that you might ask about UMCC.

      When you save the game there should be a password to the right side. Just high light all of that copy and past it as a note. The next time, if your save doesn’t load. You can put the password to reload where you left off. As for the butterfly just aim where the butter fly is at and press the button. There was no animation that aim at the butterfly. The walkthough explains the buttons better than me.

    2. 1) That code is a save code that store your current progress in a code form. it is so you can easily transfer save data to a different computer for browser you are playing the game on. The game should save the data locally on your computer just like it does in the online version. There is no difference in how you save the game between the online and offline versions. I need to use know what operation system you are using.

      2) I tested taking butterfly picture and everything seems to be working just fine in umcc update 3. you need to just make sure the butterfly is near the center of the camera view and press A. No one else has mentioned any problems with them.

      1. Thanks for the info on saving the game, I’m going to need the codes since it doesn’t want to seem to remember my saved games, no need to go into details about operating systems’, this method will work just fine 🙂

        To take pictures of the green and purple butterflys in the park I am using the S key to snap a picture when I am close to them. The red butterfly outside of the house works just fine using the camera app.

        1. taking pictures is with the A key, not S.

          and you snap the butterflies in the Walking Trail, and Light Forest area, not the Park.

  34. just wondering, when you start a pledge at Patron, is it you who send it to our email or if not how do i start the download?

    1. Not sure how i missed the but the download is in the related post under the creation tab on my patreon page.

  35. I bought the full version and it seems like its missing a lot and it has a few glitches so really its not worth seven dollars at all

  36. Hi, I can’t load this update or its only load with less then 10 kb/s :/
    Is it normal or is this download blocked?

      1. my host is having network issues. not much I can do about it at the moment.
        I’m pretty sure the link works otherwise.
        I think I will try to actually get the vps server though. because I want to test the online game I am recently working on.

        “We are currently observing DNS issues affecting domains registered through eNom, one of our domain registration partners. HostGator teams are presently engaged with eNom support and hope to have this issue resolved shortly.”

    1. When you save the game, there are numbers that show up to the side. high light all those numbers copy make a note and save it. The next time you play, if you load where it ask for a password. Just open the note you made high light copy. Go where the password is at and paste. Afer you enter you should be in Maiko’s room. The progress, date, exp should be where you left off.

      Now if your talking about the password in the title screen where it’s in the bottom left end corner. That is a cheat code. You get the cheat code when you finish the game.

    2. @someone

      The passwords and cheats work just like @justjoe2k explained , but the “omfg” is not a password or cheat, thats why its not working for you, its a variable. Let me quote @Vortex00
      “added a boob size larger then jumbo. use: “omfg” for the boob variable (2)”
      Those variables are used to edit custom characters so that boob size will only be available during meetings with custom girls using that option. You have to enter the custom characters folder, access a girl file and edit it with the note pad and changing her size for “omfg”, so it will be big. Thats all, hope this info helps.

  37. hmm, great stuff as usual keep it up, and any chance you might add a custom boob size option for Maiko ?

    1. I didn’t plan on modifying this game any further. I was actually working on a sequel of you were not aware. It is called classroom havoc, instead of classroom cheaters. Should be player shortly here. I guess I should edit the post here.

      The short version is. I did not plan on having Maiko’s breast customizable.

      The reason being is because elements of the story are tailored around Maiko having big boobs, but less size then Luma. As you may have noticed, during the game she gets sexually objectified quite heavily through the game for her large breast size and inability to really react verbally such as Luma would do. And if they are made to be significantly smaller, people such as Kyle and David obsessing over her breasts seems less believable to a degree.

      the idea was you play as Maiko the way she is. both having stuff players may find appealing and also stuff not as appealing or lacking. customization of her body looses the effect of what characters say to her. So that is the reason why I never added that. I just had it where you can have it, or remove them completely they were blocking something you need to see on the screen.

      I’ve been looking into the possibility of having a female or male character that is complete custom in classroom havoc. But I will investigate it more after all the main events are complete.

  38. hmm, ok thax for intel, the cutomisation i thought aout was acctually only up 😀 like we have 100% ->150% ->200% smth like that

    one more thing should you include a thing like boob-snapshot in the sequel pls make it so that you can actually “fit” whole into the camera view screen, unless i dont know how to this properly ?!

