X = the thing you are taking about
When will public version of X be released?
When dealing with public releases, I hate to sound like assshole, but seriously, I don’t know anything exactly because I can’t predict the future.
Sometimes I will start to work on something then then stop because I’m not into the groove, or get burnt out on it.
And forcing myself to do something produces crappy bug riddled results.
Public anything is normally already playable but takes a bit longer to release because I don’t want a potentially buggy game circulating around the internet. So I spend a bit longer working out issues. Because my games normally have a lot of complexity to them, it usually takes a lot of bug testing, and bug testing from different people, before I feel comfortable enough to release a public version. so please be patient. When I know the date I will post it in a site update or similar news post. If I haven’t posted information about when I will release something, it is because I don’t even know that myself.
Also releasing something is more than just determining if a game or something is past a threshold of completeness. A developer also has to be mentally prepared to receive both positive and negative criticism, deal with haters, etc. So both me and the game needs to be ready for a release.
I don’t like X
Majority of the time, It is how want it to be. The reason I started making games, and the reason why making games is fun for me, is because I get to make them how I want to make them. Taking that away from me, or wanting to, makes we want to just do something else, or work on nothing, or just work on it privately.
I certainly accept feedback and suggestions about what personal preferences to add and/or improve. but if your and/or even many people’s personal preferences conflicts with what I want to do, I won’t alter it so you will like it. I definitely need to retain what I enjoy about making games to continue making them. If I have made this clear to you and asked you to stop, please don’t go on and on about it. Also don’t make comments hinting that whatever I wanted to do is a bad idea. If you strongly don’t like something, and especially if I have asked you to stop posting about it, you need to just go find something else you like.
I felt like it was necessary to page a page like this.
For future reference This page can be found under Info->Info in the main navigation menu.
Patience is a virtue, hang in there do what you must do first and good luck.
I will second that. Try not to let it bother you. Just part of the internet, I guess. :/
Yep I already know that, since I have seen the changes of UM. Guys there was a lot of content that never made it in UMCC. Do to bug problems and not fitting into the flash right. Usually bugs it was a nightmare. Specially early DoE holy shit the slow down of early DoE. Ideas are always feed back doesn’t mean a developer will do what you say. But they’ll think of what to do before doing it. Developers always have everything plan out on a blue print. The problem is when fans demand and want change because they say so. Ending up fucking up the code. Just ask the guys that did Socom games they kept adding stuff that wasn’t Socom at all. It came from Call of Duty or some other FPS game. In the end Socom Confrontation, Socom 4 etc had bugs up the ass. Bugs up the ass usually happen when developers keep adding to much new stuff without checking the code. And making sure they stay on what the blue print is. Meanwhile whatever new ideas that have a beta but doesn’t make it in the game. Usually makes it in the sequel. Anyways this is something to remember and why games like Socom becomes a cluster fuck. Right now Metal Gear Solid 5 is a cluster fuck but it is a well patch cluster fuck.The game is incomplete V00 talks about adding to much content and never be finish with a game. That is what happen to MGS5.
yes Joe references some things I talk about this in TandA1.
vortex-san can you give me tutorial how to make booty physic also thight physic like yours
i would appreciate it if you can teach me those cause i search all over the web and its only tell me how to make boobs physic…
Hey, I can’t access the patreon games on my laptop. Is it my laptop, or do I need a certain thing
downloaded to run it?
hm your browser on the laptop might not be accepting cookies or session tokens.
It keeps saying the webpage cannot be found on the game. The rest of the page is loaded, however. Is there some simple solution to it I’m not seeing?
Sounds like you browser is either blocking the cookie or not able to play iframes. I can see what up if you tell me what browser you are using and what operating system. like windows 7, or some linux destro or whatever.
Its a Toshiba web browser, and I’m currently using Windows 8.
Hmm. i think i have windows 7 and 10. I will try windows 10 and that browser.
Okay. I’ll try it out. thanks.
I opened up the html for v20 of UMCH and there is no sound. Is this a problem on my end or is it suppose to be that way? if it is a problem on my end do you have any suggestions to fix it?
UMCH has no sounds yet. once i add sounds in each separate quests i will retrofit them back into umch to finish it up.
Hey man love the projects. I would like to know if you will make a phone version of ARIA and MUCH. Im not often at my pc but I really want to play it when I’m taking a break or something. Wish you the best of luck upgrading these amazing games and making upcoming games in the future.
P.S. sorry for bad English.
many thanks. the separate umichan chapters i think can be played in a browser. I know the puffin browser can play swf.