Not really a main character but he was needed to be redrawn ahead of schedule because of...
Site Updates
Site Updates
in preparation for upcoming games I want to beat on what minigames and characters people like the...
So you might have noticed that there is new character art being created, but wondering what is...
Haven’t made a post in while just been taking it easy during the holidays for past week...
been working on UMCH boxer and UMCH updates for this month. Kinda cramming atm but we’ll see...
I figured it would be good to make a post on where I am at on various...
@jccq89 will be managing some social media accounts for the site, and doing some publicity around the...
wanted to mention in kind of a check-up post what I have planned to do. Firstly, I...
last week and this week I’ve been binge working on animations for the UMCH at the end...
wanted to make a small outline of what is coming in next UMCH update. my main goal...
Managed to write a tyranoscript for a very basic turn based combat system that takes in variables...
It was brought to my attention that I have done on of these in a while so...
yesterday I had a epiphany I wanted to share with people who why browser games might be...
Finally finished a prototype test game for Aria agent trainer pvp stuff I’m not totally sure this...
I finished writing the rough draft of the Savor the Moment quest for UMCH. which is a...
Unlike in UMCC, in UMCH you can’t manually take photos on the tablet this time around. However...