  39. the game is so awesome i cant stop playing but i cant fine the dabble dildo.
    (and the Sean when miko masturbating with the pencil during a test gives me a huge tern on you cloud make it so that you can get Caught and the teacher kick you out of the class and you fail in the test but if you do it 3 time after you get kick the teacher tell you to go to her office and you get some yuri action or th tech just tell her to masterbate in front of the haul class and you have to fallow a patter and if you dont do it correctly you fail the test)

    1. Thanks, the dildos can be bought in the lingerie shop.
      Hmm Maiko having to masturbate in front of the whole class is interesting idea heh.

  40. i was just wondering but how con there is int really any yuri action in the shower yeah sure the smach there boobs togeder and all of that but that seems more playful then actual you now

    1. because I don’t like yuri very much. So it is difficult for me to want to make it.

      a harem type anime is a good example of this. with multiple girls but they are all heterosexual for the most part.

  41. Would you increase variations of the sex between Maiko and boyfriends?
    A pattern to insert is the outside in back and wants in particular you to increase it if you like with a chisel because I am lonely

    1. just press the download button and save it.
      this is the whole game and not a part of another game.
      it contains umichan main classroom cheaters including updates 1, 2, and 3.

      you will need to unzip it. your computer should be able to do that without downloading anything extra so google how to do it if you are unsure.

      then just run the .swf file with your browser by opening a browser window and dragging it into the window.

      1. i downloaded it and i tried unziping i used 7 zip could you possible make a video of you downloading the game also if you do put link up so i can see it

        1. please make sure you are trying to run the game from the folder you unzipped. and not the the zipped folder.

          drag UmiChanClassroomCheater8X3.swf into a new tab in your internet browser

          1. Thank you very much im not good at directions unless some one shows me how sorry for being annoying

  42. Hi! I just love to play this game!
    However, i believe the Hentai scenes could be so much more.
    Such as;
    – More lesbian interaction (as well with 2 girls as with 2 girls & 1 boy) e.g. During double dildo, the girls should come & girls have have some dirty talk too instead of only guys saying dirty things to you
    – Change shower scenes if relationships improves (Luma is still ‘mean’ under the shower even though you can do Yuri with her)
    – More gangbang / threesome options (where two male friends (faces visible) can have sex with you, but as well two friends with you and a female friend) Invite more people in your house?
    – Pleasure girls too in the walking trail & beach? (buy double dildo?)
    – Extra task of letting everyone cum (all boys, girls & teachers)
    Despite of these improvements points, i still love the game and cannot wait for the UMCH!

    1. These are really great ideas here. Not surprised to see so much yuri stuff heh. but it is all doable assuming I can manage to update the game without flash having issues.
      As ttrop gets more and more art done it is looking more and more possible to update this and simply combine stuff from UMCH into it. For example, instead of “Work here” in the cafe, i can have the actual cafe minigame I did for umch. I’m trying to weigh if it is really worth it it have a smaller game of UMCH or just try to make umcc more manageable to update further, both art and content. I will need to sit down a break the game apart into smaller chunks. Either way, i will probably just call it classroom havoc anyways thoguh. And thanks for the feedback~

  43. At the Lingerie Store I cant increase customers how long do i need to do the yuri service.

    1. I don’t remember tbh heh. I can look sometime today.
      if it does not increase from winning with yuri minigame then it is not working.
      also I might have takes the customers mechanic out but left the display amount there.

  44. Sorry I figured it out I need the bar to fill completely twice before finishing. Perhaps you can make an indicator of when you are allowed to leave.

    1. that for posting I’m sure I’ll come back and read everything here when the new art is closer to being finished.

  45. I can’t get the download to work on my laptop. I download it then extract the files and it still won’t let me play. Is it because I have Windows 8? [[I think it’s 8 anyway??]]

    1. It is not tested in windows 8 and I don’t know anything about that OS. My best suggestion is is try to run the .swf file with a web browser such as firefox or chrome. Let me know if that works.

      1. Nope it still didn’t work. But I’m not sure if I’m doing it correctly or not to be honest….

          1. How odd Adobe flash is usually universal with every OS out there. Even if there is a OS flash player doesn’t support. I was able to run your flash on a teblet through a browser once he hack and put a plug of flash player support with the browser. Unless he is trying to run it in exe. He should be able to run it on a browser no matter the browser or OS as long as the drivers are there for flash player. He might be missing drivers or have to update his flash player. Hell this is windows exe is supported by old exe. Unless you have plug drivers that are made for the old OS. Most exe are run on flash as a plug so it shouldn’t be a problem for him. Also classic mode is still in Windows 8 for old Vista and 7 OS. Yes windows 8 supports those two old programs into 8. Unless his windows 8 doesn’t come with the classic mode, I mean the old desktop classic windows we know. Windows 8 is running 2 types like a tablet and like the old school windows. There are windows 8 that comes without the classic. And there is Windows RT but that is impossible since that is windows 8 base but for phones and tablets. A water down version without the classic mode.

            Speaking of windows… windows 10 is coming and is free maybe you might want to grab a free copy vortex00.

          2. @justjoe2k
            last i checked they force download updates and don’t give you a choice when to install them for the home version. so I’ll pass.

          3. To justjow2k I want to inform you that I’m not a boy, I’m a girl because yes girls can play these types of games too. (Though I’m doing it to break out of my comfort zone to try and be a better writer.) Also everything is up to date as far as I know. Adobe hasn’t popped up with “download updated version”.

            To Voryex00 I click download and where it says to download the game to I click browse and find the firefox and chrome folders then I click them. It says “Open with” then I press “OK”. A new window/tab opens up for it but nothing happens. It won’t even let me refresh the page.

          4. Sorry I thought you was a dude, anyways go to the flash your trying to play. You know the exe version that is the icon that is a ball with a letter F and the color is dark grey. Right click mouse select property, in that click the top where it says compatibility. Check mark Run this program in compatibility mode for: It should be at default Windows XP (Service Pack 2). If not click on it and there should be options to select the old legacy Windows OS of your choice choose Windows XP. At the bottom there are 3 buttons OK, Cancel and Apply. Click Apply button than click on OK button. Now when you open it, it will open as a old legacy software. Let me know if that works.

          5. This download is a compressed archive “.zip” format that needs to be extracted before you can play it. download it and save it to a folder. go to where you saved the file and extract it. There are two ways to do this.

            double-click the compressed folder to open it. Then, drag the file or folder from the compressed folder to a new location.


            to extract the entire contents of the compressed folder, right-click the folder, click Extract All, and then follow the instructions.

            after that you can play the .swf by right clicking and opening with your browser and/or ou should be able to run the .exe. you might need to be in some legacy mode as Joe mentioned. The exe was compiled on windows 7. Let me know if you still have trouble.

  46. Is there a game that is just like this? Because I played this game so much already and can’t play more.
    Really looking forward to UMCH.

    1. It’s been a while since I have played UMCC. but I think you can punch then and it will expose their breasts and cause them to move away in a direction, you can keep doing that.

      also you can bring a dude and cause him to masturbate near hem and that will cause them to move away also.

  47. Hey, Vortex, i am going to download this game and i need to ask you a few questions.
    When i open up the game, is it going to open in fullscreen, in a windowed screen or a small windowed screen? Because my PC lags a lot in fullscreen.

  48. Hey Vortex, I played umcc and pretty much all your other games and decided the other day to pledge on patreon. excellent work it is the best and most interactive hentai game i have played. I have a question about umcc, i finished the game and at the end of the credits it said “good ending”, are there other endings that can be attained?

      1. i click in the direct dl in the description but he gave me a file in zip and the game files in utorrent

  49. vortex, when i try to download it, the swf file isnt part of it. ive tried downloading it multiple times and each time its the same

  50. I have thoughts and opinions about the sex scenes from the classrooms when you see the security camera. I honestly believe you haven’t thought thought them through. Here’s why I think this.
    1: Pattie is in it which doesn’t make sense since she’s madly in love with Umichan Maiko.
    2: Lynn is in it which she shouldn’t be since I think when you talk to her about sex she has a 0.
    3: Riley is in it which she shouldn’t be since she is class representative and she has a 0 when you discuss sex.
    4: All the girls that puts their tits against Maikochan’s should not be in it.
    5: All the people who had a 0 when you discussed sex shouldn’t be in it.
    In my opinion I would like for all of these things I discussed to be corrected. This could be a great opportunity to actually re do the game and make it a new version with a lot more stuff like new missions, female sex and etc. Really hope you read this. Also this really surprised me when I seen all the girls that had a 0 about sex and the ones that rubs tits with Umichan.

      1. Umch is the spiritual successor to this game. Canonically, Aria also takes place after this game but it has different characters and is in a different setting.

      2. I totally agree with your list. along with several other things in the game that don’t match the personality of the character. It’s why I every grew a distaste for continuing adding content to this game. As Wilson mentioned I did eventually make a successor to this game. Different people have different opinions about it.

        I should also mention that scene you referenced in UMCC just random pairs character together. There is not significant attachment to story or character personality there. again kind of a greater issues with the whole game in general imo.

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